Not so Innocent

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NYC, United States Ariel is ready for the party after New York fashion week ends. Pierre took her to party that was being held at Grand Central. He took her around to meet some of his colleagues and business associates. Some of them even asked to have their picture taken with her. She wears a smile even though she was a little uncomfortable being in a crowd. Hell, she’s a president of the prestigious company. She’s doing this model-thing because Pierre begging her and ended up she’s being his main model. Remind her that she wouldn’t never do this again. She smiled awkwardly at his colleagues. However, she didn’t want disappoint her bestfriend who asked her as his model tonight. She must remain professional. Occasionally she also enters the conversation and smiles a little. The room became chaotic when it heard the sound of the double doors opening. Casually, her green eyes turned to look at the open door. The journalists and paparazzi were beyond excited. All eyes turned to see a man stepping into the room confidently and giving new energy to the room. People started commenting, an unfamiliar name was thrown from lip to lip. He wears all-black with tuxedo fit snugly against his body which exuded the dominant thickness of his stature and broad shoulders.  He was quite tall, with chin held high. He flashed a smile as different men and women began to greet him upon his arrival. His hair was styled back making him very handsome. Interesting. Usually, she is not easily swayed by male charms. Ariel froze when she found his eyes searching and scanning the room as if he was looking for someone. She wanted to take her eyes off him, but his gaze was already on her. Instantly she felt the surroundings become silent. But she was also happy. What is she doing? Ariel nervously pulled her hair behind her ear and slowly broke her burning eye contact and quickly turned her back on the man who had just entered the room. “Ariellia” She turned when he saw Pierre calling his name. “Let's sit down” ·           “Pierre” a deep male voice made him stiffen – When Pierre turned to the man who called out to him, Arielle could see his face stiffen. “Mr Damian” said Pierre quickly, he seemed shaken by the sudden presence of a black haired man. “I want to congratulate you personally because you managed to make the best creation of this season” Pierre bowed and smiled widely. “I'm looking forward to seeing the creations you make, I've heard nothing but good things” his voice was enchanting, and Ariel froze as that man turned his attention to her in awe. “And where did you hide this beautiful gem?” “She is my main model, Ariellia Malis. Ariellia, he is Damian Lorcan, my friend and business partner.” “Nice to meet you, Mr. Damian” she held out her hand ·           Damian, she had just met was so attractive that she lost focus at work. In addition, she also felt unmotivated. So she stopped by the night club, to get rid of her thoughts of him. “Give me a fruit punch without alcohol.” She sat down sweetly in front of the bartender. “You're not drinking tonight, sweetie?” The deep voice of a man entered her ears. But she didn't bother to turn to see who was speaking to her. “Getting drunk in weekdays? no. The last time I drunk in weekdays, I woke up late and my butler getting mad at me” She pursed her lips cutely. The man next to her chuckled. She laughed along with it and subconsciously turned her head to the side. Her green eyes grow wider. “Mr. Damian” she shouted in surprise. Well, even though she was screaming her voice was still squeaking because of the loud music. “Having a tough day?” “I—I'm just exhausted and the club isn't even a bad choice, is it?” After that they were engrossed in small talk, occasionally Ariel laughed because Damian replied to her words quickly and also he was not boring, he always had something interesting to talk about. She had to admit that she felt comfortable around Damian and could chat freely with him. He felt that Damian was not as dangerous and scary as Pierre said. Damian stared at her intensely, imagining his stout arms tucked between the soft hair of the woman in front of him while she was in pleasure as well as how those pink lips licked his hardened buldge. He growled. “You are an attractive woman” Damian said suddenly, unconsciously her cheeks blushing with embarrassment. “Thank you, Mr. Damian” “Just call me Damian” The man in front of her came closer and placed his big palm behind her head “Call me rude but your eyes are so pretty” Her body stiffened, she was captivated by Damian’s face which was only inches from her. As much as possible she did not look at the lips of the man in front of her and chose to look the other way. But she was also drowning in the obsidian eyes before her. Slowly, Damian pushed his head closer to her face and whispered sensually in her ear. “May I kiss you, Ariel?” Once again, she stiffened. And something between her legs was twitching. The next day, she covered her face with a pillow and screamed very loudly. How could she kiss Damian Lorcan, even though she wasn't drunk. Right, it’s Damian who’s drunk. So it is certain that he will not remember anything. ·           The next few days she never felt calm. She felt like someone was following her secretly. That's why she stayed at home before she fly back to London. She has spent a long time reading books and she is bored, that's why she is currently planting various kinds of flowers in her backyard, a maid accompanies and helps her prepare all her gardening needs. “What a beautiful flower, but I think I like you even more.” She stiffened as she heard a familiar voice ring in her ears. “Ah, good morning, Damian. I'm surprised you came here.” “Is that so?” Damian narrowed his eyes, making her uncomfortable and immediately invited him inside. This was her home, but she felt scared and intimidated by his domineering aura. Damian eats dessert elegantly, the way he holds the cutlery or the way he sips coffee. Everything stunned her. “You didn't ask me why I came here uninvited?” “Um, I thought you just happened to drop by, sir.” she lowered her head, avoiding the intense stares she was given. “What if I’m not?” “huh?” Immediately she looked at Damian who was also looking at her with a faint smile. Damn. She could feel her cheeks heat up. “Today is my last day here. I have to go to London tomorrow morning. So will you accompany me today?” um, should she tell him that she’s leaving to London too? Ariel was silent. The rumor about him scared her and make her hesitated to accept his invitation. “But sir, won't other people see us?” she asked doubtfully “Of course” “A—aren't you bothered by that?” “Why should I?” he replied quickly “I will feel proud to have you by my side. I mean who wouldn't feel that way? You