Story By Maurice Leblanc

Maurice Leblanc

Contes du soleil et de la pluie
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 19:25
L’auteur de Voici des Ailes, le premier roman où la bicyclette ait joué un rôle important, naquit à Rouen, comme Flaubert dont il se réclame avec ferveur.M. Maurice Leblanc fit ses débuts littéraires en 1893 au Gil Blas, par une série de contes qui se prolongea jusqu’en 1897, et la publication d’un roman qui eut beaucoup de succès : Une Femme.Puis d’autres romans : Œuvre de Mort — Armelle et Claude — l’Enthousiasme — des contes très remarqués au Journal, au Figaro et dans diverses revues (les contes du Journal furent réunis en un volume qui fut très goûté : Les Lèvres jointes.)
L'Agence Barnett et Cie
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 19:16
Voici l’histoire de quelques affaires dont l’opinion publique, peu d’années avant la guerre, s’émut d’autant plus qu’on ne les connut que par fragments et récits contradictoires. Qu’était-ce que ce curieux personnage qui avait nom Jim Barnett, et qui se trouvait mêlé, de la façon la plus amusante, aux aventures les plus fantaisistes ? Que se passait-il dans cette mystérieuse agence privée, Barnett et Cie, qui semblait n’attirer les clients que pour les dépouiller avec plus de sécurité ?
La Demeure mystérieuse
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 19:00
L’idée, charmante, avait reçu le meilleur accueil dans ce Paris généreux qui associe volontiers ses plaisirs à des manifestations charitables. Il s’agissait de présenter sur la scène de l’Opéra, entre deux ballets, vingt jolies femmes, artistes ou mondaines, habillées par les plus grands couturiers. Le vote des spectateurs désignerait les crois plus jolies robes, et la recette de la soirée serait distribuée aux trois ateliers qui les auraient confectionnées. Résultat : un voyage de quinze jours sur la Riviera pour un certain nombre de midinettes.
Les Confidences d’Arsène Lupin
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 18:46
Les Confidences d’Arsène LupinLes Jeux du SoleilL’Anneau NuptialLe Signe de l’OmbreLe Piège InfernalL’Écharpe de Soie RougeLa Mort qui rôdeÉdith au Cou-de-CygneLe Fétu de PailleLe Mariage d’Arsène Lupin
Arsène Lupin contre Herlock Sholmès
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 18:17
Le 8 décembre de l’an dernier, M. Gerbois, professeur de mathématiques au lycée de Versailles, dénicha, dans le fouillis d’un marchand de bric-à-brac, un petit secrétaire en acajou qui lui plut par la multiplicité de ses tiroirs.« Voilà bien ce qu’il me faut pour l’anniversaire de Suzanne, pensa-t-il. »Et comme il s’ingéniait, dans la mesure de ses modestes ressources, à faire plaisir à sa fille, il débattit le prix et versa la somme de soixante-cinq francs.
Arsene Lupin Gentleman-Cambrioleur
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 18:11
Arsène Lupin, gentleman-cambrioleur est un recueil de neuf nouvelles policières, écrites par Maurice Leblanc, qui constituent les premières aventures d'Arsène Lupin. La couverture en couleurs de l'édition originale est dessinée par Henri Goussé.La première nouvelle du recueil, L'Arrestation d'Arsène Lupin, est publiée en juillet 1905 dans le journal Je sais tout. Il s'agit de la première nouvelle mettant en œuvre Arsène Lupin. Celle-ci ayant rencontré un réel succès, Maurice Leblanc est encouragé à écrire la suite par son éditeur. Or, comme l'auteur est perplexe sur la façon de poursuivre les aventures d'un héros qui vient d'être coffré, l'éditeur lui suggère de le faire évader. La saga du gentleman-cambrioleur est née. Plusieurs nouvelles paraissent dans Je sais tout, à intervalles irréguliers, jusqu'en 1907, avant d'être regroupées en volume.Le recueil sort en librairie le 10 juin 1907.Il regroupe les nouvelles suivantes :L'Arrestation d'Arsène Lupin, publication initiale dans Je sais tout no 6, 15 juillet 1905Arsène Lupin en prison, publication initiale dans Je sais tout no 11, 15 décembre 1905, sous le titre La Vie extraordinaire d'Arsène