Chapter one - Homeless and broke

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Bri's POV: Hello, my name is Brianna, but some people call me Bri. I am a twenty-one years old girl who lives on the streets. You probably wonder what happened to me. Let me tell you my story. My parents passed away when I was fourteen. Until I was eighteen, I was in a foster care center. Things there weren't great. You have a roof on your head and food, but the price wasn't cheap. I don't mean that you have to pay money. The food there wasn't that good. If you don't like the food, you will starve. They won't make you a special meal. One kid was allergic to one of the ingredients in their cake. No one made him another one. They told him to eat it or starve. I haven't been to a military school, but I'm sure people there treat you better. You couldn't talk with anyone even if something was bothering you or you had a problem. The teachers were there to be sure we didn't do anything horrible or f*******n. They didn't care about your struggles. When I saw the life there, I decided I wouldn't go to another foster care center. From eighteen to twenty-one, I was supposed to be in another one. The thing is that I never went there. I couldn't go through the same thing again. My parent's house was sold, so I had nowhere to go. That's how my journey as a homeless person started. At least I managed to find a job. This is helping me a lot. The money I get is not enough for food and to pay rent. That's why I had to make one of the worst decisions in my life. I can live without a roof, but not without food. Now, I sleep wherever I find a good place. I have bought a backpack to keep my things inside. It's not like they are that much. I can't afford to buy much stuff. Also, my salary is not that big. I spend my money only on food. I can't afford anything else. I hope that one day I can live like the other people. Days are passing, but nothing is changing. I don't know what to do to make myself feel better. Some people have tried to give me money, but I always return them. I can't accept that. I will never be able to pay them back. They might not want them, but I will feel guilty. That's why I never take anything from anyone. These people give me things because they have them. I don't have anything to give them. They only try to help, but I will do this alone. I woke up and checked the watch in my backpack. I don't have a phone because they are too expensive. After an hour, I have to go to work. Last night, I found a mattress. Someone threw it away. It wasn't in good condition, but it was enough for me. It's ten times better than sleeping on the ground or a bench. I quickly took my things and went to the local bathroom for a shower. At least I don't have to pay for this. When I was ready, I went to work. All I do is make coffee and serve it. The job is not perfect, but I can't complain. If I lose this one, I won't have money at all. That can't happen. - Hey, Carla. - Put your apron on and start working. - Yes, boss. - Hey, Bri. How are you today? - Charlotte asked - I'm good, thanks. She doesn't look in a good mood. - It's not because of you. I was treated with the same attitude when I came. - Oh, ok. - Here. You can bring this coffee to table seven. - Thanks. I'm not the best at this job, but I don't care. At least I am getting paid. I don't think someone else will hire me if I get fired. I have zero experience. No one will want to work with me. - I have to go out. Watch over her. - the boss said to Charlotte - Yes, boss. - What is going on here? I haven't seen her like that. - I don't know. Maybe something happened at home. - Ok, but what do we have to do with that? - I suggest you do what she says without much talking. - It's not like I have another choice. - Good. This latte is for table nine. If you want, we can switch. - No, no. I don't want to mess up any order. - I said, and she laughed - Ok, then. Let's work now. We can talk later. - Yes, boss. - Very funny. Charlotte and I are the only employees here, but we understand each other well. I'm glad that I can work with her. That's why I have to make sure I will keep this job. I haven't told anyone where I live. The thing is that I don't want people to judge me because of that. Maybe she won't do it, but I can't be sure about my boss. I don't want people to think low of me because of my life. I'm trying to be a good person. I might not be perfect, but no one is. On the lunch break, we closed the coffee shop. Charlotte went to buy us food. She came back with two big sandwiches. That looks so good. I haven't eaten since last night. I'm trying to buy cheaper food. It's not that good, but I should keep my money for a month. - Here you go. I hope you will like it. - It looks delicious. - I said and took a bite - Thanks. I didn't know what to get you. - I eat almost everything. I don't complain when it comes to food. - That's good. I know some picky people. I don't eat this. I don't eat that. Do you even eat something? - Maybe only food made by a chef. - Well, I am not one. - At least your boyfriend liked your meals. - Yeah, he did. - Do you miss him? - A little bit, but if he feels better without me, I can't keep him close to me. - Maybe there is a reason why he broke up with you. - I don't know. For now, I want to focus on myself. - It's good that you know what you want. - For now, I do. - I think you have to talk with him. - Why? - Because he is over there. - What? Adam. - she said and went to open the door - Hey, Charlotte. Can we talk? Please. - I have to work. - Ok, I will come to take you when you finish. - We'll have guests tonight. I should be home by 7 pm. - It will only take half an hour. Please. - Ok, ok. I finish at 5 pm. You have time until 6 pm. - Thanks. - the boy said and left - Well. - Don't