Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 Sophia I woke up with a dry mouth and the vague feeling that something had happened. I just couldn't remember what. Did I drink too much? I had a slight headache. Combined with the dry mouth and a feeling of confusion it seemed to indicate just that. But I couldn't remember drinking at all. I had gone to bed, but once again had been unable to sleep. Slowly the fog in my head lifted and the memories hit me like a punch to the gut. The burglar! He had r***d me. – Okay, maybe you couldn't really call it r**e. Even though the s*x wasn't entirely consensual, it was the best s*x I had ever had. What exactly happened afterwards? I remembered his hand wrapping around my throat. He squeezed. Then I couldn't remember anything. I must have fainted. Oh my God! Was I still at my house? Or did that son of a b***h actually take me with him? I opened my eyes and sat up. This obviously wasn't my bedroom. I looked around. The furniture was definitely masculine. None of the feminine bells and whistles. Dark, heavy wooden furniture, dark floorboards with a few cream rugs spread over them. Cream curtains, a big flat screen TV. That was it. There was no sign of my kidnapper and I breathed a sigh of relief. I wasn't ready to face him yet. If at all. Not that I had a choice. There were three doors. I stood up from the bed to inspect the first door. I pushed the handle, but the door didn't open. My kidnapper must have locked it from the outside. f**k! I took a deep breath and went to try the next door. It led me into a large bathroom with a big round bathtub and a Jacuzzi shower cubicle where three people at a time could shower comfortably. My kidnapper didn't seem to be strapped for cash. Apparently, he was more than just an ordinary burglar. It occurred to me that he didn't want the money that was in the safe. He had only been after Peter's notebook. I had no idea what exactly was in that notebook. What information in it was more valuable than the three hundred thousand dollars in cash? I left the bathroom and went to the next and final door. It led into a dressing room. Most of the clothes hanging or on the shelves were either black or dark grey. My kidnapper didn't seem to care for color much. There were only three suits and a tuxedo; everything else was casual but designer brands. There were Jeans, athletic outfits, shirts and T-shirts. The sound of a door opening made me spin around. My kidnapper was standing in the door that had previously been locked, holding a tray. His eyes fell on me. "You're awake. Good!" He entered the room, closing the door behind him and carried the tray to the bedside table where he placed it. I was still standing rooted in the door to the dressing room, staring at the man who had broken into my house and kidnapped me. The man who had s*****d my ass; who had f****d me. My heart was racing like mad. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Are you going to stand there all day, Sophia?" "How do you know my name?" "You are Peter Kingsley's wife. Your name's no secret, darling." "What do you want from me?" "Later, darling. We'll talk later. Now come and sit down, so you can have some breakfast!" He didn't raise his voice, but his tone was clearly demanding. He expected me to comply with his request. What would he do if I disobeyed? s***k my ass again? Something dark glistened in his eyes when I stood motionless and looked at him provocatively. "You have one last chance to obey, Sophia. Don't challenge me. You wouldn't like the consequences!" Something in his overly quiet tone warned me. I started moving and went towards him on shaky legs. He motioned for me to sit down and I obeyed. He poured coffee into a cup. Next to the coffee there was a glass of orange juice and a plate with an omelet and toast sitting on the tray. "Milk or sugar?" "Milk." He poured some milk into the coffee and stirred it, then handed me the cup. To my relief, he sat down in an armchair a few feet from the bed. With trembling fingers, I lifted the cup to my lips and took a small sip. My kidnapper was watching me, and it made me nervous. "Eat!" He said after a while. I put the cup on the tray and took the plate with the omelet and the silverware. My stomach rebelled as I swallowed the first bite. I was too agitated to eat. A tear ran down my cheek. "Eat! You need your strength, Sophia!" Again that demanding voice. He clearly wasn’t a man you messed with. The tears kept running down my cheeks as I forced down one bite at a time. From time to time I washed the food down with a sip of juice. Relief overcame me when I had finally finished eating the omelet. It was sitting like a stone in my stomach. I hoped my kidnapper wouldn't force me to eat the toast as well. But he said nothing when I