
1117 Words
WHILE the clock was ticking, with heavy breathing, Violet scanned her room with a terrified look on her face. Aside from the blood and shards of glass which scatters around the house of Violet in Silverburn. With a sad smile, Violet looks at the clock and she saw that it was three o'clock in the afternoon. For that reason, Violet remembers all the memory that she had from the past and how she sacrificed herself to be loved by her father. Even though she wants to be saved by someone, hoping that maybe, just maybe someone will come and rescue her but she just shakes her head and forget what she has on her mind since she knew from herself and she knew from the very beginning that it is impossible. However, she’s hoping that there's someone who saved her before it's too late. “Was death the only way to escape this misery?” Violet asks herself while tears rolling down her face. After that, she closed her eyes while remembering how life has been unfair to her and never been on her favor. Standing firmly, and trying not to stumble on her feet she’s clenching her fist while reminiscing the sad truth about her life. Having a sharp pain in her chest while puking some blood Violet chose to continue thinking about the past. IN A SUNNY DAY, Violet who was five years old at that time, was joyously running down the corridor of their mansion. With a smile plastered on her lips, she knocks at the door’s office of her father while holding a piece of paper. After a minute the door was open by their butler with a serious expression written on his face. Violet looks at their butler with a smile on her lips before entering the office of her father, Raeburn. “Butler James, is daddy is in his office?” Violet asks James, their butler. “Yes, young lady. He’s still busy with the paperwork,” Butler James answered Violet before bowing in front of her. After that, Violet, enters the office of her father with a sweet smile on her lips. Suddenly, Violet felt happy when she saw her father looking at her. In a blink of an eye, Violet showed her drawing to her father who is staring at her with a blank face. While showing her drawing to her father Violet feels proud of herself since she knew to herself that it is one of her best works. That’s why Violet was confident showing her drawing to her father who is still staring at her with a blank face plastered on his face. “Look, daddy, I draw our, family!” Violet said happily to her father, Raeburn. “So? What did you want me to do? Celebrate it with you because you draw our family!?” Raeburn answered Violet with an irritated expression. All of a sudden, Violet's happiness was gone because of what she heard from her father. “I-I just want to show you my drawing, daddy,” Violet said to her father while stuttering. Violet was shocked when her father throws some paper on her face causing her to cried in pain. “If you bother me again, I will lock you up in the attic! Don’t test me! You just disturbed me in my works because of that stupid drawing!” Raeburn shouted at Violet. “I’m sorry, daddy,” Violet said while holding her tears in front of her father. Then, Violet found herself crying because of what her father did to her. Since she’s hurting so much, the five years old, Violet, left the room while tears rolling down her face. When Violet is in her room she cried over and over again because she felt that her father didn’t love her. Instead of losing hope, Violet decided to herself that she will be patient until her father will love her wholeheartedly. That’s why Violet promised herself that she will do anything just to be loved by her father. As the time passed by, Violet grew into a beautiful fine woman, but still, her father didn’t love her. Even though, Violet always follows her father’s order but it feels like she’s just like an air to him. Now that she’s now a top-tier assassin all she wants in her life is to know what it feels like to be loved by her father. Violet was lying on her bed when she heard a knock outside her room. With a tired face, she opens the door and a confused looked plastered on her face because of a person in front of her. “Die! You need to die!” the man shouted in front of Violet. Then, Violet found herself bleeding to death because she was stabbed in her chest. “W-Who are you?” Violet asks in confusion. Instead of answering her, she was stabbed again. After that, the person who stabbed her left in the room. For that reason, Violet found herself bleeding to death while lying on the floor. With tears in her eyes, Violet gritted her teeth since she didn’t know that she will die not knowing the feelings of having a happy family. VIOLET, came back from her deep thoughts about her sad life when she feels hot. To her surprise, she saw her house which is located in Silverburn were burning. Again, a sad smile plastered on her lips before closing her eyes since Violet accepted her destiny. “I guess this is my destiny,” Violet said to herself before engulfing with darkness. WHILE COVERING WITH SWEATS, Violet opened her eyes and the first one she saw is the chandelier in her room. In a confused expression, she scans her room since she knew to herself that she died already. After that, she gets up in her bed and saw herself in the mirror and Violet was surprised because of what she saw. “OMG! Is this for real?” Violet asks herself with a wide eye. There’s one thing Violet's realized and that is she's young again. Violet feels like she’s twenty-three years old again. In a blink of an eye, Violet looks at the calendar in her room and she was shocked because she’s back in the past when she was still twenty-three years old. The time when her sister didn’t arrive yet to ruin her life. With that, Violet looks at the mirror again in her room with a blank expression written on her face. “I don't know what is happening to me but I promise that I change my destiny!” Violet said to herself with a blank expression.
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