say anything. - I won't. You will do it. - This day can't get any better. - It can. You have a date with your ex. - This is not a date, ok? We'll only talk for a while. - Sure. I know you still like him. - Maybe. This won't change anything. - We'll see, shall we? The rest of the afternoon I spent working. There weren't that many customers today. They come more on the weekend. My boss came back for an hour. I don't know what happened. She looked worried. I can ask, but it's not my business. Also, I didn't want her to get mad at me. It's better if I do my job without questions. I can't afford to lose it. This time, I will listen to what Charlotte told me. When I finished there, I took my backpack and walked away. I went to check if the mattress was still there. I guess someone took it. I have to find another place to sleep. Sadly, the local bathroom gets closed at 11 pm. Otherwise, I could've gone there. I checked my backpack to see how much food had been left for me. Zero. I went to the closest grocery store. I wish I didn't have to pick food based on its price. Sadly, I have no choice. - Hey, princess. What are you doing here? - Buying food. Why? - If you want, I can buy you something. - Really? Why should I trust you? - Look, I have money. - the boy said and opened his pocket - Thanks, but I don't take anything from strangers. They always want something in return. - I will only want a kiss. - No, thanks. I'm good. - Are you sure? This might be your only chance. - Yes, I'm sure. Will you leave now? - It's your loss. - he said and left After thirty minutes of debating, I bought bread. Also, I got a small piece of ham and yellow cheese. This will be enough for the next couple of days. Then I will come here again. I went to a park to eat. I saw a couple making out. I wish people didn't have to do this in public places. It's ok to be in love. Well, not everyone needs to know it. At least I don't have this problem. Well, I have a bigger one. I need to find a place to sleep. When I finished with my food, I went for a walk. I try to hide myself so people don't feel sorry for me. After some time, I got tired and decided to sit down. I can't walk anymore. I don't have much energy. Well, I can't expect something better. I eat only twice a day. As I was sitting, one woman came. - Take this. I think you need it. - she said and gave me money - I'm sorry, but no. I can't take that. - Why? I think you should eat more. - I have food in my backpack. - Is it enough? Please, take it. - No, I can't do that. I don't take things from people. - It's only money. I want to help you. - I appreciate that, but no. Now, if you excuse me, I have to go. - Where? - Home. - Oh, I'm sorry. I thought. - I know. Have a good evening. - I said and left That was a lie, but I got rid of her. She is not the only one who has offered me help. I have my reasons not to accept it. It's better if people don't know anything about me. Otherwise, I will start feeling guilty about who I am. As I was walking, I saw a pile of clothes on a street corner. It was between two buildings. It's the comfiest thing ever, but it will do the work. I use my backpack as a pillow. Mostly, that is because I'm afraid someone might take it. I don't have much money, but I need them. I was about to sit down when something moved. - Oh, it's a cat. Come here. I won't hurt you. Are you alone, too? You have to get used to this. Here, you can have some bread. It's not much. After all, I have to eat too. Do you want to be my friend? I go to work every day, but you can wait for me. I will try to sneak something for you. Is this ok? I know you can't talk, but I have to speak. The loneliness drives me crazy sometimes. People might think I am a lunatic for talking to myself. They don't know anything about me. It's not like you do. We just met. Can I name you? How about Molly? First, I have to make sure you are a female. Ok, you are. The cat jumped from my legs and went to the trash can. That's when I saw seven kitties. This is so sad. I can't take care of all of them. Luckily, there is one shelter open twenty-four hours. I put the kitties in my backpack and took the mom in my hands. It's getting dark, but I will be fine. I will try to be quick. I used the daylight to get there faster. I knocked on the door, and one young man opened it. - Hello. Come in. - Hi. - What do you have for us? - Many things. Can you take the cat? - Sure. - Ok, thanks. Here is the rest of the family. - How many do you have? - Seven kittens. Can you take care of them? - Of course. Where did you find them? - Near a trash can. I don't know for how long they have been there. - Yeah, they don't look in good condition. We need to give them a bath and food. - They will be fine, right? - Yes, sure. The mom is a survivor. The kittens are healthier than her. - Every mother protects their kids. - That is true. Thank you for bringing them here. - No problem. Hopefully, they will feel better now. - You don't have to worry about them. We'll take care. - Thanks. Have a good night. - You too. - the man said, and I left At least I did something good. Then I came back to the pile of clothes. I made them look like a bed. That's it. I can't do anything else. If you are a good person, good things will happen to you. Maybe one day, I will get the life I deserve. Sometimes, I think that I have done something horrible. That's why I live like that. It's not like I'm complaining. I have no choice. The last thing I want to happen is for people to feel sorry for me. I'm fine. I might not have all the comfortable things, but I'm alive. This means I have done something right. I believe there is a chance for me to fix everything. All I need is time. I hope that I will have everything I have ever wanted.
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