are beautiful, talented and also a model. Besides that, you are also very kind and attractive,” he explained, aah this man fluttered her heart. They had just met. “But—” “So do you want it or not, Ariel?” ·           London, United Kingdom She just landing at noon and arrived in her penthouse just an minute ago. If it’s not Pierre who asked her to be his main model, she wouldn’t do it. She do it because Pierre was her best friends since day one and also she’s bored with her routine schedule. She’s hungry and exhausted, but she didn’t want to eat alone. She can ask her butler, but was still in the office — handling her work. It’s lunch time, so she decided to visit her bestie – Gretta. So she grab her keys and heading her car to Gretta office. What she’s expected was Gretta will greet her happily after they haven’t seen each others for a week. But she disappointed because her bestie was in distress about her cases. The cases Gretta impossible to win — according to Ariel. “That’s dangerous, Gretta” She tried to warn her, but Etta’s not listen to her advice. “Please just leave this cases alone, it’s not like you’re gonna win!” “They says that they found enough the evidence. But how could the case be closed? I’m sure they didn’t found the evidence, they must continue the investigation!” Gretta screamed loudly. Ariel know her frustration about her works — fighting a big corporation in the name of justice. She didn’t know much about laws, but she understand that this is too much for Gretta to handle. Arielle know that the deeper she dig, the darker it gets. So what is best for her was stay away from this case or a case related to that s**t corporation in the future. “Can you just listen to me?” She screamed back. She don’t care if this hurts her bestie feelings, She just don’t wanna lose her. Please, not her. Gretta’s  like sisters to her. “Just quit this shitty job and work in my company, you can be our legal team!” ‘No, you don’t understand! This case is important to me, I want challenge. I can be easily get the job as legal team even if its not your company, but no thank you. I’m not interested!” so annoying “Why won’t you take my advice?” “That I should back off this case?” “How can you say that when so many people were killed and burned alive?” “Why are you so reckless? Your job is not to get angry and mourn for them!” Ariel sighed “Back off or you’ll pay the price for messing around with them!”  “You’re indeed so heartless! Oh, I forgot, you’re one of them. Business woman asshole” “You are so stubborn. Fine, do as you like. If you got a threat from that company or anybody else behind that big company don’t come to me. That’s is your choice, so that’s your problem!” Arielle calmly told her as she walked out from Gretta’s work place. Gretta is stupid, she can live happily without danger near her. She shouldn’t mess with that group or anything related to that group. The Cassius Group. Rumors said that company was owned by a dangerous person and the current head of that group was fake, he’s just his right-hand man, his most trusted men. Not much people knows this fact, only an exclusive circle knows that. The Big Three was the first company they destroyed. That’s is because they don’t accept their proposal and says something that angered them. One week after that incident, the head group was killed, along with his entire family. Because of that no one and no company or groups dared to mess with the Cassius Group, including her. She doesn’t want to face the devil herself. It won’t end well. So she stay away as she can. She stared the Steele’s Law firm building, wonder how long they will hold on until they burned them down. There’s no way out from their grip. It’s almost impossible. At first she will do anything to save her best friends but she didn’t wanted to be saved. That’s her problem, actually. But still, she cannot let her died. Ariel walked away to parking lot near the park and then she noticed that there were several black Mercedes near her. She can’t see what’s inside because it glass was black. But guess what, she could careless, that’s not her problem. They’re not coming for her. She get into her white Cadillac and leave. Little does she knows, one of that car was right behind her. . ·           Grey barge into her office, his face colder than usual “Didn’t I tell you to stop modelling?” “What?” “You—know—what I mean” “Brother, I do that because I’m bored.” she sighed as she explained “Please, just trust me” “No, you heard me. Stop, It would cause trouble one day” his hand curled into fist “If you do it again, I’ll throw you to Ace” There’s no way he would throw her to his Black Panther, he’s insane. “But bro–” she paused “Alright” She’s exhausted and not in mood to argue with her brother. He won’t stop scold her if she didn’t agree with him. “Good” he mumbled “have a date tonight with me, please?” Cute. How fast his mood changes. “No–” “Oh my, you’re so heartless, sweetheart” he whined “But I don’t care if your work haven’t done yet, I’ll just force you” He grabbed her arm and pull her out of her office towards the elevator. “You can’t do that!” she screamed “I must prepared for my meetings tomorrow — let’s have a date night tomorrow, brother” “No, I must go to Dubai tomorrow. Now you have to accompany me to the family's annual party” “They aren’t my family, that’s yours” his face becomes more serious and he let go of her hands. Strange, she felt empty though. “You’re still part of that family. You’re my sister, you’re still one of us whether you accept it or not” Silence. She don’t know how to respond. As much as she despise that, she can’t change the truth that she was the daughter of the famous mafia heiress, Giuliana Ostrovsky Her big brother, Adrian Knox Cartier was build his own business in States. So he stays there. Her another brother, Grey Mason Cartier was the current head of the Ostrovsky family.When their parents died,  He take care of Ostrovsky family business and she take care of their father company, the Cartier Group. It’s so hard at first. The three of them were so close before their parents died. But when that happen, they becomes distant. Grey was often in Russia and she’s always stay in the England. She understood that it was for the sake of their family, they just have each others back now — They had no one. Truthfully they were tired — they missed their time together, they missed the days full of laughter and giggles. Works is a pain in the ass. She always fly three times in a week, barely sleep. But Adrian and Grey, their life is always in danger — they never safe. The truth is, so many people wanted to kill them. Of course that’s because of their throne. “Grey, can we go back to old times, when everything is alright?” she whispered quietly, unsure about what she says.          
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