Chapter : 4. Worst day for me..

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“Mike, hurry and get my car ready. And send Karen back to her home safely. Quick now…” Jasper ordered Mike when he gave a wet towel for me. Mike also ran our immediately without wasting any time. I don't know what happened to Karen or where did she go because in the next moment Jasper covers my face with that wet towel and took me out to the car. I didn't get a chance to see my husband's ex-wife's face after he told her that I'm really important to him and indicated her to go away. After about an hour, I was sitting in a dermatology chair as a professional skin care doctor was checking my face. I didn't need to see a doctor in the first place because after a few more minutes; the pain was gone and my face was fine except of a little redness. But Jasper pressured me to go to a doctor because he doesn't want to let anything harm me. Sometimes I feel like he loves me way too much but doesn't show it openly. But sometimes it feels like it's all a dream. I really hope it's not one of my dreams… “Sir, it looks like her face is okay for now. But I would suggest to should stay more careful in the future. This type of accident can cause total damage to her face and I don't think it can be fixed anymore. I hope you're understanding what I'm trying to say…” the doctor said, giving Jasper a pointed look. “Yes, I understand. I'll keep an eye on her…” he replied, looking at me with red eyes. A shiver ran down my spine from his intense look. For some reason, his red eyes were really scaring me today. Jasper has a special talent to let everyone know when he's angry. Whenever he gets mad at something, his eyes turn all fuming red. I've seen it few times before, when I made him angry for some unknown reason. Today is the same day I'm facing his death glare. Thankfully, he didn't say anything to me in front of the doctor or outside. He led me in his car once we were out of the doctor's personal hospital and drove towards home. I still had a few works left back in the company, but I didn't dare to tell him anything about it seeing his condition. Unfortunately, while going through all this drama, our lunch date was long forgotten. He didn't even talk to me a bit since we got out from the doctor. Once we were home, he went inside on his own, without waiting for me to come out of the car. Taking a deep breath once, I got out of the car and followed him inside. Going directly to our bedroom, I saw Jasper pacing in front of the bed in anger. “Jasper… Are you angry at me?” I dared to ask him. “Angry? Do I look like I'm impressed with you? Of course, I'm angry… Why shouldn't I be? Do you know how much effort I had to put on you to come to this point? No!.. You are just Fu*king ready to ruin everything…” I didn't understand what he's talking about. Why all of a sudden he's accusing me when I'm completely innocent in this matter? “What are you talking about? What did I do? Was it my fault, your stupid ex-wife barged in my cabin and spilled hot coffee all over me?” I asked him in protest of his accusing. “Yes, it is. Everything is your fault. Every single Fu*king thing. You messed everything up for me. You messed up my whole life and keep acting like you are a complete innocent. But I know who you are. I know every single thing about your character. And I promise you that I will fix everything as it was.” As he said that, tears came out of my eyes. What did I do wrong to listen to his accusations? Why is he saying that I messed up his life? Does he think that marrying me was a mistake? Does he think that I'm the reason for his breakup with his wife? Does he think that I like him for his money? What character he knows about me that I don't know myself? What was my mistake in all of it? “Fine. I don't care about anyone or anything. I'm happy with myself and everything I did. If anyone has problems with that, it's their own problem. I don't give a fu*k about anyone. Not you, not your bi*ch ex-wife.” I said with hate filled voice. He truly hurt my feelings today by picking up my character. “You…” He rushed near me and was about to hit me, but I stood in my place still, without even blinking for once. If he wants to beat me for talking on his face, then I'm ready to get it. I'm not afraid of anyone when it comes to prove my love. And I will love my husband, in richer or in poorer, in sickness or in health.. “Fu*k…” Jasper stopped to see me standing there sternly and cursed loudly before leaving the room. Once he got out of the room, I broke down crying. Although I stood in my place strong in front of him, but deep inside I was really hurt. Jasper is the only one I have in this whole world. He is the only one to take care of me and to love me. But I don't understand what happens to him sometimes, that he gets really mad at me and breaks me piece by piece. I always try to give him the happiness he deserves from his wife, but it never seemed enough. I can't understand what more he wants from me? Then it again hit my mind. A son. He wants an heir from me. He's in the age of retirement and hand over his position to his next generation. But unfortunately he didn't get one. Although there was a chance