The crowd was bigger tonight, much bigger, and much more excited too. Smiling, Sophia begins to descend the stairs, and the guards around her try their best to keep the crowd as far away as possible, enough for Sophia to be able to pass. Her convoy was parked just down the stairs, all she needed to do was endure the squeezing long enough to get there. They were her fans, they were here for her, and despite her uneasiness tonight, she cannot send them away. This was the life she lived for.
Finally, after what seems like hours, she gets to her car, the door was opened for her by one of the men, and she gets in. Sophia sighs, resting her head on the chair rest and sighing out in relief. One less day to conquer.
Her Personal assistant begins to pull out the shoes she has been wearing, giving her leg some massage in the process.
"Did the shoes have to be this high, tonight, Mira?" she asks closing her eyes.
Mira opens her mouth to talk, but her Manager who was seated in front cuts in.
"It's what was needed tonight, Sophia. You saw the way Lisa Barnes kept staring at them. It's limited edition." Martin says turning to face her in the back seat.
Sophia sighs. "At least make it an inch shorter next time, Martin. I almost tripped twice in the hall tonight during the awards." She says sinking more into her seat. Mira raises her head and puts a pillow under it, then she begins to lower Sophia's seat backwards so Sophia could take a short nap should she desire to.
"I'll send my worries to the designers and have them make shorter shoes in the future, and then you can wear them to the zoo." Martin says and Mira laughs. Turning to face Sophia again. "But I know the shoe is not to be blamed for your breaking that wine glass earlier. What happened?" He asks, his eyes on her.
Sophia opens her eyes briefly and looks at Martin, and then she closes them again. "I am feeling agitated." She says.
"Did you take your pill tonight?" Martin asks.
"She did." Mira cuts in.
"It's more than that, Martin, it feels as though something is -" She was cut off by the sound of her phone ringing. Her private phone. She sighs. "Is it Mother? If she is the one I do not want to speak with her. I told her I am not joining them to -
"It's your brother." Mira tells her, stretching the phone to her.
Opening her eyes, she gets the phone from Mira, swipes it open and glues it to her ear. "Rolland, you know that Mum having you call me will not change my mind. I am not -
"Are you Sophia the First?" Asks the voice from the other end.
Martin and Mira turn to face her. Sophia rolls her eyes, what game was Rolland playing this time. "Yes." She answers. "I am Sophia, but not the first, however this immature brother of mine tries to convince you that I am."
They was silence from the other end, followed by a sigh. "Well, it seems that immature brother of yours will never bother you again." The voice says.
Sophia sits up slowly, "Who exactly am I speaking -
"My name is Inspector Johnson and I am calling from McKean Street. I am afraid to tell you that your brother and family have been involved in a ghastly accident."
"What!" Sophia exclaims sitting up completely and going pale. Was this one of Rolland's prank? No. He has never been this extreme.
"We will need you to head over to St Louis Hospital this minute and -" The rest of his words were lost on her as the phone falls off her hand.
Martin turns to their driver. "En route to St Louis Hospital, now!" He orders as the driver immediately makes a turn.
It was happening, it was really happening. By the time they got to the hospital, it was filled to the brim with reporters and news men, running around and trying to squeeze out every piece of information from anyone who cares to offer them. And the moment their car arrives the hospital garage, they all begin to run towards it, making it hard for her to even step out. They had hurry down without any of their guards, so it was just them.
Mira and Martin step out of the car, trying their best to keep the reporters at length but to no avail. Unable to wait inside the car anymore, Sophia opens the door and steps out, the crowd push closer.
"That's enough." She says, her voice barely above a whisper. No one heard her, no one stopped. They push closer, all trying to get her to say something, unable to take it any longer, Sophia pushes Mira aside, gets the camera from one of the reporters and throws it to the ground, shattering it to pieces. It got all their attention. "I said that is enough!" She says, her lips quivering, her eyes glazed with tears.
The police arrive just then and begin to help her clear a part, leading her towards the hospitals main entrance.
Martin turns to the reporter whose camera was broken, and extends a card to him. "Find me tomorrow and we will do something about the camera." He says rushing away after Sophia and Mira.
Inside the hospital, she was led to where the Inspector was discussing with a Doctor. Sophia gulps as she approaches the men, and they turn to face her.
"Miss Sophia?" The Inspector asks and Sophia nods, her eyes moving from him, to the Doctor, ad back. "Inspector Johnson, I spoke with you on the phone." He says offering her a handshake.
She takes the hand, gulping more. "How …" She gulps again, "How are they?" She asks.
The Doctor and Inspector exchange looks, before they both turn to face her.
"I am very sorry, Miss Sophia, we tried all we could." The Doctor says.
"Who?" She asks gulping.
The Doctor turns to look at the Inspector again, and then looks back at her. "Your Mother." He tells her. "Your brother died before they arrived at the hospital."
"No!" Sophia says just as her leg buckles, but Mira and Martin hold unto her from behind.
"Your father is currently in the surgery room, but I must say," he shakes his head, "... it doesn't look good."
It was the last thing Sophia heard as she loses consciousness and falls back.
"Sophia!" Martin calls out as he holds unto her. "Sophia!"
The Doctor speaks into his emergency line calling carriers who arrive and put her on a stretcher, driving her towards the emergency room. They all follow until they got to a room and the Doctor stops them.
"We will take it from here." The Doctor says closing the door.
The Inspector turns to face Martin and Mira. "Is there someone else we can call in this situation?" He asks.
Martin gulps, shaking
his head. "No. Sophia is the only one left."