Lupin en prisonL'Évasion d'Arsène Lupin, publication initiale dans Je sais tout no 12, 15 janvier 1906, sous le titre La Vie extraordinaire d'Arsène Lupin : L'Évasion d'Arsène LupinLe Mystérieux Voyageur, publication initiale dans Je sais tout no 13, 15 février 1906, sous le titre La Vie extraordinaire d'Arsène Lupin : Le Mystérieux VoyageurLe Collier de la reine, publication initiale dans Je sais tout no 15, 15 avril 1906, sous le titre La Vie extraordinaire d'Arsène Lupin : Le Collier de la reineLe Coffre-fort de madame Imbert2, publication initiale dans Je sais tout no 16, 15 mai 1906, sous le titre La Vie extraordinaire d'Arsène Lupin : Le Coffre-fort de madame ImbertSherlock Holmès arrive trop tard, publication initiale dans Je sais tout no 17, 15 juin 1906, sous le titre La Vie extraordinaire d'Arsène Lupin : Sherlock Holmes arrive trop tard – Noter qu'entre la publication dans le périodique et la publication en recueil, Sherlock Holmes est devenu Herlock Sholmès, à la suite d'une protestation de Conan Doyle, « père du vrai Sherlock Holmes »La Perle noire, publication initiale dans Je sais tout no 18, 15 juillet 1906, sous le titre La Vie extraordinaire d'Arsène Lupin : La Perle noireLe Sept de cœur, publication initiale dans Je sais tout no 28, 15 mai 1907, sous le titre Comment j'ai connu Arsène Lupin : Le Sept de cœur
Les Trois Yeux
Updated at Apr 24, 2023, 00:16
En ce qui me concerne, l’étrange histoire remonte à ce jour d’automne où mon oncle Dorgeroux surgit, titubant et bouleversé, au seuil de la chambre que j’occupais dans son logis du Haut-Meudon.Depuis une semaine, nous ne l’avions pas vu. En proie à cette exaspération nerveuse que provoquait chez lui l’épreuve finale de chacune de ses inventions, il vivait parmi ses fourneaux et ses cornues, toutes portes closes, dormant sur un canapé, se nourrissant de fruits et de pain. Et voilà qu’il m’apparaissait tout à coup, livide, hagard, balbutiant, amaigri comme s’il fût sorti d’une longue et dangereuse maladie.
La Frontière
Updated at Apr 21, 2023, 02:56
Morestal, fils et petit-fils de riches paysans, avait décuplé la fortune de ses pères en fondant une scierie mécanique à Saint-Élophe, gros bourg voisin. C’était un homme tout d’une pièce, comme il disait, « sans double fond, rien dans les mains, rien dans les poches »… quelques idées morales directrices, aussi simples et aussi vieilles que possible, et ces quelques idées soumises elles-mêmes à un sentiment qui dominait toute sa vie et réglait tous ses actes, l’amour du pays. Sentiment qui, chez Morestal, signifiait le regret du passé, la haine du présent, et surtout l’âpre souvenir de la défaite.
Le triangle d'or
Updated at Apr 21, 2023, 02:55
Un peu avant que sonnât la demie de six heures, comme les ombres du soir devenaient plus épaisses, deux soldats atteignirent le petit carrefour, planté d’arbres, que forme en face du musée Galliera la rencontre de la rue de Chaillot et de la rue Pierre-Charron.L’un portait la capote bleu horizon du fantassin ; l’autre, un Sénégalais, ces vêtements de laine beige, à large culotte et à veston cintré, dont on a habillé, depuis la guerre, les zouaves et les troupes d’Afrique. L’un n’avait plus qu’une jambe, la gauche ; l’autre, plus qu’un bras, le droit.
Le Cercle rouge
Updated at Apr 21, 2023, 02:45
– Et tu vois, vieux Jim, prononça le gardien, en frappant sur l’épaule de l’homme, on a repeint les murs de ta cellule. Si tu les esquintes de nouveau, gare à toi ! Hein ! plus d’inscriptions. Sinon...L’homme ne bougeait pas, juché sur un escabeau. Le gardien le regarda un instant, et, d’une voix plus douce, où il y avait de la pitié :– Allons, tu es plus calme. Cela t’a réussi, l’isolement. Ah ! coquin ! c’est que tu nous en as fait voir avec tes crises ! C’est-il fini ? Tant mieux. À bientôt, vieux Jim !L’homme resta seul dans sa cellule, au milieu de la lumière indécise qui glissait de deux lucarnes taillées en sifflet dans l’épaisseur du mur, au milieu du silence sépulcral que troublaient parfois des hurlements lointains.
