Chapter 2

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Daddy was almost catatonic when I went downstairs to start 1st meal. I climbed in his mind and let Lottie hold him while I cooked.  Charlie's wolf, Leeny, joined Lottie holding Daddy and his wolf.  Carlotta popped down to say she was going to a friend's until all this was over and left.  Charlie and I glared at her back, our minds calling her a b***h. She turned and flipped is off before the door closed.  I don't understand how she can be so heartless at times and neither does Charlie.  I send a message to Uncle Edward to let him know what happened and he tells me he's on his way.  10 minutes later, he pulls up in his truck and comes inside to assess his best friend’s condition and see if Charlie or I need anything.  I put a plate of eggs and bacon in front of Daddy and he doesn't move.  Making sure everyone else has a plate, I stand behind Daddy and put my hands on his head.  Charlie and Uncle Edward watch as my eyes close and Daddy’s open bright Violet (Lottie's eye color). Using my connection, I take control of Daddy's arms and start feeding him.  When his food is gone, I break the connection, leaving Lottie there still talking softly to him in his mind. Uncle Edward: It's good you can do that, Char.  Otherwise, I think he'd let himself starve to death.  The pain he's feeling right now is palpable. I sit to eat my cold meal, not complaining just stating a fact.  I would have to get use to eating cold meals because until we get Daddy past this I'm going to have to force feed him each time. Charlie:  Char, you could show me how to do that, so you don't have to do it all alone. Char: Charlie, I can show you but Daddy has to give you permission to take over his bodily functions and I don't think he’s going to do that today.  Maybe with Leeny and Lottie working in there to give him comfort he’ll come around more tomorrow. I get up to start the dishes and Charlie comes up behind me, turning I fall into her arms as we both start crying.  We try to be brave but she's 18 and I'm only 15 how much pain can we take. Uncle Edward pulls us both into his arms and let's us cry in his chest for a bit. Julius opens our mating bond link. Julius: {Little one, I'll be there soon please don't drive if you’re still crying.  I don't want to lose you before I get to meet you in person.  Deal?} Char: {I promise, how are away are you?} Julius: {Less than 2 hours.  My Mom would like to know if she can link with you and you sister.  She wants to know how she can help.} Char: {Let me see if Charlie wants to.} (I close the link, while I ask) Pulling away from them, I sit at the table and take Daddy's hand, so he will hear me in his mind. Char: So, I met my mate last night when I had my mind burst. He is flying her right now, about 2 hours out, and he's 20. Charlie laughs without mirth: Only you, Char, only you. Char: Only me what? Charlie: Only you could have a breakdown like you did last night and end up finding the mate you shouldn't know for 1 another year.  Char: (tears well up) I didn't do it on purpose.  I was just looking for a safe calm mind to hide in for a bit, but he found me there.  No one has ever found me before, I didn't know it would happen last night. Charlie: (hugging me again) Char, is not a bad thing. I think everyone you’ve ever met felt that mind burst it was so powerful since you were channeling all of our grief through you.  You always try to take our pain on you, it's one of the things that make everyone love you. Uncle Edward: (pulling me into his lap) Char, the whole pack knew last night your Mama passed, your mind burst went to everyone and we wanted to come hold you.  You do so much for it's and ask for nothing in return.   Baby girl, we all love you, and if you found comfort in the mind of your mate then we are happy for you. Daddy: He has to keep his hands of until after your 16 or he’ll deal with me. We all looked at Daddy's face as that came through our minds, Charlie and I jumped up to hug him and his arms snaked around us pulling is on his lap.  His tears fell on our heads as we stand there hugging him for the next hour. Daddy: Ok, you 2 gets your wolves out of my head please.  I can't think with them going on about bridesmaids’ dresses and color themes.  You can't get married until I say so, got it, baby girl? Char: Yes sir. Can I take the truck to go get them?  Julius just told me they would be landing soon. Uncle Edward: Why don't I go?  As Beta, I can give him the one over, plus that truck of yours doesn't look like it could make the round trip. Daddy: Thanks Edward. Link with me when you see him, so I can see if he's good enough for our baby girl. Edward: Will do, Carlos.  Oh, Denise is on her way with 2nd meal. She's been cooking all morning so there should be more then enough for a small village.  Ow!!!! That woman knows how to bop me mentally now.  