Chapter 4

888 Words
"Chandler POV" The intoxicating scent of cinnamon sugar and chocolate is getting stronger. When the door opens,  the most beautiful woman I have ever seen walks into the office looking confused. She's wearing a sexy but not slutty sexy white skirt and white top. I jump out of the chair to meet her and we both said, "Mate!" She smiles and still looks like she is confused.  "Did anyone hurt you?" I was ready to kill someone. If they had hurt my Mate.  She shakes her head, saying "you are very handsome and sexy" before kissing my cheek.  I smile back "you are very beautiful"  I bury my head in her neck taking her scent in before kissing her on her soft sexy lips. "Excuse me," Alpha Masolo says "I'm happy you two found each other. Can we get down to business? The Luna is waiting on me, she doesn't like to wait too long. I'm sure the two of you have things to talk about in private."  He's smiling at both of us. I didn't want to let her hand go. My wolf whimper as she walks over to her desk, keeping her eyes on me and mine on her. "Greenlee POV" I'm walking to my office when a scent hits me. I smelt it earlier when I was driving out of the garage. It smells so good it was peaches, strawberries, and cream. I thought about Peach, Strawberry Cream Shake. "Greenlee, I smell our Mate," Eva said.  " I do too.  But how could that be? Remember we found our Mate outside and his scent doesn't smell like that?" I ask Eva. When I open the door a man jumps up looking at me. He was just as handsome and sexy as our other Mate, more mature-looking. His hair is beautiful cold black and brown eyes. "Mood Goddess what have you done to me?" I'm  thinking He asks me did  anyone hurt me." I didn't want to say I was confused, I kissed him on his cheeks. I felt the sparks and the tingling just like I felt with Tristan. My father interrupted us.  "What is with my father today he keeps interrupting me? I was thinking.   He was ready to get back to my mother. All I could think of was sitting on this man's lap and laying my head on his chest. "Let's get through the meeting and afterward we'll talk."  I'm thinking as I am mind-linking my mother, father, Meghan, Morgan, Connor, and Lucy the Seer telling them that I have two Mates. Meghan looks at me like I lost my mind and her mouth flies open. "Close your mouth, before a fly flies in it." I mind-link her **** Chandler introduces his Beta James, Will his Third in Command, his sister Robin and brother Cecil. "You all already know my father, this is my Beta Meghan, Morgan my Delta, and Connor my Third in Command," Greenlee's looking around at everyone.  "I could tell that they are surprised that my Beta and Delta are women. Meghan is my best friend and is like a sister to me. Morgan is a vampire and my cousin. She is scented to smell like a werewolf. Connor grew up with Meghan and me, he is like our brother. My parents always said to make sure you have someone that you trust in higher ranks. They will always have your back. These three are the ones that I trust with my life." She's thinking. before she put her attention on Chandler "Alpha, my father has filled me in regarding your situation. Golden Moon will be more than willing to help. My father also told me this morning there was another attack and you lost all of your packhouses. I had decided that you and your pack are more than welcome to move here. We will help you rebuild if that is what you still choose to do. Since we are Mates we have more to talk about after this meeting." Greenlee smiles at him.  But not knowing what is going to happen Chandler  smiles back at her "Do you know who is leading the rogues that are attacking your pack?"  She'sstill looking at him. "Elliott_,"  Chandler doesn't get a chance to finish before Greenlee cuts him off "Elliott Vanderbilt?"  She turns to  look at her father "Yes,  That's him. Have you heard of him?"  Chandler's looking at her concerned Shen nods her head. "I have heard of him.  But I have never had the honor of meeting him. But he was a member of our pack for six months. He tried to take the pack from my father by discrediting him. There were two she-wolves raped and killed and one attempted rape before he was caught. But he escaped before his punishment was given. We have been getting threatening letters from him. So it seems that we  have a common enemy." Chandlers nod his head looking at Greenlee.  Then they both sign the treaty. After signing the treaty.  She takes a deep breath and looks at Chandler  "We can talk in here?" He nods and smiles.  She mind-link  "Morgan to go down to my party and bring Alpha Tristan up." Then she mind-link her mother, Lucy the Seer to come to my office, and my father to stay.
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