
David and his friend Goliath.


This is a story about two friends, like any other friendship story, it is in the heart of the suburbs. One is a lion and the other is an eagle, Ola plays the role of a young Alpha, with his broad shoulders and a 16 years old swagger. Jide on the other hand is an Alpha as well, but in the category of school privilege and the title of the best driver in in any GTA games. Their journey together will shape the way they perceive the world around them, while in turn will an opposite reaction back to their environment. Enjoy..................Merry Christmas.

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Chapter 1It's 5:00am and today like all days in the surburbs of Lagos the streets are already buzzing with lif is like a competition in this part of the world, about about it, you will realize that these Religie early cry for an alarm clock, atleast that is ho"OLA!!, oga shey you no go comot for that room dey go school? Bide is already waiting for you in the"It's Jide, with a J." Jide corrects Sophia for the hundrenth time he concludes and this time you cooming obvious to him that she's doing it on purposhave been possible judging from Stephenea's size aAnd so when she said, "Eh whatever" and stode off to the kitchen, he didn't push his luck .Bola's mother, Mrs Tosin Benjamin walks out from the kitchen that is seperated from the dining hall ere Jide is now sitting on the old brown couch thawall is an old goldish looking clock with the logoead, still his father has pushed him to be in the "Ehe, ekaro Jide, baoni?""I'm fine Ma.""And your mother, how is she?""she's very well ma","and i hope you are going to put in your best effort now that you and Bola are in the big boy class?t day as senior students."Ofcourse ma, i will definitly give my 100percent and my mom said i should thank you for the bottle "Hope it was sweet?""Ah! it was very sweet Ma.""This one is for you as you are now a big boy," and she hands a small bottle of groundnut that's ins for the bottle once its emptied of it's alchoholi"I will ma, thank you ma for the groundnut.""You're welcome my dear." And she leaves to carry on her morning chores around the house as Jide kee, although he's already had breakfast at home befoIt doesn't take long before Bolu comes out of his room all dressed up except for the school tie whicnotted. just before the two boys head out Bolu cola. None of the boys pack lunch like they usually dual "Good morning Uncle Bolu, Good morning Uncle JMrs Njideka's children go to the same school as Bolu but there are different buildings for the Nursedary with the seniors taking the top and the juniothe assembly, they're 30minutes early and as potenuilding has the yellow and white colours of thier "I know this not in our scheme of work, but i want your opinion on what i want to share and since yo than 5 years, you know when you say 5 years it sehen you eventually become Undergraduates. So my fi"Yes, do you have an idea?"Everyone's attention focuses on him as he stands, "Aristotle was a Greek Philosopher who lived arouni'm not sure which one.""Yes he was a student of Plato, that's very good and is there any other famous feats Aristotle is kn"Um, i think he was the one that taught Alexander the Great and also the Author of Politics.""Wow wow, a round of applause everyone, that is fantastic i'm glad that one of you could come up wit"My name is Jide Sir.""Jide, well as i promised, Jide it is my pleasure to award you this 500 Naira, don't spend it all at mixed reactions from the rest of the class, some hey moved to a new class Jide was known for answer"Well i admire Jide here and all though it is only my first time taking your class, i can see he's o""Yes Sir, our very own nerd." Chipped in a student in the back and everyone laughed hard at the jokee. Even the teacher coudn't help but smile. "Well efence or against the qualites of being a nerd. "S"Closing time!" The students troop out of their respective classes, some still hangout at thier claso Jide's class to make sure Jide doesn't leave himorget.""I'm already going bro so this one your saying is not my problem." Jide's tone was a bit hostile whi"Oga are you not talking to Nancy?" And means to leave but before he could run off, Nancy ambushes h"Ola hi, so your not going to greet me abi?" She looks at him teasinly, Jide didn't catch the glance was looking right into his eyes. Plus, the girl elsewhere. It's also one of the reasons he's grate"Jide i thought," but his classmate Stanley starts calling him so they can go catch up with the restelf and decides against saying what he had in mindallway, down the stairs; They stop at the cafeteri time they walk in there are over six boys already"Alright boys this show is about to goo down!" Bolu declares with his bag pack raised in the air."Guy where una dey since, i don almost comot." Says Abiola, interrupting Bolu."Guy calm down, crowd been dey for Oga Wafers side." That was the name they ordained Mr Wale since he school had officailly gone for Mr ans Mrs Wale'ugh he didn't go, he joined the rest calling Mr Wa"Oya oya, let's start arranging, Tayo how far the cup." Tayo steps out from the midst of the boys an over to Abiola who sets it on one of the platformd by drinking the common form of garri in the reging or very strict budget, but for some reason it sThey pour the contents into the cup, add water, sugar, groundnut, satchets of powdered milk and thend and take take turns drinking the garri, ofcourseemen with disgust. They've never been given anythibinet. Yet they prefer to fight over who gets to d"So are you going to tell me why you stopped me?" Nancy is acting like she'd prefer to be somewhere"I, I wanted to enquire, i mean i was hoping if you will consider, that's what i wanted,""Are you alright?, cause i can't make out a word of what you are saying." Nancy asks and in that momAnd so with a pitched voice, he speaks from his heart. "Nancy i like you a lot, infact i've always lt you and so what i want to say is will you be my oning his methods and lecturing him like he would "Do you know how long i've been waiting for that question, it got to a point i concluded you will nen hearing that it had been obvious he liked her mawas both embasrrased and elated like someone who j"What you liked me?." This revelation obviously changes everything."Jide why did you think i used to sit beside you since Jss2, why did you think i always try to hang g you the signal since na." "Wait, you've been hanging out with me and Ola because you like me and not because you liked Ola?." "Wait what?, why would you think i like Bola, i mean he's loud, he's not as smart as you, you can neoo tall, he's too black, i mean the list goes on a"But you always laugh at his jokes, and let's not forget the fact that you always talk to me when he"Well that's because you never say anything and when i stand with you, you always act wierdly quiet. jealous and talk to me." Well that put the pieces through his heart, all the way to his brain, he w"So i guess we just misunderstood the situation, and now that's sorted i guess what's left is our of"Well, where do you have in mind." This is really happening Jide thinks, feeling his palm that is noversation has to come to an end. "Well i'll text you about it." "Sometimes i forget you have my number.""Well i didn't really know what to say, i guess." "If we're going to do anything, then you'll have to promise me you"ll call, like a lot." she was rea"I will, like a lot, i'll call to the point that you'll be tired." She laughs, obviously happy."Ok then handsome, i guess its bye for now." She said looking a bit shy, at that point it took all t or try to as he wasn't sure her reaction."Cool, can i escort you though?." He asked, as he didn't know what else to say."I wasn't sure you'd ask." She said smiling and now he's regretting why he didn't kiss her when the f class together, holding hands and she had Comment Later that day, Ola goes over to J Jide's house which is a regular thing since.......

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