
POSSESSED: Tainted Love

another world

Lisa is just a beautiful girl and a sweetheart.

She recently finds herself prone to trouble. Trouble follows her around.

She falls in love with a very dangerous and Ruthless man.

What happens when she finds out the truth about Him.

Will she stay leave or stay? Is their love strong enough?

Only Fate will decide.

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As Lisa woke up it's already noon. She yawns and stretches before getting out of bed. She then opens the window of her apartment and stares at the Nice view. Lisa owned a very luxurious apartment , that had been bought for her by her ex boyfriend as a birthday present. He's filthy rich. Always wanting to impress with the money. The apartment has a very nice view of an exotic garden from her bed side situated next a beautiful swimming pool. Everyday she'd watch the Blue sky , The beautiful flowers , The green leaves and listen to the birds sing. It's the best feeling ever. She never gets tired if it , she'd used every chance she got just enjoy the view. "Lisa!? Lisa?! are you awake?" Lisa's best friend shouts from across the room. "Yes! yes. Diana I'm awake." Lisa replies already coming to meet her friend. As usual Diana goes straight to the kitchen. "What'd you cook las night." Diana searches the kitchen , collecting anything that she can eat. Lisa just rolls her eyes and joins her , they both prepare something to eat. The two girls ate and start chatting about everything. They are so close that they told each other everything bad or worse. After sometime they watched TV and chilled eating some snacks. Time went without the two even noticing. Beep! Beep! the alarm starts beeping. "ohhw! it's already 7 o'clock. Lisa checks her phone. "That means you must prepare for work and I have to go. Liam called." Diana gets up and heads towards the door. "I'll see you later sweetie pie" She bids her friend goodbye. "I love you bye." Lisa waves at her friend . "love you too babe" Then Diana was gone. Lisa sighs before getting up from her sit. She goes upstairs and takes a short Bath. She quickly rummages through her closet looking for something Hot and sexy. She finds her self a black dress. The dress was short , that it covered only a party of her booty, it was a tight fit dress with only one shoulder. She puts on her make up and gets in her black dress. The dress fitted her so well that it showed her curves , her little waist and her big booty. Though she never had much on the chest area she is still pretty sexy and extremely beautiful. she puts on her high stiletto heels. She was on top of the world and she was rocking it. She fixes her hair to nice curly bun. She looks at the mirror for sometime impressed with her self before putting on her long black coat to cover self up. She takes her hand bag and heads for the door. She locked and She was gone. "Plz drop me off here." She instructed the cab driver. She looks at the club which was flashing bright lights before her eyes. The sign read "DELIRIUM". Delirium was the name of the club she worked in. She worked as a stripper and not that she was happy about it , she's really desperate for some extra cash and it seemed like the only job that promised well. She gets inside the club to the backroom and takes off her coat. She greets some of the girls that were still gossiping in the room. They don't answer her of cause and she goes along to the bar. Most of the girls in the club never really liked her. They'll always say she's way over herself and thinks she's prettier than anyone. To annoying and full of s**t. But the real reason they hated her would be that she was "Yes" prettier but mostly because she gets all the attention of the handsome Rich man that came to the club. Not that she interest in any of them. Lisa takes a sit in front of the bar. "Martin plz." She takes a look around the club as if searching for something. "Here my love." Angie passes her the drink. Angie is one of Lisa's few friends in the club and only girlfriend most they were boys. Before she can take a sip someone shouts from behind. "Hey!! beautiful mama!" A random guy approaches her. The guy is handsome and tall. "Hy." Lisa replies totally uninterested. "My name is Jason but you can call me baby Jay and I couldn't help but notice that a beautiful mama like you is sitting all alone." The guy had a mischievous look on his face. "How nice of you." She replies sarcastically though the baby Jay doesn't seem to notice. "Well I was wondering how long will this keep you busy?" He takes out a stack of cash and hands it too Lisa. The guy was clearly buying her for s*x. That's what most do. Since she's a stripper they always see her to be a hooker too. Lisa takes the money and throws it inside her bag and looks away. Jason was surprised and didn't understand what Lisa meant. "well are you coming?" He's very confused. "No!" Lisa still looking away. "What the f**k is wrong wit you?" He shouted at her. Before Lisa can snap back at him the guy just walks away. He seems scared or something as he'd just seen a Ghost or something. Lisa looks around the club tryna find out what might have scared the guy. She can't spot anything but still looks around. "What was that?" Lisa still confused by Jason's reaction. "what was what?" Angie was surprised by her weird question as she was serving one the guys his drink. "Nothing it's just the way that guy just walked away from me was strange." "You worry too much , maybe he realized you not interested" She continues serving her customers. "But still it was weird though." "Maybe but look on the bright side. Free money." Angie smiles. Lisa sighs. What's wrong now?" Angie starts attending to her friend. "It's just that motherfucker Dex. He's literally paying half of what he promised." Lisa's face seemed to be very sad as she addresses her friend. Maybe you should just forget about it." Angie was looking at her as she was trying to comfort her. "But you know I need that money right?" She becomes even more sad. "Then what are gonna do about it? You can't convince Dex after all." "Maybe it's not Dex I need convince. Lisa turns to the booth across the club. "You can't be serious. Are tryna get ur self killed?" Angie starts warning her friend. But Lisa was not listening , she gets up and starts walking towards the Booth. she has enough of it all , she was tired of being bullied around. She wanted to teach Dex a lesson. That to never mess with her. And yet she never thought anything through. Angie tries to stop her friend but it was too late. She is already halfway. As she was going towards the Booth everyone was watching her . She was doing it and they knew she was a very a stubborn lady. No one could stop her. She reaches the booth and enters inside. She looks straight at the enemies eyes. *This book has a second book: Possessed 2. If you liked this book. You can check that one out..*

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