
My Celestial Twin mates

another world

Growing up had been difficult for twins Averly and Casidy, they were raised as weapons to save their world which was dying and the pressure was sometimes to much

Their difficulties were lessoned by the Dragon King, King Aiden who had rescued the girls in their infancy after finding them drowning in a river.

For the past few years before they came of age, the girls began to have visions, one vision showed them that Aiden was not just their King, he was their mate..

After confronting their mate, their world gets turned upside down and they must come to terms with jealousy, death and secrets.

Will they end up with a happy little family the girls have dreamt about their whole lives after growing up as orphans or will fate tear them apart

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It had been 16 years since I found the twins. I had found them at one years old, half drowned in a lake I’d been drinking out of in my dragon form and the second I smelt their scents I knew they were my mates and I had to save them Mercifully as an alpha and King of my thunder, I was born with very specific powers, one being my ability to heal. I'd pulled the girls from the lake with my Beta Ryker, and I'd gotten to work at saving them. I had been successful and eagerly brought my girls home to my castle where I'd had them raised by a nanny for the past 16 years. I told the girls their families had died and that I'd found them in the woods but obviously it was a lie. After bringing them home, the girl's appearances began to change. Averly or Ava as she preferred to be called, was the youngest of the two and was the smaller of the two girls, her hair turned from soft black to bright white, while Casidy’s hair went from black to red. A clear sign that these girls were not ordinarily dragons, as all the dragons in my clan had dark black hair. Only a few months after their change in appearance, I noticed that girls had powers which confirmed what I’d long suspected, they were celestials. Very rare, very powerful dragons who once coming of age at 19, would help heal our world after the last celestial turned evil and kept their power for herself, to the detriment of our world, which was currently dying. After this discovery, I tracked down their true family. They were in deed apart of the family line of celestial women, the last celestial being their great-grandmother. A woman I had imprisoned in my dungeons after the war. Fearing the twin's powers, their parents had tried to drown the girls to try and protect the world, thinking they had succeeded, they left their daughters in the lake and gone home. So I chose to keep that information from them as they aged, along with the fact that I'd been so enraged by their parents attempting to murder my mates that I killed them all but only after I'd tortured their parents for information about their birth and other family secrets. So I knew today was their true birthday, and I was eager to see them and give them my gifts. I had kept them in the dark about our mate bond, they were far too young for such information and I even kept my distance from them, only visiting with them once a year on their birthday so as to not arouse suspicion. I would often see them throughout the castle, but beyond a polite hello, I didn't address them. Whenever I saw them, their scents would hit me like a brick every time and as they aged and grew more beautiful than I could have even imagined, it was getting harder and harder not to claim them before their time. Ava's body was slender and her breasts smaller but still very tempting to my eyes, her gorgeous white hair was straight, but she often wore it up with various ribbons and gems I'd gifted them throughout the years. Her face was soft and round and her eyes were a stunning silvery blue like Casidy’s. Ava preferred more feminine colors, always dressing in pinks and purples and always the same color as her hair ornaments. Casidy, on the other hand, was a little taller than Ava and preferred more neutral colors and left her bright red hair down, she hated being the center of attention, which always failed as she lit up any room she entered. They both did. Casidy’s body was curvaceous, and her breasts were plump and looked so soft to touch, I couldn’t wait for my hands to roam her sweet little body. I truly didn't know who I was more excited to see naked, both girls were so stunning and tempting that I was beyond grateful that I got them both. Over the years, I often thought that perhaps if my twin brother had lived, both girls would have been mates to each of us or perhaps one each, but either way, they were mine now and my bastard brother could rest in misery for all I cared. If he hadn't tried to kill me and take the throne, he would have been here to share our girls, or perhaps they were always both meant for me. I had a ferocious appetite in the bedroom, and it often took two or three women to finally satisfy my lust. I hoped my girls wouldn't mind my desires and longed to have them in my bed. I walked past the bowing guards outside the twin’s wing where I kept them and headed through their suite to their bed chambers. Their incredible scents were all over their wings and I felt my c*ck harden, I had to remind myself that they were only 18 today and I had to wait another year. I knocked on their bedroom door and heard movement inside. 'He's here Casey!' I heard Ava whisper excitedly to her sister as the door opened, and I smiled to myself. Ava was a ball of sunshine, always happy and bubbly. 