
1622 คำ
“Hey, Sam.” Dylan panted as he walked by her side. He beetled off to catch up with Samantha. After class, Samantha quickly left the room and planned to get to her last subject as soon as she could. “Oh, hey! What’s up?” Samantha didn’t expect him. “Hi! Uhm- I was just wondering how did you get into Mrs. Peregrine’s class. Oh- what I mean is, her class was only meant for-“ Samantha cut him off. “For higher class students. For the elite. Is that what you’re trying to say?” “Yeah! Just that-“ Dylan timidly smiled at her as they walked away. Meanwhile, Jagger and Nick were tailing them. Wondering why Dylan was mingling with human. They had no choice again but to follow Dylan to make sure he wouldn’t do something stupid. “It’s just part of my course that I have to take. I did not know it was supposedly for Elite students. They just gave me my subjects and the classroom for each.” “I see. Anyway, are you free tomorrow? We will be having a Bon fire party tomorrow night. Do you have class after seven?” “I’m afraid, I have. Besides, even if I don’t, I still can’t go. Thanks though.” “It will be fun, you know.” “And I’m sure those are for the Elite. I also can’t take risk beating the curfew. I’m just new here and I don’t wanna cause the problem and be kicked out.” “Haha! Don’t worry, I got you. No one will dare to-“ “I’m sorry, Dylan. I have to decline. Thank you for the invite, but I have a class tomorrow night. Thank you, though.” “Okay. I guess I’ll just see you around.” “Yeah. Bye.” Samantha hurriedly left. While Dylan was again watching her lost in his sight. “Dude!” Jagger jolted beside him. “The heck, Jagger!” “What was that? Why were you following her?” “What’s wrong with that?” “Bro, you know the law.” Nick reminded him. “I know, Nick. But I did nothing wrong. I was just being friendly.” “Yeah! And then later on, we will see her with you more often.” “Your point?” “Dylan, if Killan finds out that you’re being friendly with human, you’ll be dead!” “Hahaha! Killan can’t kill me. Besides, he loves me!” “You’re just lucky you’re his younger brother, or else we would see your dead body right in the middle of the clearing.” “Ugh! Screw that rule! For all I know, it’s not just me who was mingling with humans. Besides, how did she get into our class if they had no consent to it? Look, Samantha told me that the subjects were just came from the Administration. Administration wouldn’t give those if there’s no approval from the superior. And you know who the superior is.” “It’s Avalon.” Nick and Jagger said in unison. “Exactly! That’s why I don’t understand some rules. They let humans to study here, yet we’re not allowed to mingle with them. That’s ridiculous!” “Yeah. You have a point. Come to think of it. It’s just a first time having a human in class. And I had never thought of appreciating Mrs. Peregrine before, but now I appreciate her a lot for controlling the situation. If anything, Samantha would be in danger of being in the same room with Lycan students.” “Yes. You’re right. But Samantha was just so lucky that Killan wasn’t there.” The three were still going to their last subject when Francesca, another Lycan, came running. “Whoah! Hold on-“ Jagger held her hands as soon as she came. “I need to talk to Dylan.” Dylan’s brows furrowed. “What do you wanna talk about?” “Killan was not in his room. Have you seen him? You were with him earlier.” “That was an hour ago, France.” “Do you, by any chance, know where he goes?” “No. Why? What’s this all about?” “Nothing. I just need to talk to him.” “About what?” Nick butted in. “That’s none of your business, Nick. I gotta go. I have to find him.” Jagger snorted. “Dude, you heard her? None of your business? As always, you’re not her business as well. Hahaha!” “Shut up, Jagger!” Dylan was just shaking his head while listening. “Hi, is this Mr. Paul Salt’s classroom?” “And you’re Samantha Porter?” “Yes. I am.” “Alright. Come on in. I just received your record. Mind to introduce yourself to the class?” “Sure.” Samantha went to the center of the classroom after Mr. Salt asked her to. “Hi. I’m Samantha Porter. I’m just new here. I have heard that this school had the best students and professors, so I hoped that we all could get along well.. Thank you.” Unbeknownst to everyone, Samantha was so scared while she’s speaking. It may not be obvious the way she spoke, but her knees wobbled and heart palpitated so loud. She felt she’s not belong in the class. The strange feelings were still there, yet she couldn’t make out what were those for. “Alright. Thank you, Miss Porter. Please take a seat.” “Thank you.” The class started. However, a few moments have passed, Samantha heard a growl. It wasn’t loud, but it was enough for her to hear. “What was that?” She thought. Secretly, scanning her eyes inside the classroom. Seemed that everyone was listening to Mr. Salt’s discussion. All their eyes were on the professor. Later on, Samantha disregarded what she heard and continued on listening. “Sam...” Immediately, she looked around to see who’s calling. But she found no one suspicious. She tried her best to focus on the discussion until the class ended. “Miss Porter, I would like to have a word with you.” Said Mr. Salt before she could get out of the room. Everyone was already outside. It was only her and the professor inside. “Yes, sir.” “I checked your record, and I saw something interesting. So I was wondering if you would like to register in the Photography Club. I’m the head organizer there and we’re still looking for two photographers.” “I don’t think I’m fit for the role, sir. Besides, I don’t have cameras, or materials-“ Mr. Salt immediately interrupted her. “You don’t have to worry about the materials. You’ll get them once you joined the club. We don’t require everyone to have good cameras, since they will be provided to you.” “Really?” Samantha couldn’t believe it and couldn’t hide the excitement. “Yes. So if you’re interested, I’m gonna include you in the list.” Samantha was about to respond when she remembered Madison. “Can I think about it, sir?” “Alright. But we have until next week only. Since we will be needing three photographers for the upcoming events. Hopefully, you can register sooner, before anyone can.” “Thank you.” Samantha was on her way to her dormitory when she heard Madison’s voice. She also heard another voice came from a man. True enough, Madison was having an intimate moment under the tree with a guy she, of course, didn’t know.. Samantha hurriedly walked past by to avoid her sister. And as soon as she was near her dorm, a guy in a plain white shirt and jeans with his hand holding a cigarette caught her attention. She knew it wasn’t allowed based on the school handbook. She walked towards the guy who’s just facing his side. “Excuse me. Cigarettes are prohibited here.” But the guy didn’t seem to understand what she said since he just walked away. “Hello? Did you hear what I said?” Samantha was just facing his back, and she only heard a guttural sound from him. “Hey, mister! Are you deaf or what?!” She grabbed him by his arm. “The f**k?!” The guy snarled and Samantha was so shocked. She didn’t expect him to be so mad, and most importantly, to look like a mythic God. For a few seconds, she's surprised by how he looked. Her lips semi-dropped. “Who do you think you are?!” That voice broke her trance. “It doesn't matter. But based on the handbook, cigarettes are not allowed anywhere near the dormitory.” “Don’t you know who I am?” “Should I be scared?” Samantha retorted. The corner of the guy’s lips curled up. “Oh, you should be scared, little one.” Suddenly, Samantha felt the air became hot and her breathing became erratic. “Why should I?” She asked. Trying to be tough in front of him, but deep inside she was about to lose her strength and wanted to crawl away from him. His presence was making her uneasy. Not because she was scared of him, but because she felt a strong attraction towards a stranger that she had never felt before. “Because... little one... I’m the guy, you should least to see.” His hand tried to reach her, but she stepped back again and saved her strength to run away from him. "Perv-!" The last word Samantha left before she sprinted inside her dorm.
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