put the plate on the tray. "How are you feeling?" I looked at the man with surprise. Was he serious? "How should I feel?" I asked accusingly. "You kidnapped me and are holding me prisoner. How do you think I feel?" My voice had gotten louder with every word. I was prepared for my kidnapper to get angry, but he looked at me calm and collected. "You are hysterical." "Of course, I am! You kidnapped me!" "Screaming and crying won't help you, Sophia," my kidnapper said quietly. "You are here now. You are mine. You don't have the power to change anything about it. All you can do is come to terms with the situation." I shook my head. This guy was crazy! I flinched as he stood up and approached the bed. My heart pounded against my chest painfully when he stopped right in front of me. It didn't help that the center of his body was right at my eye level – and he was hard. I swallowed. He placed his hand under my chin and lifted it. His dark gaze pierced mine as he ran his thumb over my lip. "You're mine, Sophia," he said in a slightly raspy voice. "I'll never let you go again. You better get used to it!" I sobbed and tried to turn my head away, but his hand wrapped around my jaw and held me in place. Without letting go of me, he squatted in front of me. "I am going to hurt you, Sophia," he said gently. This guy was crazy; that was for sure. Fear tightened my throat. "You will learn to welcome the pain, because the pain is only the appetizer. After that I will give you pleasure like no man has done before. I will take you to heights of which you have never known before. And you will know exactly who is giving you this pleasure, Sophia. You will scream my name when you come. And you will come. You know that, don’t you?" I was shaking. I was afraid, but it was not just fear that made me tremble. His words also aroused something else in me. A dark desire to experience all the things he was describing. No man had ever managed to give me real pleasure. I had thought that these overwhelming feelings only existed in the steamy romance stories I loved to read. But this man, who was now squatting in front of me and talking about pain and lust, had already proven to me that he could make me come harder than any man had done before. "I ... I don't even know your name," I whispered confused by my contradictory feelings. "Iwan. My name is Iwan." I stared at him. My heart was still racing. I wanted him to disappear, to let me go. But another part of me wanted him to push me onto the bed and take ownership of me. What was wrong with me? "Say it!" "W-what?" "Say my name!" “I-Iwan," I stammered out of breath. He smiled. A pleased smile. "I have things to do now. The remote control for the television is on the nightstand. In about two hours the doctor will come and test you. Around four o'clock a friend of mine will come and dress you. I'll see you for dinner. Then I will explain your place in my home. Understood?" I shook my head. No. No, I didn't understand anything. What did he want from me? Why me? Would he let me go once he had had enough of me? Or would he kill me? "I have to go now," Iwan said and kissed me on the forehead before he stood up. "See you tonight." He took the tray off the nightstand and left the room. I heard him lock the door behind him. My heart sank. I was locked in. I was the prisoner of a psychopath. Iwan I took a deep breath when I locked the door behind me. My c**k was hard and I wanted nothing more than to f**k my girl so hard until she was screaming my name. But I had things to do. I had no time for my new pet right now. It scared me how hard it was for me to maintain control in her presence. My unshakable control was something I was proud of. I never reacted emotionally and I never let myself be guided by my desires. My whole life revolved around control. That was one of the reasons why I was the best at my job. k********g the wife of the man I was supposed to steal from was already a huge loss of control. I knew that my client would not be happy about that. f**k that! The bastard could go to hell. I would keep Sophia whether the son of a b***h liked it or not. I wasn't prepared to give her up. She was worth all the trouble. I would walk over dead bodies for her. I couldn't wait to bring her to my playroom. I wanted to hurt her – badly! I wanted to make her scream and then I wanted to immerse myself in her velvety heat all the way and make her scream again. f**k! I had to think of something else. There was too much to do to be running around with blue balls. Sophia The window in my room wasn't locked, but I was apparently in a penthouse and the way down was too far to jump. Unless of course, I wanted to end my life, but that was an option I wasn't yet ready to consider. Sighing, I turned away from the window. My room was