Les Dents du tigre
Updated at Apr 21, 2023, 02:45
À quatre heures et demie, M. Desmalions, le préfet de police, n’étant pas encore de retour, son secrétaire particulier rangea sur le bureau un paquet de lettres et de rapports qu’il avait annotés, sonna, et dit à l’huissier qui entrait par la porte principale :— M. le préfet a convoqué pour cinq heures plusieurs personnes dont voici les noms. Vous les ferez attendre séparément, afin qu’elles ne puissent communiquer entre elles, et vous me donnerez leurs cartes.L’huissier sortit. Le secrétaire se dirigeait vers la petite porte qui donnait sur son cabinet, quand la porte principale fut rouverte et livra passage à un homme qui s’arrêta et s’appuya en chancelant contre le dossier d’un fauteuil.
Le Chapelet rouge
Updated at Apr 21, 2023, 02:45
Après son déjeuner, le comte Jean d’Orsacq déposa un affectueux baiser sur la main que Lucienne, sa femme, lui tendait, et l’avertit qu’il ne rentrerait au château que le lendemain dimanche. Son automobile l’attendait devant le perron. Une heure et demie plus tard, il arrivait dans ses bureaux de Paris, qu’il trouva fermés, comme ils l’étaient chaque samedi.Tout de suite, il examina les lettres et les documents que son secrétaire, Arnould, avait préparés à son intention. Quelques lignes du secrétaire annonçaient, en outre, que tout marchait bien, et qu’il comptait apporter à d’Orsacq, vers quatre heures, ce que d’Orsacq était venu chercher.
La Dame blonde suivi de La Lampe juive
Updated at Apr 21, 2023, 02:40
Le 8 mars de l’an dernier, M. Gerbois, professeur de mathématiques au lycée de Versailles, dénicha dans le fouillis d’un marchand de bric-à-brac, un petit secrétaire en acajou qui lui plut par la multiplicité de ses tiroirs.— Voilà bien ce qu’il me faut pour l’anniversaire de Suzanne, pensa-t-il.Et comme il s’ingéniait, dans la mesure de ses modestes ressources, à faire plaisir à sa fille, il débattit le prix et versa la somme de soixante-cinq francs.
L'île aux Trente Cercueils
Updated at Apr 21, 2023, 02:37
La guerre a provoqué de tels bouleversements que bien peu de personnes se souviennent aujourd’hui de ce qui fut, il y a quelques années, le scandale d’Hergemont.Rappelons les faits en quelques lignes :Au mois de juin 1902, M. Antoine d’Hergemont, dont on apprécie les études sur les monuments mégalithiques de la Bretagne, se promenait au Bois avec sa fille Véronique, lorsqu’il fut assailli par quatre individus et frappé au visage d’un coup de canne qui l’abattit.
Dorothée, danseuse de corde
Updated at Apr 21, 2023, 02:35
Sous un ciel lourd d’étoiles, où s’accrochait un dernier quartier de lune, la roulotte dormait sur l’herbe du chemin, ses volets clos, ses brancards allongés comme des bras. Dans l’ombre du fossé voisin, un cheval ronflait et soupirait.Très loin, par-dessus la crête noire des collines, une bande plus claire annonça l’approche de l’aube. Une horloge d’église sonna quatre heures. Quelques oiseaux s’éveillèrent de place en place, et se mirent à chanter. Il faisait doux et tiède.
La demoiselle aux yeux verts
Updated at Apr 5, 2023, 20:36
Raoul de Limézy flânait sur les boulevards, allégrement, ainsi qu’un homme heureux qui n’a qu’à regarder pour jouir de la vie, de ses spectacles charmants, et de la gaieté légère qu’offre Paris en certains jours lumineux d’avril. De taille moyenne, il avait une silhouette à la fois mince et puissante. À l’endroit des biceps les manches de son veston se gonflaient, et le torse bombait au-dessus d’une taille qui était fine et souple. La coupe et la nuance de ses vêtements indiquaient l’homme qui attache de l’importance au choix des étoffes.
De minuit à sept heures
Updated at Apr 5, 2023, 20:36
Mme Destol rentra chez elle plus tôt qu’elle ne le croyait. Elle passa sous la voûte cochère, s’arrêta pour prendre dans la loge de la concierge les lettres qui l’attendaient, et monta le premier des deux étages qui conduisaient à son appartement.Au palier, elle fit sa pause habituelle devant la grande glace dont s’ornait le mur. Couperosée malgré son fard, trop forte, d’une élégance un peu tapageuse, elle présentait encore quelques vestiges d’une beauté qui, sous la présidence de Félix Faure, l’avait fait remarquer et demander en mariage par M. Destol, homme d’affaires puissamment riche, qu’elle avait désolé par ses coquetteries, ses extravagances et ses prodigalités.