'Welcome your majesty' Nanny Colleen greeted me and bowed 'Please come in, the girls are ready for you' She was dressed in her usual black dress and silver apron and bonnet. I'd told her years ago that she could dress more comfortably, but she still wore her old uniform from when she took care of me as a child. Nanny Colleen was over 400 years old and had 9 children of her own who'd all left the nest, so to speak, so when id contacted her to look after the girls, she was one of the few clan members who knew they were my mates. She jumped at the chance to help raise them. Her mate, Derek, on the other hand, was a tad annoyed. He'd hoped they could retire and move to the ocean, but she brushed him off and said there was plenty of time for all that retirement nonsense. 'Nanny' I smiled at her and stepped past her to see my girls. My breath left my body for a second. How were they even more beautiful than last week when I last saw them? Ava was wearing a pretty yellow dress I'd gifted her a few months ago with pretty white flowers sticking out the top of her dress against her breasts. The smell of the flowers enhanced her own floral smell and made me want to run my tongue over her soft creamy skin. Her hair was half up and half down with more pretty yellow flowers and a diamond clip I'd given Casidy, though I'd never seen her wear it, she often gave Ava the little bobbles I'd give her instead of wearing them herself. Casidy’s thick wavy waist-length red hair was down like always, but she had pinned one side up a little with a plain gold clip which wasn't like her, but seeing as it was her birthday, perhaps she wanted to dress up. She was also wearing a pretty dress, but it wasn't one I'd given her. When I gifted the girls dresses, they were usually high end and made of silks and the finest materials, but this dress was plain cream and made of cotton. The girls were standing next to each other holding hands, they rarely let go of one another, which delighted me. Twins usually had the same mate and would often f*ck together and the bond between the girls made me extremely eager that they'd be fine touching each other during times when we were intimate. I quickly pushed those thoughts away because my dragon half was getting extremely excited. 'Hello girl's' I smiled at them. 'Hello your majesty' Ava sang in her sweet happy voice as she bowed 'Good evening your majesty' Casidy said and bowed though she had no excitement in her tone like her sister. I really didn't understand her indifference. She used to be very excited when she'd see me, but last year, when she developed the power of premonition, she suddenly turned cold towards me. The girl's powers were developing quickly and every year since childhood they would gain a new ability. Ava’s strongest power was the ability to heal, and she often sent me letters asking me for advice on how to gain control, I loved that I shared that power with my mate. She could also tell when someone was lying and had power over plants, I often wondered if that’s why her scent was so floral. Casidy, on the other hand, could control the elements, or at least she was still trying to gain control, she would often have slip ups and burn something. She also started having visions. Her first one was flashes of being dropped from the sky after falling from a dragon she was riding. We often let our children ride other dragons to get them used to the height before their shift but after her vision I'd banned anyone from taking the girls for a ride as I was terrified of them being killed. This rule had upset Ava who'd pouted and refused to write to me for two months before she forgave me but it didn't bother Casidy who'd woken up screaming in fear from her vision for weeks and didn't want to fly until she had her own wings. I wondered if Casidy’s attitude towards me was because she had seen something between us and our future in one of her visions and perhaps she knew we were mates but was angry at me for not filling her or Ava in on that fact. A small part of me was scared that she knew and was unhappy to be my mate and was thinking of rejecting me This thought truly angered my dragon half, if I lost Casidy it would rip me apart even if Ava still accepted me, it would always feel as though I only had half my mate. 'Happy 17th Birthday' I told them and reached into my pockets and pulled out two small boxes. 'Ahh!' Ava squealed excitedly and rushed over to me, pulling Casidy behind her 'Thank you, thank you thank you' She jumped up and down and took her jewellery box before looking at her sister with an exasperated expression. 'Thank you your majesty' Casidy said quietly and bowed before taking the box. I couldn't wait for them to know the truth, I didn't like the girls bowing to me. The twins opened their box's and Ava gasped, even Casidy’s eyes widened. I'd gifted them both diamond necklaces with white gold pendants, each with my crest engraved It was the closest thing to my mark that I could give them for now, the clan knew that the girls were under my charge so they wouldn't think too deeply about me giving the girls my crest, no one would suspect it was because they were mine 'This... this is your royal crest' Casidy said softly 'Casey put it on me!' Ava pleaded but Casidy took her box and closed it before holding them both back out to me 'What are you doing?' 