The Great Library

1017 Words
John reaches a place called the Great Library. As told by the watcher he was to check the five timeslots and find the intersection of these events. He had observed the path towards the library. The Library itself was a big temple with a big garden in front. John was ecstatic seeing the gigantic wonder made of bronze. It was made by Mandolin himself with some hidden magics for keeping spirits or evil warlords away from the temple and the watchers that resided on the temple.  A million year ago, when Eternity created the first watcher, he thought he would be the loyal servant of him and life. But as time had both bad and evil events in it, Eternity feared death would take advantage of this. At the time of it's origin the watcher was  a small boy. Eternity confused as to what he made, asked the entity knowledge to provide the kid with all the knowledge of the entire multiverse. Knowledge taught him about everything that needs wo be known. But the knowledge provided to the boy was so infinite that it couldn't take it as his mind got lost. Eternity seeing the disappointment  asks Infinity for the aid. His sister comes with a plan to create a storage tank similar to the container. The boy was kept in the tanker for more than 100 years. A century of involvement in the tanker had provided the boy the wisdom of the vast multiverse and the entities. Life was worth 100 years for the boy who changed into an old man following the long tenured involvement in the tanker. Infinity though doubtful herself believed that the old bald man was the true heir of Eternity and herself. He could note time and space itself. He was a true note and book keeper. But she had feared that he was vulnerable to death as he had only been in the tanker for 100 years and he could be killed by Chaos herself. Eternity himself seeing the dilemma asked Knowledge to aid the watcher. Knowledge already had aided the watcher at it's birth but she wasn't sure of the lifeline of the watcher. His century long involvement in the tanker has provide it with 100 year life but after that the note keeping task would be extinct after it's death. Eternity meditated for  a year and a year meant 30 years in the real world. The energy released from Eternity's meditation would aid the watcher as his life spanned 130 years. Still that wouldn't be sufficient for timekeeping. Infinity the queen of space thought of creating a circle. She called Mandolin to create a building. Mandolin didn't understand Infinity's plan but Eternity Infinity's sibling understood as he himself created a power source which combined with Infinity's 100th power source created a moving circle. It resembled a wheel. Four pillars were created by the innocent Mandolin. The pillars were inscribed in the circle as Mandolin asked Eternity what was going on. Eternity ensured him that what Infinity and he himself were doing were for precautions. Mandolin starts to create a wonder. Eternity was still in fear that death would find the watcher as it was inevitable. Only he, Infinity and Knowledge were protected against her. Eternity being born before death escaped her fate while Infinity having her infinite energy source as a boon by god himself protected her from death. Knowledge like Infinity had her energy source of infinite wisdom that prevented her from death. Infinity and Knowledge were limitless so were nearly immortal as Eternity himself. Infinity would later use 50th of her energy source to create the first master that followed only her. Eternity didn't interfere with death's works. God made the law that neither of the two counterparts would interfere in each other's work. Only Knowledge, Infinity and Counter Knowledge could do that. But after the master's creation Infinity herself was prohibited by God to interfere with death. They could only chose a champion that would represent them and only that. Mandolin seeing that hesitated at the genesis to build the pillars as he remembered a promise that he gave to death. Mandolin himself like the watcher was granted a lifeline. He was granted 10,000 years by god during his creation. But as he aided death in creating her temple of doom, death aided him not to touch him for another 10,000 years. But still he was mortal Mandolin demanded death to grant him atleast a million year of age to which death granted a boon to die when he really wanted to. In return death would ask Mandolin to come in-front of her and do as her command as she wanted even if it was against Eternit himself. Mandolin seeing his immortality agreed. He promised to  remain in m-form for a million years to avoid death of asking her something as god himself had made him to aid Eternity and Infinity. The circle would prevent life from ageing. The watcher did use the pillars and the circle as he used to frequently visit the place which granted him an additional lifespan of 30 years. But after 10,000 years he became tired as he decided to stay at the library until he would be immortal himself. The building itself was called a library since then as all the time and the book notes were there piled up. The watcher would get a lifespan of nearly 10,000 years for some 200-300 years at the library. Eternity seeing that asked Mandolin to create a gigantic structure to enclose the building as the notes and the books could be used by evil forces if founded. Mandolin agreeing to Eternity makes the structure with magic so gigantic that the library was called the Great Library after that. Infinity still was fearful that death was an inevitable phenomenon. And even her energy source couldn't protect the world from death. Her brother was bounded not to interfere. So she feared death's sight at the library itself. John closes the history book of the library as he looks at the pillars in despair.   
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