The Teeth of the Tiger
Updated at Feb 17, 2023, 00:15
It was half–past four; M. Desmalions, the Prefect of Police, was not yet back at the office. His private secretary laid on the desk a bundle of letters and reports which he had annotated for his chief, rang the bell and said to the messenger who entered by the main door:"Monsieur le Préfet has sent for a number of people to see him at five o'clock. Here are their names. Show them into separate waiting–rooms, so that they can't communicate with one another, and let me have their cards when they come."The messenger went out. The secretary was turning toward the small door that led to his room, when the main door opened once more and admitted a man who stopped and leaned swaying over the back of a chair."Why, it's you, Vérot!" said the secretary. "But what's happened? What's the matter?"Inspector Vérot was a very stout, powerfully built man, with a big neck and shoulders and a florid complexion. He had obviously been upset by some violent excitement, for his face, streaked with red veins and usually so apoplectic, seemed almost pale."Oh, nothing. Monsieur le Secrétaire!" he said."Yes, yes; you're not looking your usual self. You're gray in the face…. And the way you're perspiring…."
Arsene Lupin
Updated at Feb 16, 2023, 00:05
The rays of the September sun flooded the great halls of the old chateau of the Dukes of Charmerace, lighting up with their mellow glow the spoils of so many ages and many lands, jumbled together with the execrable taste which so often afflicts those whose only standard of value is money. The golden light warmed the panelled walls and old furniture to a dull lustre, and gave back to the fading gilt of the First Empire chairs and couches something of its old brightness. It illumined the long line of pictures on the walls, pictures of dead and gone Charmeraces, the stern or debonair faces of the men, soldiers, statesmen, dandies, the gentle or imperious faces of beautiful women. It flashed back from armour of brightly polished steel, and drew dull gleams from armour of bronze. The hues of rare porcelain, of the rich inlays of Oriental or Renaissance cabinets, mingled with the hues of the pictures, the tapestry, the Persian rugs about the polished floor to fill the hall with a rich glow of colour.But of all the beautiful and precious things which the sun–rays warmed to a clearer beauty, the face of the girl who sat writing at a table in front of the long windows, which opened on to the centuries–old turf of the broad terrace, was the most beautiful and the most precious.
The Hollow Needle
Updated at Feb 16, 2023, 00:05
Raymonde listened. The noise was repeated twice over, clearly enough to be distinguished from the medley of vague sounds that formed the great silence of the night and yet too faintly to enable her to tell whether it was near or far, within the walls of the big country–house, or outside, among the murky recesses of the park.She rose softly. Her window was half open: she flung it back wide. The moonlight lay over a peaceful landscape of lawns and thickets, against which the straggling ruins of the old abbey stood out in tragic outlines, truncated columns, mutilated arches, fragments of porches and shreds of flying buttresses. A light breeze hovered over the face of things, gliding noiselessly through the bare motionless branches of the trees, but shaking the tiny budding leaves of the shrubs.
Arsène Lupin vs. Herlock Sholmes
Updated at Feb 16, 2023, 00:03
On the eighth day of last December, Mon. Gerbois, professor of mathematics at the College of Versailles, while rummaging in an old curiosity–shop, unearthed a small mahogany writing–desk which pleased him very much on account of the multiplicity of its drawers."Just the thing for Suzanne's birthday present," thought he. And as he always tried to furnish some simple pleasures for his daughter, consistent with his modest income, he enquired the price, and, after some keen bargaining, purchased it for sixty–five francs. As he was giving his address to the shopkeeper, a young man, dressed with elegance and taste, who had been exploring the stock of antiques, caught sight of the writing–desk, and immediately enquired its price.
The Extraordinary Adventures of Arsene Lupin, Gentleman-Burglar
Updated at Feb 16, 2023, 00:00
It was a strange ending to a voyage that had commenced in a most auspicious manner. The transatlantic steamship `La Provence' was a swift and comfortable vessel, under the command of a most affable man. The passengers constituted a select and delightful society. The charm of new acquaintances and improvised amusements served to make the time pass agreeably. We enjoyed the pleasant sensation of being separated from the world, living, as it were, upon an unknown island, and consequently obliged to be sociable with each other.Have you ever stopped to consider how much originality and spontaneity emanate from these various individuals who, on the preceding evening, did not even know each other, and who are now, for several days, condemned to lead a life of extreme intimacy, jointly defying the anger of the ocean, the terrible onslaught of the waves, the violence of the tempest and the agonizing monotony of the calm and sleepy water? Such a life becomes a sort of tragic existence, with its storms and its grandeurs, its monotony and its diversity; and that is why, perhaps, we embark upon that short voyage with mingled feelings of pleasure and fear.
