
A Wife's Tears

second chance

Caroline and Dalton had been married for almost two years. Their love was genuine, and their marriage seemed perfect. However, the absence of children made there family incomplete.They have tried, hoped and failed several times. And Caroline never expected infertility to strain their relationship.Then, Caroline discovered Dalton's infidelity, shattering her heart. Overwhelmed with pain, she left him and that's also when she was found out that she's pregnant. Caroline filed for divorce without revealing her pregnancy to him. Caroline raised their child by herself, taking on various jobs to ensure a comfortable life for them. Despite the challenges of solo parenting, her child's love brought her fulfillment. But Caroline's peaceful existence was interrupted when she crossed paths with Dalton again...

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Chapter 1
CAROLINE MILLER parked her car in front of her five-year-old daughter Dahlia's school. After parking, she turned off the engine of her car. And before getting out, she checked her own reflection in the rearview mirror, to make sure that she looked presentable. Feeling content, Caroline stepped out the car and began walking towards the school. "Good afternoon, Ma'am," the guard greeted her with a smile in his face. The school guard recognized her, as Caroline regularly dropped off and picked up Dahlia to her school. Occasionally, when her online business kept her busy, she'd ask Christian or Gwen to fetch Dahlia instead. Christian and Gwen are siblings who helped Caroline when she needed help the most. And they became friends. Caroline smiled warmly at the guard. "Good afternoon," she replied to him. "Come in, Ma'am," the guard said. "Thank you," Caroline said before entering the school. "Mama! Mama!" Caroline couldn't help but smile upon hearing Dahlia's happy voice. She saw her little girl running towards her. Caroline stopped walking and opened her arms wide. As Dahlia approached, she eagerly hugged Caroline's waist. Caroline gently stroked her daughter's hair. "Hi, baby Dahlia," she greed her daugther. Dahlia broke away from hugging her legs and gazed up to her. Caroline pursed her lips to contain her laughter at her daughter's puckered lips as their eyes met. "Mama, I'm not a baby anymore. I'm a big girl now," Dahlia said, still pouting her lips. "Baby Dahlia, if you're a big girl now, you should be this tall," Caroline said, raising her hand above her head. "You're still my baby girl, since you're only this tall," she added, lowering her hand to Dahlia's waist. Dahlia pouted again. "And for me, you're still my baby. Mama loves you so much." Dahlia's lips quivered, followed by a sweet smile. "Okay, Mama. Dahlia's loves you too." Caroline's face glowed with a warm smile as she gazed lovingly at her daughter. Her life had been filled with countless challenges, but when she discovered she was pregnant, she found the strength to carry on for her child's sake. Caroline was deeply grateful for overcoming those hardships and for the people who supported her during her darkest moments. Without them, she couldn't imagine what would have happen to her. Caroline took Dahlia's bag and lunchbox. "So, Baby Dahlia, how was school?" she asked gently to her. Dahlia looked up, revealing a paper in her hand. "I got a perfect score on our quiz, Mama!" Dahlia exclaimed, waving the paper proudly at her. "Let me see, baby?" Dahlia handed the paper to her. "Ten over ten! Wow!" Caroline exclaimed, seeing the perfect score of her daugther paper. "My baby's amazing!" "Of course, Mama," Dahlia replied, smiling. "I take after you!" Caroline smiled, knowing her daughter inherited more than just intelligence. Dahlia resembled her, a miniature version. Their facial features matched - the shape, eyes, small upturned nose and naturally rosy lips. It seems that Dahlia only got her father's dark brown eye color, unlike her, it was chocolate-brown eyes. But whenever Caroline gazed into Dahlia's eyes, it was like she staring into... Caroline brushed off the memories. Now was not the time to dwell on the past. She took a deep breath. "Let's go, baby?" Dahlia nodded. Caroline gently grasped her small hand. Hand in hand, they walked out of the school. They soon reached her car. Caroline placed Dahlia's bag and lunchbox on the backseat. She then opened the passenger door, carefully lifted Dahlia and secured her in. After fastening the seatbelt, Caroline slid into the driver's seat, started the engine and prepared to leave. "Mama, I'm hungry. Can we eat my favorite?" Dahlia said. Caroline glanced away from the road and smiled. "I want Spaghetti and Fried Chicken, please, Mama." Dahlia's pleading eyes locked onto hers. "And fries, burger and sundae, too," she added. "Please, Mama?" Caroline smiled, "Okay, baby," she agreed and focused her attention on the road. "Yay!" Dahlia cheered, throwing her hands up. Caroline's fatigue melted away, seeing her daughter's joy. Her daughter was her ultimate stress reliever. "LET'S GO, Mama!" Dahlia pulled Caroline into the fast-food place. "Watch your step, sweetie," she advised, as the child rushed ahead. Upon entering the establishment, Caroline look for an available table. Once found, she carefully guided Dahlia there. She lifted the child and gently placed them in the chair. "Dahlia, sweetie, I'll order our food. Please stay seated and don't wander off," she instructed firmly to her daughter. The child nodded obediently to her. "Okay, Mama. I'll behave." "Promise?" she asked, raising her right hand as if taking an oath. "Promise, Mama," Dahlia replied, mimicking her gesture. Caroline smiled and headed to the counter, leaving Dahlia seated. She joined the line, waiting behind two other customers. Caroline checked on her child while waiting. Once her turn arrived, she ordered and quickly received her food. A staff member helped her carry the tray to their table. "Thanks," Caroline smiled, as the staff placed the tray down to their table. Caroline sat opposite to Dahlia. As Dahlia grabbed a French fry, she interrupred her and said, "Pray first, sweetie." Dahlia apologized, straightened up, closed her eyes, and prayed. "Amen," they said, smiling. "Let's eat, Mama." Caroline handed Dahlia her food. Dahlia quickly grabbed a French fry and dipped it in her sundae instead of ketchup. Caroline watched her briefly before starting to eat. "Mama," Dahlia said, looking up. "Yes, baby?" Caroline replied. "May I borrow your cellphone?" Dahlia asked, raising her hand. Dahlia's age makes it surprisingly easy for her to use cell phones and gadgets. Caroline's often taken aback when Dahlia asks about her social media account. Caroline affirmatively responds, having accounts for her online selling business and personal memories. Her social media account showcases products, while i********: stories cherished moments with Dahlia, from pregnancy to milestones. Her account is private ensures only friends and followers view her posts. "Mommy, I'm messy" Dahlia said, noticing her reflection on the phone's front camera. Caroline glanced over and chuckled at the spaghetti sauce on Dahlia's lips. "Let me clean you up." She grabbed baby wipes from her bag, gently wiping the sauce away. "All better," she smiled. "Thanks, Mama," Dahlia replied. "No worries, baby," Caroline assured. Caroline hugged Dahlia as they prepared for a selfie. "Kiss my cheek, Mama," Dahlia requested. After taking the photo, Dahlia exclaimed, "I look beautiful here, oh!" Caroline reviewed the picture and chuckled, "Of course, you inherited my features." "Didn't I inherit from Papa?" Dahlia asked innocently. Caroline paused, surprised by her question. "Uh, No. You got your looks from Mama, sweetie." She replied briefly. "Shall we upload our selfie on i********:, baby?" she asked, shifting the conversation. Caroline avoided discussing Dahlia's father because she was afraid of more questions, especially about his whereabouts or why they weren't together. Caroline mentioned to Dahlia before that her father worked abroad.

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