Story By Brenda Krivas

Brenda Krivas

¡Hola! Me tomo la escritura más en serio que a la vida misma, aunque a veces parezca que no. Cuando escribo soy fiel a mis sentimientos, pero a veces los uso para hacer ficción. Así que cuidado, no te dejes engañar. Sígueme en instagram como @brenwords Y si sabes inglés, lee mi blog:
Todo sobre Jaden
Updated at Feb 2, 2022, 07:41
El mayor deseo de Jaden Marmel es conectar con los demás, es sentirse parte de algo mayor a sus miedos e inseguridades. Durante su adolescencia no hizo mucho para cambiar la forma en la que se sentía, y cuando cumplió la mayoría de edad fue diagnosticada con depresión. Un año después, trás un intento de suicidio fallido, despertó en una clínica para descubrir que su vida no hacía más que empeorar. Ahora sus demonios no eran solo emocionales, ahora no eran sombras, ahora eran más reales que nunca y parecían enojados con ella. Durante los siguientes tres años Jaden ha aprendido a vivir con estos tormentos a duras penas, y justo cuando está por resignarse y dejarlo todo, descubre algo que quizás consiga hacerle entender la razón por la que está con vida.
No Memory Gentleman
Updated at Jan 23, 2022, 17:35
All Alison Davis wanted was to have a full night of sleep, not dreams where he was conscient and could control everything, not insomnia, just pure normal sleep. However, no mattered the method he implemented, when the sun rose, his smartwatch would testify that he had been sleeping deeply just for the 5% of the night. Was something wrong with his mind? Was something wrong in his brain? He did not know and, though he would always say otherwise, he did not want to know. In the middle of one of his sleepless nights, he found himself daydreaming about a young girl he’s never met before. She had big brown eyes and short straight dark brown hair. He imagined her laughing and running in a park. Alison was so immersed in this thought that it was not until the end of the so-vivid scene that he realized that he was indeed dreaming. Something about this girl was familiar, though he was pretty sure that they had not ever met before. For the next few weeks, he kept having these glimpses of the girl. More than thoughts or dreams, it all felt like visions. Was this girl real? Or was his tired and sleepless mind going crazy? He kept repeating to himself that it wasn’t real until one morning he sees the girl with his own eyes for the first time. Who is she? And why does he feel more rested after one night thinking about her? Is she the answer he has been looking for to solve the mystery of the missing memories in his mind?