Chapter Five: Melania's Firm Response To Brock's Advancement

1557 Words
Melania’s Point of View I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Did Brock really ask my mom if he could date me? I had already made it clear that I wasn't interested in a boyfriend! Now my mom was getting involved, and it was time for me to shut this down. With a chuckle, I turned to Brock and said, "I already told you I'm not interested in dating. And now you're going to my mom for permission?" Then I turned to my mom and said, "I'm an adult, I can date who I want. I kissed him, but that's not the issue. I'm going off to University soon, and you won't be there to watch over me. You have to trust that you raised me to make the right choices." My mom hugged me and admitted, "You're right, my child. I forget that you're not a little girl anymore." As my mom left with my sisters, she warned Brock, "Just because you have money doesn't mean you're good enough for my daughter. I've got my eye on you, Mr. Monroe." I rolled my eyes, feeling frustrated that people only hear what they want to hear. After my mom left, Brock tried to make a joke, but I wasn't amused. "Do not assume that I'll date you without asking me first," I told him. "I'm not the type of girl who falls for charm or waits for a guy to ask me out. Right now, don't even try. I need some space. This is not like me at all." When I returned to my room, I was in no mood for surprises. Finding flowers left for me only escalated my anger. When Brock appeared, I couldn't contain my frustration. I thrust the flowers at him, telling him, "I'm not someone who gets swept away by pretty flowers! Do not send me flowers! Just give up. That's not me." As he watched me, I stormed off feeling an unfamiliar frustration. This situation was getting to me in a way I couldn't shake. Sitting on the balcony, feeling disappointed, I noticed a black wolf with blue eyes watching me from the woods. I ran out to the woods to get a closer look at the wolf and was surprised when he approached me, laying his head in my lap. I found comfort in his presence, feeling like I could share anything with him. I am still in disbelief as I pet his fur, confiding in him about my past and my doubts. Don't bother asking me if I'm crazy, we've already covered that. I dashed out of the suite and into the woods to get a closer look at the beautiful wolf. I sat on a log nearby and just watched him, amazed that he didn't run away or attack me. Instead, he walked up to me, slowly bowed his head, and laid down next to me, resting his head in my lap. I petted his fur and told him how pretty he was. I figured he could be my special friend—a wolf I could talk to about anything and everything. I mean, who was he going to judge or tell, right? I still couldn't believe the wolf had his head in my lap. As I continued petting his soft head, I kept talking. I reminded myself that being adopted and not remembering anything from before the age of five didn't define me. It's like it was all erased. Why would someone try to kill me and think they had succeeded? How did some people walking in the woods manage to find me in such a dire state? When the couple had found me, I was at death's door. This is when the couple had called emergency services, and I was rushed by life flight to the nearest hospital. I've wondered if my biological parents had tried to kill me. I think the reason I don't remember is that my subconscious won't let me. It must be too scary or too painful, or both. That's why I feel like I'm going crazy. Did you know I hear voices in my head and, yes, I talk to them? It's always nagging and very annoying. I've never been able to develop real friends or relationships. I tell myself it's because I don't want someone to mess up my plans, but honestly, it's because I'm scared. I don't know who I am, and I'm crazy. How could I ever entertain the thought of having a special significant other? Laying my head down on the wolf, then I raised my head, "Wolfie, I wish I could bring you home, but I pretty certain my mother has a NO WOLF policy." The wolf then licked me all over my cheeks, causing me to laugh and gross out. "Wolfie, I do not think I want to remember, maybe it is best not to, I am going to leave now. Thank you so much for listening to me, Wolfie." Get up kissing Wolfie goodbye on the top of his head. Thank you for listening to me, Wolfie. Wave goodbye to my beautiful wolf with the beautiful blue eyes. Brock – After Melania left, I shifted back to my human form, feeling conflicted. It seemed deceitful that she confided in me without realizing. It deepened my understanding of her while also leaving me with more questions. Melania was raised by her adoptive human parents, but she struggles with repressed memories and hears her wolf speaking to her. As I stepped into the private elevator and changed into the clothes I had hidden behind a tree, I couldn't help but shake my head. I called my Private Investigator Michael to update him about the information I had gathered. As I attempted to communicate with Wolfie, I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. It was as if I had gained a new superpower, becoming a wolf whisperer. Light on my feet, I made my way to my suite where the girls were waiting. They excitedly bombarded me with questions about kissing Brock, to which I replied with laughter and an admission of the encounter's sultriness. Their jubilation was infectious, and I found myself being playfully pummeled with throw pillows. When I suggested going to the pool or hiking, the girls enthusiastically agreed. We decided to prank our brothers and their friends at the campgrounds, gearing up for the adventure. As we headed into the woods, I spotted Brock watching us, but I ignored him, focusing on the fun and camaraderie with my sisters and our secret prank weapons. This was shaping up to be an unforgettable day, made even better by the enthusiastic participation of my girls. We hiked near the freeway, weaving through the woods on our way to the campgrounds. As we walked, we started singing rounds of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat." When we reached the camp, I spotted Wolfie and couldn't help but squeal and yell out. My friends thought I was in danger, warning me to stay away from the big black wolf. But I just chuckled and assured them that Wolfie was actually quite friendly. I walked up to him, hugged him, and sat down as he rested his head in my lap. My friends eventually stopped hiding behind the trees and came over to pet Wolfie. After a bit of fun, I told Wolfie it was time to head back to the campgrounds. We dusted off our clothes and made our way back, only to find that the boys were missing. We heard people by the lake and decided to play a little prank. I handed each girl a can of silly string, and we sprayed it all over the camp. It was then I added some super glue to the lawn chairs. It was at this point when the boys returned, we had hidden in the nearby forest. As they discovered the silly string and got stuck to the chairs, I couldn't contain my laughter. This is when, I noticed the black wolf again and wondered if it smelled like candy corn. Of course, it was just my imagination running wild. As I was lost in thought, Jessie approached and tried to hug me with a cheesy line. I pushed him away, and then Wolfie stepped in, nudging him against a tree. I smiled at my loyal wolf and petted him. I turned my focus to my dad and the other guys who were shocked to see me taming a wild wolf. I asked my dad if I could keep Wolfie, leaving him speechless. Eventually, my friends came out of hiding to show the boys that Wolfie was not dangerous. When the guys tried to approach, Wolfie growled, making me laugh and shrug it off. Dad joked about me taking Wolfie into the forest so he wouldn't eat the guys. I teased my dad about Wolfie being my protector and wondered why I needed a boyfriend. Before I left, I caught a sight of hatred between Wolfie and my father. I figured I had imagined those emotions and decided to take off towards the hotel. As we hiked back to the hotel, Wolfie stayed with us, acting as our guardian. I blew him a kiss and retreated to my room, content with my guardian Wolfie.
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