Chapter 1 - A Life of being a lowest noble

1031 Words
12 Years ago it was a hot day when I Felix Borgon was born. My mother once said that I got my name because instead of crying I laugh when I was just been born making them think that I will be a happy person and a lucky charm that came to their lives but little did they know that I was not originally from this planet. It was raining that day, I came from the farm to check the crops when a sudden storm is coming and on my way back to the house I got struck by a lightning. When I woke up I'm already at this world as a baby, at first I thought that it was a dream a super long dream but time pass by and I'm still here so when my 1st birthday came I totally give up on going back to my old world and give this world a try. Today was my 12th birthday and within this 12 years of living here in this world I realize that this world is underdeveloped compared to my previous world. With the system of nobles, in this world the one that governs and holds the authority for this kingdom is the royal family mainly the King. My family was also part of the system of the nobles but we are the lowest and governs the tiniest land in the entire kingdom. This kingdom also has a law that when a noble turns 12 years old he or she will have to train governing their respective territory so here I am Felix Borgon making my first step as a soon to be baron. I started my day eating breakfast with my family. "Felix are you ready son?" this is my father, Philip Borgon a Baron. I am very grateful and proud to have him as a father, his also very similar to my father back then kind, simple, and friendly to the villagers. All of the people at our little village respect and love him. "Yeah dad I'm ready" I said while getting a piece of bread. "Don't push yourself too hard don't forget to bring some water" this is my mother, Alicia Borgon. A mother that I didn't have when I was on Earth because my mother in Earth died while giving birth to me so I am a little bit of a biased when it comes to my mother. "Don't worry mother I will never forget about my water" I said. "We are just going to the fields Alicia you don't have to worry" my father said. "I know that but this is first day working" my mother worry so much. "The villagers knows Felix and Felix visits the fields almost everyday so there's nothing new to what we are going to do so stop worrying so much okay? I'm with him so everything is going to be alright" father said to calm down mother. I know that it's unnecessary to worry so much because we're just going to the field but I love it when mom worries for me but I think it's too much sometimes but it just shows how much mother love me. We finished our meal and currently on the way to our field to check if there's something wrong with the crops. We visited different locations all day and there's something that I notice from visiting different fields, they are transporting the crops manually and doesn't have tools to help them. I didn't find it weird in the past but the way they work is so time consuming, maybe because in the past I am visiting the fields just to help them in their work and have a good chat with them but now that I am acting like the baron of this land that's when I finally see some details that I didn't saw in the past. "How was your first day son" we currently on our carriage on the way to our home. "Father there's something that I want to ask" I need to tell father what I saw today. "Just say it, what did you want to ask son" "Why did the workers lifting the sacks on their back all the way to the storage houses?" I ask as I am really curious on why did they not using any kind of tools. "Why? because that's the way it's done even in other territories son" my father seems confuse on my question. "I have an idea father can you lend me a hand?" "Looks like you have something interesting idea there my son, if it's a good idea and it's within my power I will fully support you son. Let's talk about it when we got home" Father seems more exited than me, as long as I can help them I am willing to do anything. My memories of my past can be useful in this kind of situations, I don't know who invented the things that I will be making but thank you for inventing such useful things. Your hard work will eventually help many people in this different world. I'm not planing to still your invention but please let me go this time it's for my friends at the village. "Mother were home!" I shouted as I come down from the carriage. "Welcome home my son the dinner is ready come in let's eat" my mother home cooking is the best. "That can wait, Felix and I have something to discuss" my father said as he was right behind me. "Your son works all day long and you want him to work even at home are you trying to kill him" my mother grabs fathers ear. "aww ouch! stop it Alicia my ear will be teared, Felix have some interesting idea so we will just discuss that aww" father doesn't look like the dignified guy he was a little while ago with those teary eyes. "Mother lets eat I'm hungry, Father lets talk about that after we finished eating the soup will be cold if we keep waisting our time" As I said that mother pulls back her arms and immediately sat on her seat.
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