The Secret of Sarek
Updated at Feb 15, 2023, 23:50
The war has led to so many upheavals that not many people now remember the Hergemont scandal of seventeen years ago. Let us recall the details in a few lines.One day in July 1902, M. Antoine d'Hergemont, the author of a series of well–known studies on the megalithic monuments of Brittany, was walking in the Bois with his daughter Véronique, when he was assaulted by four men, receiving a blow in the face with a walking–stick which felled him to the ground.After a short struggle and in spite of his desperate efforts, Véronique, the beautiful Véronique, as she was called by her friends, was dragged away and bundled into a motor–car which the spectators of this very brief scene saw making off in the direction of Saint–Cloud.
The Golden Triangle
Updated at Feb 15, 2023, 23:09
It was close upon half–past six and the evening shadows were growing denser when two soldiers reached the little space, planted with trees, opposite the Musée Galliéra, where the Rue de Chaillot and the Rue Pierre–Charron meet. One wore an infantryman's sky–blue great–coat; the other, a Senegalese, those clothes of undyed wool, with baggy breeches and a belted jacket, in which the Zouaves and the native African troops have been dressed since the war. One of them had lost his right leg, the other his left arm.They walked round the open space, in the center of which stands a fine group of Silenus figures, and stopped. The infantryman threw away his cigarette. The Senegalese picked it up, took a few quick puffs at it, put it out by squeezing it between his fore–finger and thumb and stuffed it into his pocket. All this without a word.Almost at the same time two more soldiers came out of the Rue Galliéra. It would have been impossible to say to what branch they belonged, for their military attire was composed of the most incongruous civilian garments. However, one of them sported a Zouave's chechia, the other an artilleryman's képi. The first walked on crutches, the other on two sticks. These two kept near the newspaper–kiosk which stands at the edge of the pavement.
The Eight Strokes of the Clock
Updated at Feb 15, 2023, 23:08
Hortense Daniel pushed her window ajar and whispered:"Are you there, Rossigny?""I am here," replied a voice from the shrubbery at the front of the house.Leaning forward, she saw a rather fat man looking up at her out of a gross red face with its cheeks and chin set in unpleasantly fair whiskers."Well?" he asked."Well, I had a great argument with my uncle and aunt last night. They absolutely refuse to sign the document of which my lawyer sent them the draft, or to restore the dowry squandered by my husband.""But your uncle is responsible by the terms of the marriage–settlement.""No matter. He refuses.""Well, what do you propose to do?""Are you still determined to run away with me?" she asked, with a laugh."More so than ever.""Your intentions are strictly honourable, remember!"
The Confessions of Arsène Lupin
Updated at Feb 15, 2023, 23:07
"Lupin," I said, "tell me something about yourself.""Why, what would you have me tell you? Everybody knows my life!" replied Lupin, who lay drowsing on the sofa in my study."Nobody knows it!" I protested. "People know from your letters in the newspapers that you were mixed up in this case, that you started that case. But the part which you played in it all, the plain facts of the story, the upshot of the mystery: these are things of which they know nothing.""Pooh! A heap of uninteresting twaddle!""What! Your present of fifty thousand francs to Nicolas Dugrival's wife! Do you call that uninteresting? And what about the way in which you solved the puzzle of the three pictures?"Lupin laughed:"Yes, that was a queer puzzle, certainly. I can suggest a title for you if you like: what do you say to The Sign of the Shadow?""And your successes in society and with the fair sex?" I continued. "The dashing Arsène's love–affairs!…And the clue to your good actions? Those chapters in your life to which you have so often alluded under the names of The Wedding–ring, Shadowed by Death, and so on!…Why delay these confidences and confessions, my dear Lupin?…Come, do what I ask you!…"
The Crystal Stopper
Updated at Feb 15, 2023, 23:06
The two boats fastened to the little pier that jutted out from the garden lay rocking in its shadow. Here and there lighted windows showed through the thick mist on the margins of the lake. The Enghien Casino opposite blazed with light, though it was late in the season, the end of September. A few stars appeared through the clouds. A light breeze ruffled the surface of the water.Arsene Lupin left the summer–house where he was smoking a cigar and, bending forward at the end of the pier:"Growler?" he asked. "Masher?…Are you there?"A man rose from each of the boats, and one of them answered:"Yes, governor.""Get ready. I hear the car coming with Gilbert and Vaucheray."
