The New Alpha king

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It's a sunny afternoon and am in my room still thinking about the death of my dad and today makes it seven days. I looked at my mirror which was facing me directly and I sighed heavily with a lot of thoughts clouding my reasoning. Thanks to Gonzalo am still alive and breathing or Brad would have made sure to take my head off my neck. I stood up from the bed, walked to my mirror and staring at it and seeing myself in it. All I saw in myself was a broken and downcast woman. Am twenty six and a full grown woman but still feel like a child. I really don't know why the moon goddess has decided to treat me this way. Most people at the age of twelve have already learnt and mastered the ability of shape shifting but obviously am not normal am I?. I dabbed the sweat that formed on my face with my left hand. " Yes, who is it?" I said turning towards the door as I heard a bang on my door. "It's Alexis" said he voice. I sighed and walked to the door slothfully. I nimble the handle of the door, turned the keys and opened the door. " Good afternoon Alina" She said courteously. "Come in" I said with a sad countenance and inactively I walked back and sat on the bed. "What's wrong Alina" Alexis said in her calm and tranquil voice. I couldn't help but breathed heavily with my both hands placed behind me on my bed which helped in giving me support as I slumber halfway. " I really don't know what to say but I just don't feel alright as a lot stuffs are going through my mind." I said with a pale face and swallowed a handful of saliva. " Then tell me what's wrong and what's going through your head" she said now also finding a spot on the bed where she sat close to me and all her attention was placed on my face. " I don't know, am just so numb to some extent. I would relate this to the death of my dad and also thinking about my inability to morph juxtaposed together just gets my head banging" I said and shrugged. " I have always told you that you shouldn't bother yourself with things that ain't important. Now about your dead dad, you should actually be thankful and grateful that at least Sir Gonzalo was able to acquit you of the allegations Brad placed on you because we both know what it would have led to if he didn't stand by you" she said holding my left hand gently. "Come on Alexis how can you refer to my dad as though he isn't important. I know we actually didn't have that good father and daughter relationship but still he was my father and I loved him." I said looking at Alexis sternly. " Yeah I know he was your father and aren't debunking that fact but i still wonder how you so much loved him despite all the scorn he made you pass through"she said. " Do you know that to some extent I don't blame him because I feel any father would react same way when his daughter doesn't even have the ability to morph to wolf and the worst of it all is she's an arctic wolf. I know the sort ridicule he might have faced from people close to him and enemy folks." I said and exhaled heavily, pressing my fingers on my temples. " At some time I wonder what kind of heart you have because I know and witnessed the derision you faced from father,but you still have got his back and defending him. I must say you really overwhelm me Alina" she said smiling and shaking her head gradually in Amazement. "Silly, one thing you have to understand is that you don't have to dish out the same hate you get. How about you spice things up with love and then maybe the person who hates you might as well fall in love with you and change, who knows" I said. "Indeed you are right as always and i give up. Arguing with you is worthless" she said raising her hands up comically. " You better do" I said and smiled. " Yeah, but at least now you have got a smile on your face and that's one thing I wanted" she said and pointed her finger to my face and winked. " You are just too much Alexis. I really can't imagine my life without you. You have been with me even when I felt I was alone and faced Different tribulations from my Dad and sad Brad but you stood by me and always consoled me. Thank you so much" I said and hugged her tightly while still smiling. " You have been amazing to me as well Alina, more like an elder sis that I never had. Sadly I lost my whole family during a war and thankfully because of your mom who brought me to the mansion as a maid, I won't have found a spotless soul like you" she said still hugging me. " Yeah I know right, I really still miss my mom because it seems she was my only family in this whole world" I said now breaking free from the hug. " Exactly, I miss ma'am Sidora, she was the best of the best and had a pure soul, but thankfully her daughter took after her and even raised the bar" she said. " I hear" I said with a nod and we both laughed. " Aha guess what" Alexis said looking all serious once again while I was rather flummoxed. " What is it?" I said with a grim look. " Just guess Alina, don't be so boring" she said. " Come on Alexis, you know am tots horrible with guessing so why make me go through the stress unnecessarily." I said pouting and giving her a pitiful look. " Okay, okay don't kill me with you eyes. Okay I saw Harry today"she said. " Harry?? And whose Harry?" I asked befuddled and rolling my eyes trying to remember if just maybe I knew the person she was talking about. " Oh jeez, gosh Alina what's wrong with you. Don't you remember Harry the same guy we met while we strolled who was new to Palaska and needed our assistance navigating around town, the spider man" she said and chuckled. I hissed, picked up my phone and stood up from the bed moving toward the window. " I thought you were talking about someone reasonable and you just ruined my day reminding me of that punk" I said now backing her and facing the window. " Why do you hate him so much Alina? He seems like a nice fellow and he always has a charming smile" she's said now joining me where I stood. " Charming indeed" I said and surfed through my phone. " We both know you ain't doing anything on you phone so why faking it" she said and dragged my phone from my hand. "Gosh, I wish I could strangle you right now" I said and scowled at her squeezing my fist. " You can only wish but you can do nothing or can you, huh? Scaredy pants" she said sticking her tongue out. " Don't be so sure you witch"I said and we both laughed. " But can you tell one reason why you detest and hate Harry so much?" She said and I abruptly turned and stared at her. " I never said I hated him did I? I don't just feel his real but I don't know, I just can't wrap my hands around it" I said and shrugged. "Or maybe who knows you are in love with him" she said. " Jeez, you are so dirty minded. I can't love someone like him, gosh" I said and made an ewww kinda reaction. " So they say at first" she said and sniggered, and before I could reply her I heard a knock on my door. " Yes, who is it?" I said and stood still like a mannequin. " It's Gerald"he said. " Please come in" I said. " I came to inform you that the pack is meeting by eight PM. I was asked to inform you" he said as soon as he walked in. Actually Gerald is the Omega in the pack and so he technically ran errands for the pack. However am the Salutary wolf in the pack, since I can't fight and have no powers, at least I was good with herbs and healing. " We have a pack meeting? Do you at least have a hint as to why we are meeting out of the blue?" I asked still standing were I was when he walked in. "I really don't know though but I heard from francis that Brad is to be made the Alpha of the pack. Am not so sure though" he said and I shared stares with Alexis with surprise pasted all over our faces. " What??? Brad Alpha of the pack??" Alexis roared.....
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