Chapter 1

1044 Words
Emma point of view Lying on a couch, Emma flatters her eyes open, like two butterflies pet their wings. The little sunlight on the start of the day, from the open window,  makes her eyes shut close again so she won’t miss sleep. She turns to the other side with the pink cover under her head. The door bangs open, “Wake up” a twenty year old jumps on the bed and up her body. Emma groans “Get out” “No” Jeremy replies to her. “You need to pack up. We have 30 minutes until you leave for school.” Her eye snap open and she turns her head to look at her roommate  ”It’s trip  day” she says with a rusty voice form her sleep, he nods “It’s trip day” she pushes the covers away and he turns to lay on the comfy bed, his head above his hands. She sits for a few moments on the edge, she rubs her eyes. She puts her backpack from the floor to the purple velvet chair. She opens her closet and stares at it for a few moments before walking in the bathroom. “Pick an outfit for me, will you?” She yells the last words as she closes the bathroom door. “Wow, you truly do trust me, Ems” he yells back. “Thank you” she yells from the closed door. He chuckles and starts to search in her closet for a good outfit. Meanwhile in the bathroom, Emma turns the shower running hot water. She takes her clothes off, while grabbing a toothbrush and toothpaste, and hops under the shower head. She brushes her teeth carefully but quick while the water hits her hot, but she isn’t bother by it. She takes a while to rethink that she is going finally to a big city while having an ‘excuse’, and is also basically free coming to think of it. All the clothes she can get into the big stores, nothing like this town has. She is reminded of all those brands too, which make her more awake than she is and energetic like she drank her coffee already. She spits into the bathroom tub and throws the toothbrush and toothpaste into the sink, after she grabs the shampoo and starts rubbing her head quickly too. “I will give you everything, my sweet chaos I will get you anything, but my heart is still into” she grabs the conditioner “Red, Red, Red, Red” she says the lyrics singing as her eyes unfocus into deep memories. The shower turns cold and she turns it off when she finally rises off her hair. She steps out of the shower and grabs a white towel, putting it around her body. She walks out with her hair still dripping. Jeremy turns his head when he hear the door opening. “Your singing is horrible. I liked the lyrics, but you ruined it” she doesn’t glance at him “A friend wrote that song.” She glances at him “and my voice is angelic” “Eh” He takes and gives her the black underwear and purple bra. “Thanks” she says and he nods. She drops the towel into the floor while she puts them on and glances at the clothes on the bed. “I knew I could trust you” “Eh, what can I say, I know fashion” she smiles at him. She goes closer to the bed and puts her clothes on, while not forgetting the socks and sneakers. She puts her coat on while Jeremy leaves her bedroom. She glances once at his leaving back, she puts her backpack on and heads in the kitchen. The table has breakfast on top. She grabs the cold coffee that is waiting for her, since Jeremy doesn’t drink coffee. She also grabs a filled with melted chocolate croissant, taking a big bite. Jeremy walks up to her while putting the hairdryer on. The warm air hits her wet head, she continues to eat. He finishes drying and styling them “Thanks, love” “Yeah. I put everything you will need including your phone” she nods as she finishes the last drop of coffee. “I even put some Starbucks coupons” she turns to look at him surprised “I have my resources” he says, she hugs him and gives him a cheek kiss, as she runs to the door. “Okay, bye, love ya” she yells like a kid running not to miss their school bus on the first day, he waves at her. “Still acting like a child. Stay safe, ‘moon goddess’. “ he says and closes the door. Emma unlocks her car and hops in. She puts the radio on and speeds into the road. There is five minutes left until the pass leaves. She parks her car while leaves the keys there, praying it won’t be stolen. “WAIT FOR ME!?” she yells as she runs to the bus before the doors close. The doors remain open after the last teacher gets in. She gets in too, “Thank you” she says, little out of breath, to the bus driver. She turns and sees Ms Allen staring at her, “I’m sorry. I woke up late, Ms Allen” “Go fins your seat, Ms Bennet.” Emma nods while sitting in the middle of the bus only empty seat. She opens her backpack and sees even changes of clothes, to wallet through hand sanitizers too. She doesn’t recall putting them, it was definitely Jeremy’s work. She thanks him deep into her soul. She grabs her phone, a phone she has for three years but it isn’t considered outdated in this reality. She has all memories in here. She dials Jeremy’s phone. “Hello?” “Come and pick my car” “Why didn’t you take the bus.” She rolls her eyes “Well, you have free ride now. Don’t forget to put gas, bye, love ya” she hangs up before he says another word. She puts her AirPods on, while she also puts her road playlist on, on full volume, blocking her distractions. She looks out of the window while mentally she says goodbye to the town for the next six days. She leans back into the seat with a satisfied smile on. “I’m slowly fading away, red, ah, red, red, red” the music is definitely what’s she needs for mornings, along with coffee too.
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