
Beta's Dragon Queen

blue collar

The third installment of the Transcending Love Series. It's about the story of Caleb's Beta and his mate.

Leon never imagined that he would find his mate in a different realm. To surprise him more, his mate was a lot younger than him. Or so he taught.

Sapphire had been living like a child. A woman whose age is far older than a hundred years. She doesn't age and just looks like a twelve-year-old child. It's like a curse being a child forever because of her destiny.

But like any other girl, she dreams to grow up and live like an adult woman having a relationship with the opposite s*x. Finding her mate and having a child with him.

But he will be able to accept her.

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Prologue Inside the crystal blue palace of the Dragon Kingdom, in the council room, the king and council members of the entire kingdom are currently having a meeting. Two long tables can fit 30 people currently sitting here. Great warriors and wise sages. In front of them sat their king on his throne. A man in his late twenties, with brown hair and a beard covering his entire cheekbone, wearing a green top and black pants. A crown on his head. Two guards on both sides. While a girl was standing at the floor-to-ceiling window and looking out the window. A blue aura was surrounding the child. But nobody can see it. "Someone broke the barrier." The little girl thought and looked behind her to see if anyone felt it. No one seemed to notice it. View from where they can see the vast kingdom, especially since they are almost at the top of the palace. "Two men." A voice inside the little girl spoke to her. "Looks powerful but not hostile." The girl walked forward towards the seated king. "Let's end this meeting and have some afternoon gathering with the wyrmlings. I want to play with them." She said, smiling. Without any resistance, the king stood up and nodded to the girl. "This meeting is adjourned." He announced to everyone. Everyone stood up and bowed at the same time. In the grand hall, the dragons are enjoying themselves. They chat as the wyrmlings play across the room. Some wyrmlings can shift into their dragon. Some play with their elemental powers. Their happiness was disturbed by the arrival of a servant. He knelt before his king. "Your majesty, two creatures have entered our kingdom!" He reported. "Too slow!" said the voice inside the little girl. “Hush! Let's see what happens next." The girl answered the voice inside her. The king sat straight clinging tightly to the armchair as everyone stopped what they were doing. "How did they get inside our kingdom?! That's impossible!?" panic can be seen in his voice. Everyone knows the kingdom's magical shield that protects them from the other realms. The servant raised his head, "Based on the aura of the two, they are wolves, your majesty." This man used his ability to sense the two strangers. Collective murmurs began circulating the room. One sage stepped forward, "The shield can only be penetrated by strong creatures. If they're able to get here, it's not just any ordinary wolf. An alpha perhaps?" A warrior contradicted what the sage said. "Even if it is an alpha, the shield that protects the kingdom is not something that can be easily broken." He reasoned out. "Maybe it's an alpha king." The whispers continued and a small voice spoke "The True Alpha." The girl couldn't stand it anymore. Everyone looked at the girl. The king came down from his throne and walked to her. “A True Alpha?” This king was just a regent and he couldn't believe what the girl said. The last time a true alpha walked into their realm was during the reign of the first dragon king. The girl nodded to the king. "Let's prepare to welcome our guests." She said with a smile. What this girl meant by what she said was to test the ability of such an Alpha. A few minutes later, a servant announces the arrival of their guest. "Alpha Caleb of the Moonbridge pack has arrived!" Everyone watched the man walk down the throne room. They knew he was checking everyone out. "Are you done checking us out?" the king asked. Caleb apologizes and introduces himself. The king raised his right hand to stop him and tell him that they all knew who he was. "Now what is your purpose for coming here?" The king had begun to test the ability of the alpha, the True Alpha. When Caleb didn't answer and instead asked to speak with the real dragon king, the king shouted like he was offended and everyone shouted at the wolf king. The dragons attack Caleb. Caleb asked someone from them, addressing the real dragon king, if he still wanted to continue playing. He released his aura, pushing everyone back. The king came down from this throne and released his fire power. His red flame. He enveloped Caleb with his red fire. But Caleb doesn't seem to be affected by this fire. He took a step and everyone backed away. Everyone was surprised because he was still able to move after his entire body was engulfed in flames. Caleb raised his hand, "Do you know what is the color of the strongest fire?" The red flame was slowly disappearing from his body. "Now let me show you the real fire!" A blue flame came out of Caleb's hand. He smiled and pushed his fire towards them. Everyone knows that a blue flame is the strongest form of fire. They couldn't make a move. Just when Caleb's fire was about to consume them, a strong wind carrying heavy water washed away the flames. “Enough!” a little girl stepped in and everyone quickly bent down and kneeled before her. Caleb was dumbfounded and asked, "And you are?" The little girl smiled, "The person you are looking for." Her forehead lit up flashing her birthmark. "I'm feeling lightheaded," the girl told herself. "Are you okay?" the voice inside her asked. "I don't know. It's like something was calling me.” Everyone turned as the throne room door opened and another wolf entered. He quickly came up to his alpha, worried. And since the little one was standing in front of Caleb, the other wolf didn't notice her until he stepped to his side and saw her. This man growls, "Mate!" The newly arrived wolf quickly approached the girl and immediately pulled her into his body. Embracing her tightly. Uproars are going on around the room. But this man has no intention of letting go of the girl. Not until his alpha king commands him to. When he calms down, he faces her again and asks her name. "What is your name, mate?" The little girl queried back, "Mate?" The man smiled at her and tried to touch her face when she was taken away from him and was enclosed by everyone. The man didn't like it and roared at everyone. Caleb came up to him to calm him down. He asked them, "What is the meaning of this?" Don't you know that it's a crime in our kind to take away our mate from us!" he screams at them. "Shut up!" The king who stood in front of the little girl shouted at him. You're just a lowly wolf! You have no right to tell us what to do! You better leave now!” he ordered him. This wolf was about to lose it when Caleb stepped in. He said that they did not expect to find his beta's mate there, but he still would not allow anyone to deny him his mate and asked this regent king to let the two of them talk. A sage speaks after some murmuring from the crowd. "It was an unexpected event, but a lowly wolf like him doesn't deserve our queen!" Caleb's beta asked in astonishment. "Queen? Who is your queen?” Caleb answered him “Your mate is the Queen of the Dragon, you i***t. Can't you feel her aura?” The beta was amazed and pleased as he stepped closer to her. But he was hindered as the fire drew on the floor. The regent king said he would not let this beta get closer to her. But a sweet voice instructed him calmly. "Damian, all of you, move." "But Sapphire," Damian, the regent king tried to protest. Sapphire dispersed her people and walked towards her mate. "He is my mate, you can't keep me away from him. No one can.” Once she's in front of him, she spreads her hand to him, "Well, hello mate. I am Sapphire. May I know my mate's name?” she asked sweetly. He took her hand and introduced himself. "Leon." Sapphire nodded and planned to take back her hand when Leon pulled her into his chest, lifting her. A furious voice was heard as white smoke came out from behind Sapphire's back. But Leon paid no attention to it. Sapphire tried to grab his attention but he just pressed his face deeper into her neck. "Alpha Caleb, could you please tell my mate to let me go? I don't want to lose my mate just when I find him. I don't want Seryuu to devour him for being so clingy.” Sapphire asked Caleb. Leon fumed and raised an eyebrow as he looked at her. Sapphire just stared straight into his eyes, then her right thumb pointed to the space next to them. It was only then that Leon noticed a man with a mixture of blue and red hair wearing white armor and a horn on his head standing near them. Sapphire wiggles from Leon's grasp and moves towards the man with armor. Leon would protest but Sapphire introduces the man to him. "This is Seryuu. The Great Dragon King.”

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