The Woman of Mystery
Updated at Feb 15, 2023, 22:58
"Suppose I were to tell you," said Paul Delroze, "that I once stood face to face with him on French. . . ."Élisabeth looked up at him with the fond expression of a bride to whom the least word of the man she loves is a subject of wonder:"You have seen William II. in France?""Saw him with my own eyes; and I have never forgotten a single one of the details that marked the meeting. And yet it happened very long ago."He was speaking with a sudden seriousness, as though the revival of that memory had awakened the most painful thoughts in his mind."Tell me about it, won't you, Paul?" asked Élisabeth."Yes, I will," he said. "In any case, though I was only a child at the time, the incident played so tragic a part in my life that I am bound to tell you the whole story."The train stopped and they got out at Corvigny, the last station on the local branch line which, starting from the chief town in the department, runs through the Liseron Valley and ends, fifteen miles from the frontier, at the foot of the little Lorraine city which Vauban, as he tells us in his "Memoirs," surrounded "with the most perfect demilunes imaginable."
Arsène Lupin, gentleman cambrioleur
Updated at Jan 14, 2023, 00:28
Extrait : "L'étrange voyage ! Il avait si bien commencé cependant ! Pour ma part, je n'en fis jamais qui s'annonçât sous de plus heureux auspices. La Provence est un transatlantique rapide, confortable, commandé par le plus affable des hommes. La société la plus choisie s'y trouvait réunie. Des relations se formaient, des divertissements s'organisaient."
The Crystal Stopper (Annotated)
Updated at Jun 5, 2022, 22:57
The two boats fastened to the little pier that jutted out from the garden lay rocking in its shadow. Here and there lighted windows showed through the thick mist on the margins of the lake. The Enghien Casino opposite blazed with light, though it was late in the season, the end of September. A few stars appeared through the clouds. A light breeze ruffled the surface of the water
The Teeth of the Tiger (Annotated)
Updated at Jun 1, 2022, 03:11
he fortunes of Don Luis Perenna seem set to only increase after the will of his friend, Cosmo Mornington, is read. Perenna stands to benefit by one million francs if he finds the true heir, and by one hundred million if they can't be found. But after both a detective and a potential recipient of the fortune die in the in the same way as Mornington, Perenna (alias Arsène Lupin) must fight to prove his innocence and discover the real murderer. The Teeth of the Tiger was published in this English translation in 1914, 
The Three Eyes (Annotated)
Updated at Jun 1, 2022, 03:09
For me the strange story dates back to that autumn day when my uncle Dorgeroux appeared, staggering and unhinged, in the doorway of the room which I occupied in his house, Haut-Meudon Lodge. None of us had set eyes on him for a week. A prey to that nervous exasperation into which the final test of any of his inventions invariably threw him, he was living among his furnaces and retorts, keeping every door shut, sleeping on a sofa, eating nothing but fruit and bread. And suddenly he stood before me, livid, wild-eyed.
Eight Strokes of the Clock (Annotated)
Updated at Jun 1, 2022, 03:01
Hortense Daniel pushed her window ajar and whispered: "Are you there, Rossigny?" "I am here," replied a voice from the shrubbery at the front of the house. Leaning forward, she saw a rather fat man looking up at her out of a gross red face with its cheeks and chin set in unpleasantly fair whiskers. "Well?" he asked. "Well, I had a great argument with my uncle and aunt last night. They absolutely refuse to sign the document of which my lawyer sent them the draft, or to restore the dowry squandered by my husband." 
The Hollow Needle (Annotated)
Updated at Jun 1, 2022, 02:58
The Hollow Needle (1910) is a novel by Maurice Leblanc. Originally serialized in in Je sais tout, a popular French magazine, The Hollow Needle is a crime and adventure novel featuring the legendary Arsene Lupin. Partly based on the life of French anarchist Marius Jacob, Lupin first appeared in print in 1905 as an answer to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes. Blending crime fiction, fantasy, and mystery, Leblanc crafts original and entertaining tales of adventure starring one of the greatest literary characters of all time-Arsene Lupin, gentleman thief.Arsene Lupin is the world's greatest thief, an unmatched force for good whose exploits threaten the wealth and standing of France's most wicked men.
