We are part of the pack. She isn't.

1456 Words
-Benjamin "Benjamin. Wake up. We have to go to training in an hour." "Mmm." "Benjamin. Wake up! We have to go have breakfast before training. Ella invited us all over to her place, remember?" "Okay. One more minute." A bucket full of water was emptied upon me and it made sure I woke up indefinitely. Like every day for the past week. "You deserved that. Now stand up because we only have one hour before the training." Skye left the room and I screamed into my pillow. "I just want to sleep a couple more hours!" The door opens again a couple of seconds later and I see Sabrina standing by the door. "Get out of my room." "Kai is here. He has this sexy thing going on, don't you think?" "Don't you dare hump any of my friends!" "If you are downstairs in five, I promise I will try." I take the pillow and throw it at the place where she stood a couple of seconds ago. "Why did you come back?" I murmur and stand up. "Hey, dude. What happened?" Kai shows up and snorts when he looks at the wet bed. "Skye thought it would be funny to give me a shower on the bed." He comes inside and closes the door. "Ben, you haven't been in your right mind for a while now. What the hell is going on with you?" "Nothing. Everything is fine." "Sure. Yelling always means that everything is fine." "Listen, Kai. I do not have time for this. I said I am fine and I mean it. Now get out. I want to get ready." "Fine." He gets out and closes the door behind him. I am losing my mind. This whole thing is making me miserable. Knowing that she is my mate and I can not have her, is driving me insane. What if she is with someone else? Fuck. I pull on my hair and take a deep breath. That woman will be the death of me. Five minutes later, I make my way downstairs and hear Sabrina talking about her travels. "Italy has been amazing. I was there the last couple of months with Greyson and Toby." "Oh, the two guys who just left?" "Yes. I met them there. It has been quite the ride." "Riding those d***s? I'll say," I say unenthusiastically, and Sabrina gives me a deadly look. "Why are you being mean to your sister?" Skye stands up and approaches me, probably to hug me, which I do not need. Not from her, anyways. "Because he is bitter and dark on the inside, Skye. Seriously, if you get the chance, dump his ass." "How about you go get a d**k in your mouth and shut up?" "Ben!" "Let us go. I don't want to be late," I say and that is the end of the discussion. Skye will never understand the embarrassment of having a w***e for a sister. Everyone adores the adventurer Sabrina, but no one knows the things she does on her adventures. The things I had to see and do because of her. "Where are mom and dad?" Sabrina asks, but I don't answer. "They are at your aunt Elaine's. They will be back on Sunday," Skye answered instead. "Oh, aunt Elaine. I had forgotten about her." I want to say something insulting, but I bite my tongue. I don't need the stress at seven in the morning. We are just a few minutes away from Xander's, when Asher appears, along with Kate. I thought they would be staying at Xander's. "Good morning. How did you sleep?" Kate asks Skye politely. They have become good friends over the past week. I don't even know how or why. "It was okay. A bit tired but it's fine." "Uuh. Wedding jitters?" I snort and look away. "What's with you?" Asher asks and then his attention falls on Sabrina. "Who is . . . No way. Sabrina?" "Yes!" She laughs and they hug. "s**t. It's been a long time. I haven't seen you in years. Kate, this is Ben's younger sister, Sabrina. Sabrina, this is my mate, Kate." "No way. Asher Green has found his mate? Girl, how are you doing it?" "It is easy enough," Kate smiles and kisses Asher. "I thought you two would be staying at Xander's," I say and Asher explains how he wanted her to spend some time at his house. "Because that's believable," Sabrina jokes. "Let's go before Xander notices we're late." "Is he still the same?" Sabrina sounds more than curious to know about him. "You have heard the news, I suppose? Didn't you tell her, Ben?" "No, Skye, I haven't." I don't know what is wrong, but I am annoyed, angry and . . . sad. "What news?" "Oh, you'll see once we are there." We arrive at Xander's and get inside. Lola is cleaning the hallway and greets us once she sees us. "Good morning, Benjamin. Asher." "Good morning, Lola. Are they in the kitchen?" "Oh, yes. Breakfast has been served." "Thank you, Lola." All I want to ask her is if she knows where Genesis is and if she is okay, but that gets answered as soon as I get in the kitchen. "Good morning, everyone. Sit down," Ella greets us and her belly has gotten even bigger. In three months she will have her babies. What gets my attention though, is her. Genesis is sitting between Taj and Raffiel. "Who is this?" Ella asks, looking at my sister. "Oh, Ella. This is Ben's younger sister. Sabrina. Sabrina, this is Xander's wife." "No way! Xander has a wife? What happened while I was gone? You are also pregnant. Awww. Congratulations!" "Thank you. I didn't know Ben had a sister." "I am not sure Ben knows either." I try to stay calm and sit down a few chairs away from Genesis on the other side of the table. It's weird how much I want to have a person to myself and how much I don't. "Where is Xander?" Sabrina asks. "Oh, he will be here in a minute. He got a call from the office. Oh, I wanted to tell everyone the good news. First things first, our Genesis is out of the hospital, safe and sound. And second of all, she will not be my personal assistant anymore. She will be working at 'Luna's Library' as my COO." What? f**k. Now I won't be even able to see her. Or have an excuse to come over here and see her. Shit. "That is great news, Ella. Congratulations on your new job, Genesis," Skye smiles at her, but Genesis does not look happy. For the first time in a week, I am in a room with her and it is taking great strength on my part not to take her in my arms. I can't take my eyes off her. She looks beautiful. Her hair is down, her blue eyes are gleaming again. If anyone is saying anything, I can not hear. She is my focus. My gravity. She talks to Taj and once she looks up, she looks at me and our eyes lock. (Mate.) Grey, my wolf says and I want to stand up and mark her in front of everyone. "Ben!" I get called and look at Skye. "Are you okay?" "Yeah. Just tired." She smiles and leans her head on my shoulder. I look back at Genesis hoping she is still looking at me, but she is talking to Raffiel now. He leans on her slowly and kisses her on the cheek and my blood boils. Why is he kissing her? I have to keep my s**t together. "Hello, guys. Sorry I am late. We can start eating now," Xander is finally here. "Babe, Ben's sister is here. Sabrina." "No s**t. It's good to have you back, Bri. How was your vacation in Italy? Your parents told me you were there the last couple of months." "With two d***s," I whisper and Skye heard me. "Stop it." I roll my eyes and dive into my breakfast. Sabrina keeps telling Xander and Ella about her travels and it bothers me. She acts as if what she does is normal. "That sounds great. Would you like to stop by my coffee shop today? I could give you a tour," Ella offers. "That sounds lovely, Ella." "It's Luna," I interrupted and everyone turns their heads and stare blankly at me. "No, it's okay, Ben. She can call me Ella. Everyone here can call me Ella. I do not mind." "We are part of the pack. She isn't," I bang the table and before I can't stop myself anymore, I leave the room.
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