'Thank you for your generosity your majesty but we cannot accept these' She told me and I felt a twinge of rejection along with a wave of anger, how dare she reject my gift 'These have your crest, we are not your family, it would be improper' 'Don’t be so ungrateful Casidy' Nanny scolded her 'You are insulting the King, it’s been a long time since I've taken you over my knee but I will do it now if you' I held up my hand to silence her, I never liked the idea of her punishing my girls physically but Casidy was quite a handful growing up, she often needed a stronger hand to reign her in 'There is nothing improper about my gift' I told her and opened both box's she was still holding out to me 'I am King, I will decide who wears my crest, Ava dear, come here' I pulled out the necklace and held it up in front of her 'Pull you hair up for me and turn around' Ava looked hesitantly at her sister before she did as she was told, I got a little excited seeing her bare throat where my mark would sit but I ignored those emotions and latched the necklace around her throat before gently taking her hair from her and gently pulling it back down into place over shoulders, making sure to enjoy the feeling of the bond buzzing magically all over my hands. ‘Casidy' I said as I pulled out the second necklace before passing nanny the two empty box's 'I can do it myself' She reached for the necklace but I held it up 'Turn around' I ordered firmly Her eyes narrowed angrily but Ava grabbed her wrist and tugged her pleadingly so she sighed grumpily and turned around and pulled up her hair. Her delicious scent washed over me and I nearly growled hungrily, she smelt just as amazing as Ava but in a very different way. Casidy’s scent was similar to the scent of gold on the wind and rain. I latched the necklace around her neck and smiled when I noticed her shiver at my touch, so she wasn't so indifferent to me after all. Before I could stop her, she quickly stepped away from me and let her hair fall. 'Oh, it's so pretty Casey' Ava coed as she looked at her lovely reflection in the mirror 'Thank you your majesty' Ava rushed back over to me and gripped my shoulders and pulled me down, she wouldn't have had the strength without me bending so luckily I knew she wanted me to bend. She kissed my cheek and blushed as I stood back up to see her sister glaring at her. 'Ava, don't kiss the King' She snapped 'What is wrong with you' Ava pouted and looked down but she began fidgeting with her necklace 'Its alright Ava' I winked at her before turning to Casidy 'Shouldn’t I get a thank you kiss from you too?' Her eyes narrowed angrily again 'I am not feeling well' I think she was lying 'I wouldn't like to infect you, may we eat dinner now?' 'As you wish' I said in amusement, Casidy had the appetite of an Alpha, she always out ate Ava I gestured for the girls to follow me but Ava grabbed my wrist 'Actually' She said nervously and looked back at Casidy for a moment who crossed her arms and shook her head no but Ava ignored her 'According to nanny there's a festival happening tonight in the village and we were wondering if... can we please go?' I frowned in concern, I hated letting the girls out of the castle grounds, the girls knew they were celestials and they understood how much danger that put them in but they'd often complain about being trapped in the castle. Anyone could kill the girls during a ritual and take their power and that thought made my chest constrict so I never let them leave unless I was with them. 'I don't know' I said slowly and Ava's face fell, I hated upsetting her, her smile was the most beautiful thing 'Most of the clan will be out tonight, it's too dangerous' 'I understand' She pouted 'I told you there was no point in asking him' Casidy said grumpily and took her sisters hand in comfort 'Let’s just go eat so we' 'Alright' I interrupted her and the girls froze in place, I hated that I gave in so easily but the idea of hurting them was hard to bare 'You can go but you will wear your cloaks and keep your hair covered at all times' 'Really?' Casidy asked me suspiciously 'You wanted to go didn't you?' 'Yes' She admitted 'Well, I will take you' 'Ahhh!' Ava was happy again and hugged me quickly before pulling her sister into their huge walk in closet while I walked over to the doors and called for two of my guards who came running. 'Yes your majesty' 'One of you of to my chambers and get me my cloak and meet me at the western gate and be quick' I ordered ‘And one of you go get my carriage ready’ 'Yes sir' They bowed before they turned and ran down the hall to a large opening and shifted and flew off 'Are you sure this is wise your majesty?' Nanny enquired nervously, concern etched in her face 'The last time the girls left the castle they were spotted and' 'I remember' I interrupted, I hated thinking of that day. Three months ago I'd foolishly let the girls go to the beach for the day with some of the other hatchlings but Avas veil fell and her hair was noticed. It wasn't long before several rogue dragons emerged and tried to kidnap the girls, luckily Casidy protected everyone with her fire until I could get to them but still, it had kept me up for days with worry. 'But it won't be like last time' I informed her 'The girls are safe with me and it's dark so they should be safe under their cloaks' 'Ready!' Ava announced and came skipping back to me with Casidy trailing behind doing up the ribbon of her cloak I frowned as I took in her appearance 'Where is your necklace?' 'I took it off' She shrugged 'We are meant to be keeping a low profile aren't we, having the royal crest around my throat would be a dead give-away don't you think?' I growled softly at her and she looked down, her attitude was always caused me a mixture of annoyance and an extreme arousal, I never truly knew which was the more dominant emotion 'I just tucked mine inside my dress' Ava informed me, I think to sooth me 'Nanny, will you come too?' 'No child, you go with the King and have some birthday fun' She smiled 'And I will see you tomorrow morning' 'Goodnight nanny' Casidy said as she kissed her cheek 'Safe flight home' 'Of course child' She smiled before playfully flicking her nose 'Behave for the King or I will put you over my knee tomorrow after all' Casidy pouted and looked at me for a second before turning back to her nanny 'Yes mam' 'Good night nanny' Ava waved and grabbed her sisters hand 'Come on let's go, we'll miss the lanterns!'

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