The Blonde Lady (Annotated)
Updated at Jun 1, 2022, 02:58
On the 8th of December last, M. Gerbois, professor of mathematics at Versailles College, rummaging among the stores at a second-hand dealer's, discovered a small mahogany writing-desk, which took his fancy because of its many drawers. "That's just what I want for Suzanne's birthday," he thought.
The Teeth of the Tiger (Annotated)
Updated at Apr 24, 2022, 01:59
•With a picture of Maurice Leblanc, a detailed biography of him is added.• All content is redone in a new style, with the author's name and the title of the novel at the top.• For a better glance, a small graphic is added at the beginning of each chapterThe old rules no longer apply in the Brave New World of terrorism. Only those government entities that are swift and agile, free of monitoring and restrictions...and outside the system are actually effective.Mohammed is sitting in a Vienna café, prepared to offer a transaction to a Colombian. Mohammed has a large network of agents and sympathisers in Europe and the Middle East, while the Colombian has a large narcotics network in the United States. What if they formed an alliance, pooling all of their resources and connections? Profit potential would be great, but the potential for disaster would be incalculable. 
The confessions of arsène Lupin. The gentleman thief
Updated at Dec 9, 2021, 00:16
Arsène Lupin, the monocled Gentleman Thief is a mixture of Sherlock Holmes and Robin Hood, stealing from the wealthy and offering to the less fortunate. Those whom he defeats are worse villains than he is. Arsène is a thief, a master of disguise, a rascal but never a killer. He possesses such wealth that he does not need to steal for material reasons but does so for pleasure and he is famous for always getting away with his crimes. The iconic character of Arsène Lupin, a smart, funny, very elegant and suave fictional burglar and womanizer was originally created by French author Maurice Leblanc in 1905. These ten fascinating short stories are essential for anyone who loves psychological, action-adventure, and crime thrillers.
The Woman of Mystery
Updated at Jun 22, 2021, 23:24
Paul and Elisabeth Delroze, while newlyweds, arrive at Ornequin Castle, which is located above the small town of Lorraine Corvigny, a few kilometers from the German border. The castle is owned by the Earl of Andeville, father of Elizabeth, and has been closed since the death of his wife the Comtesse Hermine
The Hollow Needle
Updated at Feb 3, 2021, 19:34
The Hollow Needle or Further Adventures of Arsène Lupin, Gentleman-Burglar by Maurice Leblanc is one of the greatest masterpieces of French literature. Lupin is an enigmatic, preternatural criminal; an unstoppable thief who's planning defies any attempts at capture. This book was inspired by the actual Hollow Needle in Étretat, France. In a gripping story centered around theft, deception, murder and the fortune of the kings of France, the ingenious criminal manages to stay several steps ahead of the authorities, until a thrilling final showdown has terrible consequences for one of the characters. The Hollow Needle is very entertaining, and it is one of the best Lupin's adventures ever. If you enjoy a good detective story, a historic mystery and appreciate an elegant twist, go ahead and let Lupin steal a few hours of your time. 
The Golden Triangle
Updated at Jan 31, 2021, 22:26
The Golden Triangle or The Return of Arsène Lupin, Gentleman-Burglar by Maurice Leblanc is one of the greatest masterpieces of French literature. Brilliant and sparkling, this crime novel is a stunning portrait of internal psychological processes. Lupin is an enigmatic, preternatural criminal; an unstoppable thief who's planning defies any attempts at capture. This story takes place in 1915, WWI has just started, and Captain Belval is recovering from his wounds under the gentle care of Mother Coralie. In an action packed story that intermingles romance, evil, plotting, international intrigue, gold smuggling, several murders, Lupin, disguised as Don Luis Perenna, is more forceful and more invulnerable than ever. The golden triangle is very entertaining, and it is one of the best Lupin's adventures ever. If you enjoy a good detective story and appreciate an elegant twist, go ahead and let Lupin steal a few hours of your time.
Updated at Jan 7, 2021, 19:12
813 by Maurice Leblanc. Millionaire diamond collector Rudolf Kesselbach is in a Paris hotel room, contemplating the stroke of genius that is about to make him one of the wealthiest men in Europe, when a shadow steals into the room—a shadow with fine clothes, an easy smile, and a revolver pointed at Kesselbach’s chest. The intruder’s name, he says, is Arsène Lupin. A few hours later, Kesselbach is found dead on the floor, Lupin’s calling card pinned to his chest. With the police hot on his trail, the master jewel thief must use every ounce of his genius to escape their traps and find the man responsible for the murder. But as Lupin soon discovers, his freedom is not all that is at stake. The fate of Europe hangs in the balance as well.