for him to become a father, but I snatched it from him too. It is my fault he doesn't have a son to pass his responsibilities too. But what connection does it have with today's incident? What did happen that reminded him of his loss? Sitting on the floor, I kept crying and thinking about my fate. If I had a child of my own, I might not have to feel so lonely and empty. If I had given birth five years ago, today my baby will be nearly five years old. He or she would have grown so big by now. My baby would have been running all around this mansion calling me Mumma, at this moment. I would have been chasing it to feed or to change clothes, with tired eyes. But instead of doing that, I'm sitting on the floor of my room, crying my eyes off. And this is all because of that mafia leader. If some day, he comes in front of me again; I swear on my dead baby that I will kill him. I will avenge the pain of separation he made me feel. The sun has set by now, and I'm still sitting in my room in that position. I don't know when Jasper went. Maybe he's in his office room, drowned in his own work. I'm a little hurt to see that he didn't even bother once to check on me or to say sorry for treating me badly, when I didn't have any fault in today's incident. Then I remembered that none of us have eaten anything since we had our breakfast. Jasper must be starving by now, but hesitating to tell me. So after taking a deep breath, I got up from my place, took a shower and went to the kitchen to make some food. It was already dinner time when I finished my work. Cooking some delicious shrimp pasta with salads, I decorated it all on the dinning table. I heard Jasper's voice once when I was coming to the kitchen, so I'm sure he's in his office room. But unfortunately I never saw him get out of there. I was a little scared to go to him and talk, so I thought to wait for him to come out first. But after waiting for an hour, I finally gave up and decided to call him for dinner. I was wearing a beautiful black off shoulder and knee-length dress to impress him. I thought that maybe my attire will calm his anger and he will patch up with me again. So, fixing my dress and my hair, I went towards his office to have the last meal of the day with me. I was really nervous, but then I calmed myself by thinking that, “he's my husband. Why do I need to be afraid of him?” So by taking confidence steps, I reached near his door. Usually I'm instructed to knock on the door before entering, because he gets mad when I barge in without informing, and it disturbs his working environment. But tonight when I went to knock, I found that his door was already unlocked and slightly open. A blush came into my lips by thinking that, he left the door open purposely. He knew that I will come to him even after knowing that he is the one who should feel guilty and apologize to me. But he won't do it first. This is how my husband is. Always shy to apologize. I smiled on my own by thinking that no matter how Jasper is, he is the only one I have. No matter how much he pushes me, I will keep loving him because it is my responsibility as his wife. I will try my best to win over his heart and become the perfect wife he deserves. He is mine and I'm his.. Thinking about this, I pushed open the door of his office. But instantly the smile I had on my lips got vanished. I thought he was just shy to come to me first. But coming here I realized that, he's having some kind of trouble with his work. He was talking to someone on his phone. Well, not talking, actually it's more like shouting. Maybe it's his secretary on whom he was showering his anger on. But I realized that this is not a good time to bother him. “Can't you guys do just one fu*king thing without me. It was just a simple task. I don't care what you have to do. I just want results. Make sure that boy pays for everything he did. I want that Noah James Parker and his company under my feet in just a week. I'm giving you a week's time. Do anything you have to do, to make sure he falls.” I heard Jasper shout on his phone and cut the call. I wonder who this Noah James Parker is? What did he do to make my husband so angry? But one thing I know for sure that he's about to lose his company. He doesn't know that Jasper Francisco is the biggest businessman in this whole world. If his eyes fall on any company and catch his interest, he makes sure it belongs to him. This guy made a huge mistake by refusing his offer in the first place. “Fu*k… If I didn't have to stay here today, I might have caught that Noah in between my fists. He got lucky this time because of her. She ruined every single plan I made in just one day. Ughh..” Immediately a horror filled my heart. I know the girl he's talking about is none then myself. Just because I stopped him to go on his work today, he lost this chance to make this deal. By the looks of Jasper, I can tell that this deal was really important for him. And unfortunately I ruined it completely, unintentionally. Now my husband is hell angry at me and the results of his anger isn't going to be a good one. He was already mad at me for today's accident and now this. I'm in a deep s*it now..
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