Chapter 4

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Alana's POV "Wait here," the woman said as she went to the door, she talked with someone and then came back to me.  "All you have to do is walk down the aisle, the Prince is waiting for you on the other side, and don't get any ideas, the room is full of his loyal subjects, there's nowhere for you to go.  So make the best of it, and enjoy your wedding day." Was she kidding me?  How could I enjoy something I was being forced into.  The doors opened and I was pushed inside, I had no choice but to walk, but I wasn't going to be that made up doll they had turned me into, so as soon as I got away from them, I took down my hair and started taking off and dropping the the adornments they had put on it, then I took off the jewels on my neck and arms and teared the ribbons and lace out of my clothes, making sure not to do anything that would leave my body exposed to them, I had already showed them too much of myself.  But I wasn't going to accept being their made up doll, I was going to present myself to them as what I was, a grieving woman, broken and alone.   People around me started whispering and I heard someone walking to me from behind, one of the women no doubt, but I kept walking and reached the front, it was then that I saw him, the Prince, the man that had most likely ordered the death of my people and had kidnapped me, but none of that mattered, for as soon as I was with him, he was all I could think of.   "What are you doing?" he asked, and I felt bad for disappointing him, for not presenting myself at my best. "They dressed me like a Princess, but I'm not, I'm just a simple witch that was taken from her home.  I'm a grieving daughter.  This is not me, I shouldn't be dressed with so many riches that don't belong to me," I said, my words getting out before I could stop them. "You are my fated mate, you are a princess, a queen, you should be covered in riches." "My Lord, do you want to postpone this so we can fix this?" the priest asked. "No, keep going, I want this to be official as soon as possible." I couldn't focus on what was going on, I was again lost in the man's eyes.  All my anger and fears were gone in his presence, and I had no idea what was happening, all I knew is that I wanted to be with him.  I hardly heard the ceremony, not sure if it lasted a few minutes or an hour, but I was never asked if I agreed to the union, all I remember was that we were declared a mated pair, and that he kissed me.  My blood was on fire and my body alive, there was nothing like his kiss.  Everything else was forgotten, all I wanted was him. The Prince took me in his arms and I put my arms around his neck, holding him tight, not for fear of him letting me fall, but because I wanted to be near him.  I kept kissing his neck and face, anything within my reach, but I didn't distract him from his mission, in just a few minutes we were in a room, it was even bigger that the one I had been taken to, if that was even possible.  The Prince put me down gently on the bed, and then started to undress.  I couldn't take my eyes off of him, of all those muscles and golden skin.  I felt my body reacting in a way I couldn't understand.  I shouldn't be feeling like that, I was supposed to wait for my soulmate, but all I could think of was the Prince, his presence consumed me, his essence drugged me.  I wanted to have him, no, I needed him with every fiber of my self.   He got in bed, crawling to where I was waiting for him, and started tearing up my clothes, I don't even cared that his hands had morphed to claws, all I cared about was that the last barrier between us, the clothes covering us, were gone, and that I could finally feel him skin to skin.  His mouth closed over mine, but not with a kiss, but with a conquering, one that I'm willing to concede.   "You are mine," he said, and I couldn't deny him, "you are my mate," I knew I should deny him, but I wasn't sure I could, at that moment I was all his, in body and soul, "and we will be bound for eternity," he penetrated me at the same time he bit my shoulder, and I screamed, first in pain, then in pleasure.  I wasn't sure what was happening, I had never felt so good in my life.  I was consumed by him, and all I wanted was to be one with him. Blaze's POV Watching her enter the hall was like a dream come true.  She was magnificent, and then, she started taking her outfit apart, denying her due.  I wasn't sure if I should be angry at her, or ask her to keep going, so I could see all of her.  I hardly heard the ceremony, only paying enough attention to answer when asked if I wanted her to become my mate.  I don't remember much of what happened after that, I remember carrying her to my room and finally being able to claim her.  She was everything I expected and more, she is a dream come true.  I don't even care if she is a witch and not a shifter like me, what's important is that we are fated.  After I finally claimed her she was exhausted and fell asleep.  I felt bad for her and let her rest, but I couldn't keep my hands off of her.  I started playing with her hair, so soft and silky.  She looked great with it up in an elaborated bun, but I liked more how it looked once she let it down.  Then my hands traced her face and then down to the rest of her curves.  She is magnificent.  She opened her eyes and for a moment I could see a mix of confusion and lust, then the sleep cleared a  little more and the emotions reflected on her face started to get more complicated, so I kissed any confusion out of her.  For a second she stood still, but then she started responding with the same fire and passion as before.   I couldn't help myself, I claimed her again, and again, all night long.  Forget about sleep or rest, she was all I needed, as long as I could have her, as long as we could become one, everything was good in my world.  I had heard a lot about mates, and how they completed you, but everything I had imagined paled in comparison to what I was feeling.  She was my world, and I would give her everything.
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