Die Insel der dreißig Särge
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 09:24
Eine mysteriöse Insel mit vielen Geheimnissen...eine keltische Legende... und ein gefährlicher Feind.
Arsene Lupin
Updated at Mar 19, 2020, 05:46
Arsène Lupin is a fictional gentleman thief and master of disguise created in 1905 by French writer Maurice Leblanc. He was originally called Arsène Lopin, until a local politician of the same name protested. The character was first introduced in a series of short stories serialized in the magazine Je sais tout. The first story, "The Arrest of Arsène Lupin", was published on 15 July 1905. Translated by Edgar Jepson Maurice Marie Émile Leblanc (11 November 1864 – 6 November 1941) was a French novelist and writer of short stories, known primarily as the creator of the fictional gentleman thief and detective Arsène Lupin, often described as a French counterpart to Arthur Conan Doyle"s creation Sherlock Holmes.
Arsène Lupin contre Herlock Sholmès
Updated at Mar 17, 2020, 02:03
Extrait : "Le 8 décembre de l'an dernier, M. Gerbois, professeur de mathématiques au lycée de Versailles, dénicha, dans le fouillis d'un marchand de bric-à-brac, un petit secrétaire en acajou qui lui plut par la multiplicité de ses tiroirs. « Voilà bien ce qu'il me faut pour l'anniversaire de Suzanne, pensa-t-il. » Et comme il s'ingéniait, dans la mesure de ses modestes ressources, à faire plaisir à sa fille, il débattit le prix et versa la somme de soixante-cinq francs."
L'Eclat d'obus
Updated at Mar 17, 2020, 02:03
Extrait : "Si je vous disais que je me suis trouvé en face de lui, jadis, sur le territoire même de la France ! Elisabeth regarda Paul Delroze avec l'expression de tendresse d'une jeune mariée pour qui le moindre mot de celui qu'elle aime est un sujet d'émerveillement. — Vous avez vu Guillaume II en France ? dit-elle. — De mes yeux vu, et sans qu'il me soit possible d'oublier une seule des circonstances qui ont marqué cette rencontre. Et cependant il y a bien longtemps…"
Updated at Mar 17, 2020, 02:03
Extrait : "M. Kesselbach s'arrêta net au seuil du salon, prit le bras de son secrétaire, et murmura d'une voix inquiète : – Chapman, on a encore pénétré ici. – Voyons, voyons, monsieur, protesta le secrétaire, vous venez vous-même d'ouvrir la porte de l'antichambre, et, pendant que nous déjeunions au restaurant, la clef n'a pas quitté votre poche."
Le Bouchon de cristal
Updated at Mar 17, 2020, 02:03
Extrait : "Les deux barques se balançaient dans l'ombre, attachées au petit môle qui pointait hors du jardin. À travers la brume épaisse, on apercevait çà et là, sur les bords du lac, des fenêtres éclairées. En face, le casino d'Enghien ruisselait de lumière, bien qu'on fût aux derniers jours de septembre."
L'Aiguille creuse
Updated at Mar 17, 2020, 02:03
Extrait : "Raymonde prêta l'oreille. De nouveau et par deux fois le bruit se fit entendre, assez net pour qu'on pût le détacher de tous les bruits confus qui formaient le grand silence nocturne, mais si faible qu'elle n'aurait su dire s'il était proche ou lointain, s'il se produisait entre les murs du vaste château, ou dehors, parmi les retraites ténébreuses du parc."
Les Confidences d'Arsène Lupin
Updated at Mar 17, 2020, 02:03
Extrait : "– Lupin, racontez-moi donc quelque chose. – Eh ! que voulez-vous que je vous raconte ? On connaît toute ma vie ! me répondit Lupin qui somnolait sur le divan de mon cabinet de travail. – Personne ne la connaît ! m'écriai-je. On sait, par telle de vos lettres, publiée dans les journaux, que vous avez été mêlé à telle affaire, que vous avez donné le branle à telle autre..."
La Demoiselle aux yeux verts
Updated at Mar 17, 2020, 02:03
Extrait : "Raoul de Limézy flânait sur les boulevards, allégrement, ainsi qu'un homme heureux qui n'a qu'à regarder pour jouir de la vie, de ses spectacles charmants, et de la gaieté légère qu'offre Paris en certains jours lumineux d'avril."