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“Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you.” —John C. Maxwell. MARCELLO TROCELLI P.O.V I was sitting on my office chair and looking through a stack of papers. My secretary walked with the files. "Mr. Trocelli, all the documents that you need are in this file." My secretary, Charlotte informed, placing all the files gently on my tables. Charlotte was a beautiful woman. She had these red hair with slightly blonde strike with fierce blue doll eyes and slim yet curvy body. "Yes, actually, did you do what I asked you to do yesterday?" I asked her, answering my emails. "Yes Mr. Trocelli, I did and quite frankly a lot of people had sent their resumes." She spoke, making me stop typing. It was another reason why I decided to hire her as my secretary, the first reason was she was damn punctual. She worked professionally and never complained about anything, the crazy jobs that I asked her to do. She would answer me with a straight 'YES SIR', no question no complaints. I looked up from my laptop with a sly smile playing on my lips "Excellent! Bring me all the resumes in five minute." Charlotte nodded and went out of my cabin and I again went back to answering my emails. My office door opened and without looking up I excitedly extended my hand "Give it to me." But suddenly I felt a wetness on my palm making me look up. I jolted from my seat with a disgusted look "What the f**k man?" I gagged, wiping my hand with a tissue. "Maggie my man, I missed you." Rafael pouted hugging me. I pushed him away, ignoring his way of calling me "What are you doing here?" I asked him. But he didn't get the chance as my office door opened and Charlotte walked inside with the resumes. Suddenly a wolf whistle came from my back making me huff out a tired breath. "Hey, Charlie." Rafael greeted her in a seductive way. "H-Hi." Charlotte stuttered, staring at Rafael in dazed. I won't blame her. Rafael Solano is a heart-throb chocolate boy. He will flirt with any living thing. One look and you won't stop your heart from falling. He has this teenage boyish look till now. Blue eyes, fair skin and curly hair with an Italian accent. Deadly combination. "I see, you are looking more gorgeous day by day." He commented making her cheeks turned pink. "Raf, stop flirting with my secretary!" I warned him, making that bastard chuckle in amusement. "How can you ask me to stop, when I'm staring at my baby's mama." He replied with a smirk. "Seriously, Raf, are you serious right now. You are making her uncomfortable." Charlotte bit her lips and looked down in shyness. "Am I making you uncomfortable Charlie?" Rafael asked her with his deep husky voice. "That's it!" I gagged. "Keep the file and you can leave Charlotte." "Spoiler panty." He huff slouching on the chair. "Ha-Ha, very funny." I mocked him, picking up the resumes. Rafael threw his arms at the back of his head and rested his back, staring at me with raised eyebrows. "Don't you have anywhere to go?" I asked him. "No?" He replied without a thought, humming a song. "It's funny how you think my office is your home." "Says the guy who hasn't left his office for the last few days." Rafael retorted, narrowing his eyes at me. "Says the guy who hasn't seen his office in the last two weeks." I fired back. "Hey, I'm coming from my office directly here." He defended himself. "Yeah, and exactly how much time did you stay there?" I raised my brows. "ahh...hmm...Alright, I get it. He mumbled under his breath. "But man, you really gotta get out of here." "I went out next week? Guess where that led me to?" I spat with venom lacing through my voice. "Well, it wasn't my fault that you got led at your grandmother's funeral. That was a sick move man." He shook his head in disappointment. "I was too drunk to know what I was doing. And let me tell you this, it was a huge miracle my mother did not choke that girl to death." "I pity that girl..." "So what are you going to do with the time clock?" Rafael asked, changing the topic. "Don't worry about it. I've got everything under control." I assured him letting a smirk slipped out of my lips. "These" I picked up the resumes files which Charlotte left a while ago "these are my saviour." "What's that?" He curiously asked. But I only watch him in silence, making him more curious. "You're killing me with the suspense." He got out of the chair and slouched his way to one of the chairs in front of me. "Come on, tell me." He begged like an excited kid but I sheepishly smiled at him. "I'll hire a bride." I shrugged nonchalantly. But Rafael froze and stared at me like I had grown another head with his mouth agape. "Hire a bride.?" He asked, shaking his ear with his pinky finger. "Did you just say, you will hire a bride?" He asked again. But I kept staring at him watching his reaction. "Okay, it's official! You've turned nuts, crazy, insane." He screamed at me. "Are you drunk?" He stood up and started sniffing me. "What? No." "Fever? Cancer? Diarrhoea?" He rapidly fired. "Calm down, Raf. Remember I told you, I don't want to settle down, not now, not ever. And this is the best plan I have. I know what I'm doing and what I'm getting myself into. I have everything under control." I answered him with an assuring smile. But Raf looked at me and shook his head in disagreement. "Just staring at you, I already imagine your future. The path you're choosing is very dangerous. You are choosing to walk in thorns, and remember thorns only give pain and suffering. And one day, I can guarantee you'll regret it man. And that day, don't come to me and say you're in love with your wife." "I won't." I confidently replied to him. "But who would be willing to be your Hired Bride?" He asked, putting his hand under his chins. "A lot of women, Raf a lot." I confidently answer. "Whatever, but you've already known how Karma plays. Don't get caught on his webs." I leaned back on my chair and opened the laptop and started to reply to emails. My back was stiff with tension and my mind was going again and again on the same tract. Rafael's words made me feel uneasy and I for once questioned my own decision. Was I choosing the wrong way to fight? What if, Raf, words come true? Just thinking about it a shiver ran down my spine. LOVE AND ME? Not in this life. Marcello Trocelli whatever do, he does for once. And I already loved a person only to get stabbed in my back. My plan is good, it is better than giving my company to that bastard. I would rather regret my decision later, than giving this company I desire from childhood. Let's wait and watch, if the thorn makes me bleed or I'll pluck it out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "HEY LOVELY PEOPLE DON'T FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT."
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