~Chapter 1

1241 Words
Hi Everyone! Thanks for choosing to try this book out! You won't be disappointed! This is a book filled with drama, humour and hopefully true love. Enjoy! ___________________________________________________________________ HARLEY This has always been my life. As usual, step my way into school. No attention brought to me. Make my way to my locker and check my timetable. Yep! Starting with English. Knowing we are currently busy with Romeo and Juliet. I drop the book in my back pack and just as if the bell was waiting for me to do that, the bell rings for the first period. People started making their way to class. I sighed because as usual I am going to be pushed around and even shoved to the wall from people making their way to classes. Why don't I just find a corner to stand at so I wouldn't be able to be pushed around by running and rushing students to classes? I chuckle at myself. Why haven't I thought of that? I quickly make my way to a corner where I know I wouldn't be able to be pushed around. Ten minutes later, no students where left but me. I never knew it will end this late. I started my fast walk to class. "Hey!!" I heard from behind. I let out a sigh. This person might not even be talking to me. Remember? The unnoticed girl? It's me. I started my quick walk to class but just after taking three steps forward. "Hey!! Over there!! I'm talking to you!!" The unfamiliar male voice calls. Maybe it's a stupid prank. I concluded and continue walking but I was dragged back, turned and twisted around. I stood there shocked, staring at the unfamiliar handsome face. Where the hell have this special handsomeness come from? He looks like he just came out from a movie scene. But, I haven't seen this face before, but this school is big with numerous students. A sound of someone clearing their throat brought me back to reality. The unfamiliar guy was the one clearing his throat. Oh my gosh! I hope he didn't caught me staring for too long! Oh Gosh! Who am I kidding? "I am kinda lost finding my way to class. How about you showing me the way?" The unfamiliar guy asked. Wow, deep voice. Who does he think I am? A God? Who has to show him the way to life? "Do you speak?" He asked with a raise of an eyebrow. My blank face turns into a frown. He thinks I don't speak. Here I am already thinking I found Mr. Right. "So you don't. Well s**t. Can you at least use your hands or something to show me where I can find, uh, wait a minute..." He says and takes out a paper from his back pocket. This guy is your topical tall, special hair, special face, special lips and even maybe special body guy. Well it's obvious once the girls see him, they would probably kiss his feet or cry why the hell he has such a freaking burning face....not literally. He searches the paper then I guess he found what he was looking for by the rise of his eyebrows. "Yeah, Mrs. Jameson." He answered reading the name out loud for me. Then faces me back with a smirk. That's actually my English teacher. Where I was heading to before he stopped me. Wait, is he going to the same class as me? Noticing my questioning face, he smirks. "Oh yeah, haven't pop out the sentence. I'm actually new in this school. Trying to find my way to class. It won't hurt you to tell me right?" I guess he didn't understand why my face was like that. I slowly nodded like a dummy, what's wrong with me? Is it because a looking so perfect, good looking guy, in my school, is talking to me or because I'm a bit curious about him. I mentally shook my head. He is a new guy, obviously when he finds out how unpopular I am. He will leave me like everyone. There was once a new girl that joined this school last year, Felicia. She came just like him but apparently she bumped into me and fell my books. She apologized and helped me picked it up. Me mirroring her smile thinking I finally found a girl who is part of this school to be my friend but again, who was I kidding? Few days later, after finding how unpopular I was. She left me and joined the popular girls, known as Janine's group. So why don't I use my common sense now and just show this unfamiliar guy to class, not saying a word to him so he doesn't think I want to be friends with him. I gesture my hand for him to follow me. He nods and shove the paper in his pocket before following right beside me. Few minutes later we were few steps away to reach class. Then he decides to talk. "So my cousin also goes to this school. But apparently he was so focused on being laid early in the morning, before going to school. Imagine the craziness." He chuckles. "That can explain why I'm late today right?" He said. I ignore him pretending I didn't hear anything he said. "Oh yeah, you're mute." He says more to himself. We finally got to my - I mean our English class. I hold the door nob. "Wait, what? We're already here?" He asked a bit shocked for some unknown reason. I looked at him and nodded before turning back to the door. I let out a sigh knowing how late I am to the class before opening the door. I got in and the class didn't pay me a single attention, anyway it's not like I care. Only the teacher noticed my arrival. I let out a breath and was about to walk to my seat until I heard the class gasp, staring at me with wide eyes. I looked around and their eyes were directed at me, the unnoticed girl. Am I dreaming? Am I finally being noticed? I ask myself. I looked at everyone in surprise. "Wow so freaking handsome!" One of the girls squeals pointed her tiny finger with witch nails at me. Did she just call me handsome? "He is hot!" Another one yelled. Wait what?! 'He'? Oh wait, they are talking about the guy I walked in with right? I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Morning young man. Can you please introduce yourself to the class." "Hey guys!! My name is Asher Breedson." "Welcome to our school Mr. Breedson and for you, I'll let this pass since it's the first time you coming late to class and seems like you escorted Asher to class. But this shouldn't repeat itself." Mrs. Jameson said. I nodded down at her. "You two can go and find your seat." I walked straight to my seat and as usual the seat next to me is empty, I let out a sigh, thankfully this is my last year in this lonely school. But next thing I know the empty chair was pulled back. "Why couldn't he just sit next to me." One of the girls whined. "Hey, you looked lonely so I decided to erase that." He whispers in my ear before smirking. If only he knew I am always lonely.
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