
My Lycan In Shining Armor

opposites attract

Rosy Hoover is a heartbroken late bloomer werewolf and a freshman in college, who got saved by a senior- while being bullied by other werewolves in the woods.

Her savior turned out to be a lycan; a breed she wasn’t supposed to mix with, as her tribe considered it forbidden.

But despite the consequences that came with it, she fell in love with him.

Samuel Lazar; her lycan in shining armor, intended to resist in the beginning. Until he found the spell that she was impossible to resist.

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"Let Her Go!"
Rosy’s P.O.V I could still hear their voices in my head, as I cowered near a tree with a large and tall trunk- looking for comfort, right in the thickness of the night. It was ironic that even in my werewolf form, I was still a scared little girl. But I guess in my defense, I had only phased for the very first time- only a few days before the incident. “What are you doing alone over here, freak?” The black wolf; who I assumed was the alpha of the pack surrounding me, asked in his head voice. “Yeah, this is our turf and we’ve never seen you here before.” Agreed a female voice, coming from the warm brown wolf. The white one remained quiet. But they all started circling even closer to me. Adding to my fear as I saw that an attack was inevitable at that point. I tightly closed my eyes and leaned even closer to the tree trunk. Running away wasn’t an option. All the three wolves around me looked strong and were definitely experienced, making it clear to me that they’d catch up with me in absolutely no time. And so, like the coward that I was, who couldn’t even speak up or attempt to stand up for herself- I awaited my death. “Get away from her!” A commanding voice came from behind the black wolf. My eyes slowly opened, as I wondered who it was exactly that had just come to my rescue. They grew into saucers when I realized it was a Lycan. Especially as I was setting my eyes on one, for the very first time. Samuel’s P.O.V “I said, let her go.” I slowly approached the three idiotic wolves, trying to intimidate the novice. “This is none of your business, Samuel.” Brooke, the alpha of the pack of three responded in annoyance- as he turned to face me. His two sidekicks did the same. I wouldn’t have confronted them if I didn’t have what it took to bring them down. They knew this, as well as I did. And yet, for the sake of the newcomer in our midst, they wanted to conceal their weaknesses. “That’s right, Lazar. This is about territory and ensuring that everybody knows their place around here.” Mandlyn, the warm brown wolf, piped up. “Campus grounds is nobody’s territory, everybody knows this.” I responded, narrowing my eyes as I sent my thoughts out to them. I’ve always disliked Brooke’s pack. I’ve always found them annoying too. But tonight, it wasn’t even about the mutual hatred between us. It was about protecting the little girl. “And for that reason, you three bullies will let her go.” I took a step closer to them, growled lowly in my throat as I took on a threatening stance. In seeing my snarl, they all backed away and created a pathway for the scared novice to pass through. “That wasn’t hard, now, was it?” Saliva drooled from my mouth, just at the idea of tearing their smug flesh apart. “This isn’t over, Lazar.” I heard someone say as I slowly walked after the girl. With her no longer being a target, I didn’t bother paying attention to that pack of fools. My job there was done. And as soon as I could safely see the girl off, the sooner I would return to my peaceful sleep- in readiness for the day ahead. Brooke’s P.O.V “Maybe we should just let it go guys.” Jesse; the most quiet one in my pack, whined, in response to my idea of hunting down whoever the new object of Samuel Lazar’s obsession was. “The last thing we need on our hands is a battle with a lycan.” “Maybe that’s where you’re wrong,” I thoughtfully said, sipping on a soda. “These lycans have thought themselves better than us werewolves for years, its about time someone put them in their place.” “That someone doesn’t have to be us though,” Jesse shrugged. “Hello, boys.” Mandlyn joined us at our usual lunch table. “Still talking about our interrupted fun last night?” “Yes,” Jesse and I said in unison. “I think we should hunt the girl down,” I stated where I stood on the matter. “And I think we should let it go,” Jesse shrugged again, maintaining his stance too. Mandlyn took a deep breath and looked at both our faces before speaking. “I take it this is the part where I join in on the voting?” She asked and sighed deeply. “Not to disrespect alpha authority here, Brooke. But Jesse is right. We don’t want Samuel Lazar or any of these lycans on campus breathing down our necks. We can’t afford a battle on our hands.” “Why?” My voice began to rise, but I didn’t care. “You think we don’t have what it takes to tame them?” I found it annoying how everyone saw Lycans as a breed superior to us. Because it was that kind of glory and worship they got, that made them so full of themselves. “Why are you so damn obsessed with the girl, man?” Jesse’s voice matched mine. Earning us a few curious stares from passer-bys and those sitting close to our table. “It’s not an obsession,” I hissed through my teeth. “She crossed the line last night and therefore needs to be taught a lesson.” I seethed, feeling even more angry due to the members of my pack not being with me on that one. “I’ll deliver that lesson on my own if I have to,” I stood, jogged out of the cafeteria straight into the nearby woods. Where my anger resulted in my phasing. I paced back and forth, until I calmed down a bit. Then I phased back and headed to class. Rosy’s P.O.V I hid in class during the entire recess and lunch hour. I didn’t want to take any risks of being identified. I was still shook by what had happened the previous night, and therefore committed to staying under the radar. “Ooof!” I fell into the arms of a stranger, as a result of constantly looking over my shoulder while walking- just to be sure that I wasn’t being followed. “I’m so sorry,” how insanely good looking he was made me blush scarlet. “It’s okay,” he flashed me the most gorgeous and magnetic smile I had ever seen on a guy before. Then steadied me with his strong but gentle hands, until I was standing upright again. When I left home a couple of weeks ago; I had just completed high school and was heavily heartbroken, after my relationship with a boy I had been with for years ended badly. It kind of made me vow to myself to stay away from matters of the heart, for as long as I could. But for that brief moment of looking into his emerald green eyes, smelling his sensual scent and being held by whoever the stranger was- I felt no longer sure of that vow. As we went our separate ways, I kept looking back at him walking away. Except that time around, it was no longer out of fear of being pursued by my bullies. But purely as a result of interest in the mystery guy. Samuel’s P.O.V As I sat throughout the rest of my afternoon classes, the earlier scene replayed itself in my head. In a campus as big as ours, I was surprised that the girl I had saved just last night had ended up in my arms. She had looked as innocent as she did in the thickness of the night too. Her eyes had held so many secrets that I found myself wanting to uncover. But I knew how much that wasn’t an option. Especially because where I come from, werewolves and lycans didn’t mix. It was an unspoken rule. And yet I knew in my heart of hearts, just how ready I was to defy it. Sooner or later, she would be mine. She had to be. Rosy’s P.O.V “Let her go!” “It’s okay.” The words kept playing in my mind. I didn’t understand why at first, until it dawned to me. They were spoken by the same person. The lycan who had saved me just last night, had kept me from falling a few hours ago. Except I couldn’t quite tell if it was just a coincidence or fate trying to bring us together. One thing I was sure of was that, I had to find my lycan in shining armor again. I had to thank him, in person. My kind and his didn’t exactly mix. We weren’t supposed to. But I knew that I had to see that little mission of mine through. The consequences be damned. “Hey, wanna go to the party tonight?” Lucia, a freshman I had met on my first day asked. “I’m not sure,” I lazily shrugged. “I’ll send you the details anyway, in case you change your mind.” I wanted to tell her not to bother, because parties weren’t my thing. But she was gone before I could. At around 7 p.m. I was glad that I hadn’t totally dismissed her invite, because I was all dressed up and ready to start my freshman year in style!

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