
But I Rejected You

kickass heroine

"I, Ryder Ajani Jordon, of the Crescent Wolf Pack, reject you" breaks the silence. Then he walks away.

I'm speechless. Never in my wildest dreams had I image it playing out this way. Me? A rejected mate? I know it's possible but there's so few case documented on it, that it never occurred to me that one day that could be me.

Sabrina whimpers. She's broken, I'm broken. If what they say about being a rejected mate is true, then, I'm sure, I'm as good as dead now.


What happens when the rejected mate is marked by a cruel playboy Alpha before she even accepts her mates rejection?

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Birthday Boy
Ryder's POV "Happy Birthday " he sang, barging into my room, jumping straight onto the bed as I still lay partially asleep. "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to who???" he paused, expecting a reply from me. "Urgh!" I exhaled, sandwiching my head between my pillows to drown out the noise. He began jumping up and down again. "Happy Birthday to who?" he pouted, demanding an answer. "Happy Birthday to me." "I can't hear you!" he laughed, flapping his arms like he was about to take flight as he jumped. I glared at him as a warning to stop, but he seemed to take me as a joke. "What are you going to do?" he mocked. I wiggled my fingers "Do you want Mr. Tickles?" In excitement, he squealed, bouncing off of the bed, running out my room. I reached for my phone on the lamp stand, but it was not there. "Josh!" I called out "Where's my phone?" "I don't know" His giggles sold him out. "I just need to know the time" I pleaded, hoping he would return with it, but boy was I wrong. "Fine, then let's play what's the time, Mr. Wolf" "But you don't even have your wolf yet...you're too young" I teased. "Yes I do" He snapped "he's just resting still...And when he wakes up, he'll be bigger and stronger than you" he finished, sticking his tongue out mockingly. "Well, I'll play the game with you..... when he's awake" I chuckled with amusement. But he stared at me unamused. "Do you want to know the time or not?" "Sure." "Well, either you get up and find out yourself, or you play the game" he stated in such a matter of fact tone. "Fineeee.....What the time Mr. Sleeping Wolf" It was hard to control the snickers. He just stared emotionless at me, walking away. "Wolf boy, what's the time?" I desperately cried after him, but there was no use. "Come outside and find out yourself" he dryly responded. For a 10-year-old boy, he sure had a lot of character and attitude. I sometimes forget he is that young. I crawled out of bed. It wouldn't have hurt to have just an extra 5 minutes of sleep, but Mr. 'sleeping wolf' boy just knew how to keep me awake. "Look who's up!" mom beamed "It's the birthday boy" she said, pressing the palm of her hand against my cheek, squeezing it as she smiled. I hope she remembers I'm now 18 and not 8. And as if she read my mind, she replied "you'll always be my little baby." "When you're finished just put the 5 dollars on the counter," Josh shouted across the room. My eyes darted from mom to dad. "What's he talking about?" I queried, looking confused. The nerve of this boy, I thought to myself. No one answered, so I faced mom. She'll surely cave for the sake of the birthday boy... right? She sighed, turning from dad slowly to me. "Well you see..." she paused "your father promised Josh 5 dollars if he could get you out of bed early for once." Josh looked at me. A look of satisfaction plastered on his face, causing me to roll my eyes, shaking my head, before walking over to dad in the kitchen. "Morning dad, what cha cook?" I asked cheerfully, not bothering to hold his money scheming ways against him. Truth be told, if the roles were reversed, I probably would have done the same... for way less money. "Somebody's favourite waffle pancakes with vanilla whipped cream topped with strawberry dipped in chocolate." dad replied, making my mouth water. My dad was certainly the best chef I knew, not that I have much experience with other chefs to make such a bold comparison, but hey, he's my Dad, I'm allowed to be biased. Don't get me wrong, we were rich enough to order take out every day, eat in fancy restaurants, hire cleaners, cooks, you name it. But dad and mom took such pride in taking care of us personally, that they've decided to do without those things. Mom preferred the cleaning over the cooking and dad loved to cook, so mom didn't have to step foot in the kitchen, unless she wanted to. They were a perfect match, in more ways than one. I've heard their story countless times. For them, it was love at first sight. The moment they laid eyes on each other, their bodies screamed 'mate'. Mom was gorgeous and dad was like a Greek god. I can proudly say Josh and I inherited some great genes. We were a picture perfect family. "How long again?" I inquired. "In about another 5 minutes" came the response. "Perfect...I'll be back." I headed to my room and as tempting as it was to use those 5 minutes to catch up on lost sleep, I chose to use it to get dressed and ready for school. "Breakfast is served...come get it while it's hot." "In a sec" I shot back while buttoning my school shirt as I stared in the mirror at this devilishly handsome carved masterpiece. I was what the girls called eye candy. I lived for the compliments, a delicious delight. Simply put, I was the human definition of perfection. 'Whoever is mated to me is going to be one lucky soul', I smirked. "Ready yet!?" Josh wailed. I smiled 'must be a painful wait for Josh'. He's usually the first with a mouth full of food whenever I go down for breakfast. At least, if only for today, I know no one's going to start eating without me. Mom would make sure of that. So, for today, I'll enjoy each perk of being the birthday boy. I was just about done, dressed and ready to go. I gasped as I returned downstairs. " When did you all have time to do all of this?" " It's mummy's little secret." she winked. The house was now decorated with a red carpet rolling from the base of the stairs to the chair I usually sat in. Balloons outlined the length of the pathway. A cake center stage on the table reading Happy Birthday Ryder. 1, 2, 3....16, 17, 18 candles I count, all waiting and ready to be blown out. I strutted across the red carpet like a celebrity at the Met Gala. In this moment, it was pure pleasure and joy as I enjoyed the opening hours of my birthday with my family. I blew out the candles, with only one wish. My one and only wish was that today I will meet her.

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