locked. Escaping seemed impossible. I started pacing the room. I couldn't tell how much time had passed since Iwan had left me to my own devices. Then, there was a knock at the door, I heard someone unlock it and enter. "Hello, Miss," said an older man carrying a black bag. "I am Doctor Grisham." Before the man closed the door behind him, I could see the guard standing in the hallway. It didn't look like I could escape from the room while the doctor was here. But maybe I could persuade the doctor to help me. He didn't look unkind. Did he know that I was being held prisoner? "Please sit down," said the doctor, placing his bag on the bed. "I have to draw blood and it's better if you sit down." "I'm being held captive here," I said quietly. "Please help me." The doctor looked at me sympathetically, then he sighed. "I'm afraid I can't do that, Miss. I cannot and will not betray Mr. Nowikow. I have been instructed to perform a blood test and I would prefer it if you did not cause me any trouble. I would hate to have to call in the guard." My hopes for help burst like a bubble. Defeated, I went over to the bed and sat down. I endured Doctor Grisham drawing my blood and sat on the bed until he had left the room again. Then I let myself fall into the mattress and curled up in fetal position to cry quietly. I was Iwan's prisoner, had no chance of escaping and no one was going to help me. I cried until I fell asleep. I had no idea what time it was when I woke up. How long did I sleep? I sat up and looked around. There was a tray on the bedside table. On it, there was a thermos, a coffee cup, milk and a plate with cake. No sugar. Iwan hadn't forgotten how I liked my coffee. I wasn't hungry, but I desperately needed something to distract me from my frantic thoughts, and dealing with the coffee and cake seemed the best distraction at the time. I poured myself a cup of coffee and added some milk. I thought of Iwan while stirring my coffee. He confused me. And he also scared me. There was something about him that attracted me though, something that appealed to a primal part of me of whose existence I had not previously known. But I was also afraid of him. I would be stupid to not fear the man who had promised me pain. He was a psychopath and unpredictable. Sighing, I put the cup on my lips and started drinking. Memories of breakfast reappeared. "You will learn to welcome the pain, because the pain is only the appetizer. After that I will give you pleasure like no man has done before. I will take you to heights of which you have never known before. And you will know exactly who is giving you this pleasure, Sophia. You will scream my name when you come. And you will come. You know that, don’t you?" Dammit! I had wanted to distract myself, but my thoughts had a mind of their own. What would the sick bastard do to me? How badly was he going to hurt me? My heart was beating frantically and my insides pulled together as the fear of what was to come was spreading. I put down the coffee and stood up to walk up and down the room restlessly. What could I do? How could I escape from here? Somebody was at the door. I stopped and clenched my fists subconsciously. Was it Iwan? Had he come to hurt me? For a moment I considered running to the window and jumping out. Maybe I would get lucky and pass out before I hit the ground. Everything seemed better than facing Iwan at that moment. But when the door opened, it wasn't Iwan who entered the room, but an extremely well-groomed and well-dressed man in his thirties, followed by two young women wheeling racks with clothes into the room. – That's right! Iwan had said something about a friend who would come to dress me at four. The man looked at me and put his hands in front of his mouth. "Ohhh, Lord!" He exclaimed and hurried towards me. "Iwan didn't tell me I was here to dress a goddess. Ohhh, we're going to have so much fun, love." He turned to the two women who were pushing a cart with shoeboxes into the room and closed the door behind them. "Come on, girls! Don't waste any time here. Take her measurements. Shoo! Shoo!" The man turned his attention back to me and let his gaze glide up and down. He looked at me from all sides, thoughtfully tapping a finger against his lips. "First take off the nightgown, love, so that Mia and Lou can take your measurements." I had been a little shocked by the noise of the man and all the clothes his assistants had rolled in, but now my fighting spirit was awakened once again. I put my hands on my hips. "I will certainly not undress in front of you!" I said determined. The man giggled. "Oh, love, I can assure you, if I had the choice of seeing you or Iwan naked, I'd pick Iwan. As breathtaking as you are, love, I have no s****l interest in you. So, don't be embarrassed and take