Taking Her Home

1637 Words
Samuel’s P.O.V I’m not one for parties. But my housemate, Craig, insisted on dragging me out of the house tonight. “Your job here is simple, buddy.” He placed his arm around my shoulders, as he excitedly spoke. “You just have to tell every group of girls we come across how amazing I am.” He was a loudmouthed human being, one that cared a lot about trivial things too. “Sure thing,” I chuckled. “I know exactly what being a wing man entails.” As we walked into the loud hall; I wasn’t quite sure if I was there to humor my good friend Craig, or because I had a mission of my own. “Hey ladies,” Craig, easily got himself hooked on the first couple of girls in skimpy outfits that we came across. And as he got comfortable with them, to a point of cracking his tired jokes- I saw that as my cue. I started walking through the crowds, in search of the brunette that I wouldn’t stop thinking about. But to my disappointment, she was nowhere to be found. “Hey, watch it!” Brooke intentionally bumped into me, no doubt picking a fight. But judging by his drunk state, there was no point in paying attention to him. So I apologized and moved on. Rosy’s P.O.V I spent what felt like hours, searching for Lucia to no avail. And in the end, I decided to find myself a spot by the bar area that the party organizers had invented. “Is this seat taken?” A strange but familiar voice, pulled me out of the pity party thoughts that I was having. “Yes,” I looked up at the lycan and hid a smile by bringing my cocktail to my lips. “Oh,” his face fell, as he wildly looked around then began to turn. “By you,” I nervously spoke, hoping that he’d choose to stay. Goodness knew I had so many questions to ask him. He chuckled, shook his head and mounted the stool near me. “Lucky me,” he muttered softly and ordered a beer. “For someone who’s already featured in my life a lot in the past twenty four hours, it feels wrong not to know your name.” I found myself saying. Alcohol apparently brought out the courage and bravery in me. “Samuel Lazar,” he extended his hand, a smirk playing on his lips. “Rosy Hoover,” I smiled and placed mine in his strong grip. “It’s very nice to meet you.” “Likewise,” he nodded and then turned thoughtful. “What’s a girl like you doing here alone?” “Trying not to get killed out there,” I dropped my voice to a whisper. ”I’m sure that would have been so much easier to achieve if you had just stayed indoors,” he took a large gulp of his beer- his eyes not leaving mine. “True,” I nodded. “But I figured since I was so terrible at making friends with my own kind, I may as well try interacting with humans. A friend invited me, but never pitched.” “Well, in that case then, I guess I should take it upon myself to see to it that you get home safely.” He shrugged, appearing very attractive, manly and in control- making me feel warm all over. “How can I refuse?” I blushed and averted my gaze. Locking eyes with Samuel had a specific effect on me. One that made me feel like I was at a great risk of melting, if I didn’t look away fast enough. Lucia’s P.O.V “Hey there, beautiful.” A boy I had been kissing since the very first night of the semester, called Brooke, greeted from behind me. Upon mixing up the girls and boys’ dormitories, I had gotten lost and landed right in his room. He said he’d take me where I needed to go, if I bribed him with a kiss. Innocently, I had kissed him. And as days passed, it quickly became a pattern. “Hey,” I smiled broadly, my attempts at trying to find Rosy- long forgotten. “I’m glad you came,” he grabbed me by the waist and brought his lips firmly to mine. Despite it happening around such a thick crowd of people, I liked every second of it. “Oh, there she is!” I said as soon as I came up for air and spotted Rosy. “Who?” Brooke asked, looking in the direction I had pointed in. “My roommate, Rosy. I invited her to come out tonight,” I informed then noticed something. “She seems to already have company though, so I guess I’m all yours.” “You sure about that?” He looked at me in that sexy way of his, that made me feel like I was the only girl in the world. “Definitely,” I seductively purred and bit my bottom lip. “Let’s take this party back to my room then,” he snaked his arm around my waist and led me out of the noisy hall. Brooke’s P.O.V As I excitedly tore away at Lucia’s clothing, I felt great relief and hope at how things were slowly coming together. I couldn’t quite see the girl Lucia had mentioned; but I had a name. And in seeing that she was with that big headed Lazar, I decided I had my very first suspect. Sooner or later, all the pieces of my puzzle would come together- and my mission would be accomplished. How I would corner her and deliver the lesson that I so craved to, made me even more excited to bury myself into Lucia’s sinful body. Samuel’s P.O.V “The air is nice out,” I attempted to break the ice between us as we walked to her dorm building. But this sweet little girl simply nodded, without looking at me. Leaving me conflicted, as to whether or not I was even supposed to try conversing with her. “Thank you for saving me in the forest that night,” she finally spoke, moments after silence had fallen between us. “What makes you so sure that it was me?” I couldn’t help but ask. “I recognized your voice,” she shrugged and chuckled. “You’re welcome,” I had no come back to her conclusion. I was caught out and had to accept it. “When was the first time you phased?” A memory of the image of her looking so out of place and completely out of depth in the woods flashed across my mind. “About two weeks ago,” she shyly said. “Later bloomer, huh?” I teased, nudging her shoulder with mine. “Not in all aspects,” she chuckled, playfully and defiantly crossed her arms, as she came to a standstill. “Oh yeah? Prove it,” I challenged, coming to a standstill too. She hesitantly placed one of her feet in front of the other, until she was standing right in front of me. I was mystified when I looked down into her eyes. In that moment, it felt like there was a string of magnet pulling our faces together. It was then that I understood perfectly what they always mean when they say that wrong things are attractive. The werewolf that she was and the lycan that I happened to be had no business embracing. It was taboo in both our cultures. Culture aside, if it were to come out on campus, we’d be the fodder of jokes and gossip. And yet, when she wrapped her delicate arms around my neck, I automatically gently wrapped mine around her waist and kissed her like our lives depended on it. Like that moment was the last time we’d be alive. The kiss was scorching, both took and gave. But when she deepened it, I immediately pulled away. As I felt certain things in my body rousing, making me want her in ways that I hadn’t thought possible. “What now? Scared of a little kiss?” She teased, through shaky breaths of her own. I chuckled, shook my head but didn’t respond. Because there was no way I could respond to her in that moment, without scaring her away. “This is me,” she pointed at the door that we had then come to a standstill in front of. “If you want to… come in.” There was great hesitation in her invite. Which gave me a reason to decline. “Not tonight,” I softly said. “I’ll see you around then,” she said with a hopeful smile. I could see she shared the same hopes that I did. Which made me hate myself for shutting them down like I did. “I hope not,” I stared deeply into her pale blue eyes. The kiss was a mistake. Meeting her was another one. Falling for her was the biggest of them all, especially because I knew I couldn’t have her. Not without waging war between both her people and mine. When I saw tears filling her eyes, I turned around so quickly and rushed away before I could see them fall. Taking her home had quickly turned from being such a gentleman act, to being a manifestation of the connection that we had, all to end in being something heartbreaking for the both of us. I ran away from her as quickly as I could. I ran into the woods, phased halfway there, and kept running until the urge to go back and comfort her- calmed a bit.
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