Thanks for teaching her that Char, NOT! I laugh, Uncle Edward was the first person I helped get a mate, and Aunt Denise was fun and sweet.  I told her she needed to bop him when he acts like a butthead. Then I showed her how to do it through their mating link, so she could keep him in line. Daddy already knew Carlotta left that morning and he linked with her to find out how long she was going to be gone this time. 2 weeks is the response he got, she was 20 and he couldn't tell her what to do anymore. She was looking into moving in with a “friend”.  She wasn’t mated and Daddy wasn’t happy with her wanting to live with a boy, but he held his tongue. He asked her if she was coming to her Mama's funeral and she told him no.  Charlie and I called her the b word again, bringing a small smile to Daddy’s face before he reminded us not to use that kind of language. The sounds of cars pulling in meant, Uncle Edward and Aunt Denise were here.  I looked at Charlie with panic.  Linking to her mind I began to freak out about what I was wearing, my hair, would he like me.  You know normal girl stuff, which was not normal for me. Charlie grabbed my hand and took me to my room, running to the closet she grabbed out my only dress and told me to put it on. As I slid into it, she ducked into her room and got some hair stuff.  Hell if I know what all that is. She quickly brushed my hair and gave it a bit of a curl as Daddy could be heard greeting everyone downstairs.  Happy she turned me to the mirror and joked Daddy wasn't going to recognize his baby girl.  I was shocked, I looked kind of pretty.  She didn't give me time to think or change my mind about my outfit or hair because she knew I preferred jeans and a t-shirt with my hair in a ponytail.  We walked downstairs together and she pushed me into the living room, giving me a mental kick when I froze in front of a Greek god. Charlie {in my mind}: Introduce yourself, Char. Char: Hi, I'm Charlotte. Julius: Hi, Little one. He wrapped his muscular arms around me and I almost melted. I’m not used to feeling these emotions I run around with warriors everyday that are cute. Why is this one making me turn into a pile of goo? Julius laughed and hugged me tighter, telling me in our link, he feels like goo too. I blush and Daddy growls not liking that Julius and I have got our minds linked so strong already.  Julius pulls back a bit and with his arm around my waist introduces his mom Nina, dad Jason and 2 brothers Lucas, 18, and Jordan, 7. Explaining they all wanted to come and help, since we are family now.  Jason is their Alpha and Nina is the pack Luna. Nina: We're glad to meet you all, we wish it was under less painful times for your family.   Charlotte and Charlie, I'm here if you need an ear to bend or a shoulder to cry on. (Her gaze fell on us with a mix of sympathy and support.) We both went and hugged her around the waist and said thank you. Jason: Carlos, I would like a few moments of your time when you are feeling up to it.  To talk about our children and Charlotte's safety. Julius: {Dad really?  Now’s not the best time to bring this up. He just lost his mate and now I'm taking his youngest daughter as mine.} (He scolded his dad in the family mind link.) Carlos: I understand, you all wish to take Char with you. Partly, to keep her safer and because she's your mate, Julius.  It’s up to Char whether she stays or goes. (He looks at me worried on which way I'll decide.) Char: Julius is right, today isn't the time to make decisions like this.  We need to get through the next few days and the funeral over.  I can’t think straight right now. Aunt Denise: Well said, Char. Let's eat. Carlos, it's nice to see you moving in your own. Carlos: Trust me. Having Char take control and force feed me this morning was enough to make my wolf cry “Never Again” so loud it drowned out the droning of my daughters' wolves in my head, and snapped me back to consciousness very quickly. Charlie and I couldn't help the laughter at remembering Carl, Dad’s wolf, yelling at Lottie and Leeny to cease and desist at once.  They can be a pair of chatterboxes when put together in the same mind.  When it's one of ours, we can go all night, until Daddy breaks in and tells them to go to sleep. Carlos: Julius, you should know Lottie is a very talkative wolf.  Just a heads up, I'll teach you how to make her fall asleep if you need to. Char/Lottie: (Together) Daddy!!!! Everyone at the table laughed at the righteous indignation in my voice.  After eating, we moved to the living room and Julius had me sitting on his lap and his face buried in the curve of my neck. We all knew he was putting his scent on me at my marking spot to create our bond and mature my Lycan.  Though it wouldn't take a year we would have to wait to become full mates, she would be ready when the time came, since it would kill a normal wolf to be marked by a Lycan, but I'm not normal. (We’ll get back to that point later.) 
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