of that ugly thing." I was such an i***t! Of course! The man was gay. His extremely groomed appearance and his behavior alone should have given that away. Nevertheless, I shook my head when I encountered the impatient look of the man. "I don't see the point of all this. I am a prisoner. Why would I need these clothes?" "Tsk, tsk," the man said, shaking his head. "Love, if a man wants to spend a fortune on you, you don't ask for the reason. And as for Iwan, what kind of woman would refuse a treat like him, hmm? You're lucky to have snatched up one of America's most coveted bachelors. Believe me, I know him well. I created a dress or two for some of his playthings, but never before has he ordered a whole wardrobe. No cost limit and jewelry included." I nearly had to pick my chin back off the floor. I didn't understand what was going on here. Iwan was a criminal who had kidnapped me. What did he want from me when he was supposed to be one of the most desirable bachelors? And why was he willing to spend a fortune on clothes and jewelry if I was his prisoner? None of this made any sense. "Come on, love. Take off this thing and we can get started." Mechanically, I obeyed. My head was all over the place. I just couldn't make any sense of the whole thing. "Divine!" The enthusiastic voice of the man ripped me from my thoughts. He clapped his hands. "The dresses I have with me today won’t do justice to your beauty. We will have some clothes made especially for you. This narrow waist. Women would kill for a figure like this, love. Curves in all the right places and that skin. What lotion do you use, love?" I stared at him. "Lotion?" "Yes, what lotion do you use to make your skin so soft?" "Oh, nothing special. Just a lotion with olive oil." The two young women took my measurements and wrote them down on a notepad. Then one of them pulled one of the dresses off the hanger and helped me put it on. I let it all happen. I was far too confused about this whole situation. The man looked at me critically when one of the women zipped up the back of the dress. Then he shook his head. "No! That's not possible. This color doesn't match her eyes at all, Mia. Take it off. Lou, bring over the cream one with the green inlay." I couldn't tell how many dresses, pants, skirts and tops I had tried on. The pile of clothes that the man had rejected was growing. I startled when the door was opened. Iwan entered the room. His gaze wandered over my figure, appreciatively, before turning to the man who was dressing me. "How are things going, Robert?" Iwan asked, closing the door behind him. "Iwan! You did not forewarn me that I had to dress a goddess. I don't have the right things with me to do her justice. If I had more time ..." "You can do what you’d like, Robert. Tailor for her what you want. I do hope that you have at least a few things for her?" "Yes, we have some outfits that are suitable for any occasion, but a goddess like her needs something unique. Something that ..." "I'm sure you're up to the task, my friend," Iwan cut him off. Robert tapped his lips again with his finger, and then gave Iwan a radiant smile. "No limit, you said?" "No limit," Iwan replied and went to an armchair to sit down. "Go on." It made me nervous that Iwan was here while Robert let me try on one dress after another. I felt Iwan's eyes on me. My heart was racing and I had a queasy feeling in my stomach. After the fitting was finally over, Iwan stood up and approached me. I trembled as his hand stroked my cheek. I was just wearing one of my new bras and a matching pair of panties. I felt naked and helpless. Iwan was so tall, broad and dominating. "I hope you haven't forgotten the most important thing, Robert," he said without taking his eyes off me. "Of course not, Iwan," Robert replied. "Mia, get the collar!" Mia appeared with an oblong box and offered it to Iwan. He opened the top and took a burgundy velvet collar with a large heart-shaped diamond out of the box. It was beautiful, but it was also clear what it was meant for. It was not just a piece of jewelry. It was a collar that branded me as his property. Iwan stepped behind me and put the collar around my neck. I gulped as he fastened it in my neck and his hot breath brushed against my skin. "You're mine, Sophia," he whispered in my ear. I pulled myself away from him and spun around, sparking at him angrily. "I don't belong to anyone!" I yelled. "I don't need any clothes or jewelry! I want you to let me go! Immediately!" Iwan's face showed no emotion. Only the throbbing pulse on his neck indicated his suppressed anger. "You can leave now, Robert," he said without looking away from me. "Give the bill to Olaf." "Of course. I'll send you the custom-mades early next week."
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