Chapter 3 - Melody

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I really don’t know why I let my friends convince me to come to this party. It was too noisy and there were far too many people here, but by far the worst thing about it was how my presence was bringing down those around me. Everyone could tell how uncomfortable I was from fifty metres away and most of them gave me a wide berth. Even though I knew my friends wanted to enjoy the party, they stayed with me through loyalty, which made me feel guilty as well as miserable. After a couple of hours of sitting in the corner being a nuisance to those around me, I picked up a drink and tried my best to blend in with those around me. The plan was to fake happiness for long enough for my friends to stop worrying about me and start enjoying themselves. Then I would be able to sneak out of the party without anyone noticing. In some ways, my plan worked but in others it backfired. The more alcohol that I consumed, the more I started enjoying the party. Before I knew what was happening I was dancing and singing along to every song that came over the speakers while swinging a glass of wine from my hand. I had lost all sense of time, the hot mug of coco that I had been looking forward to earlier was nothing but a distant memory as I became one with the music. At first Sadie and Dawn were dancing at either side of me, but now when I looked around I couldn’t see either of them. That was fine, they were probably having a good time somewhere else and there were plenty of people here who seemed to want to dance with me. I don’t think that I have ever had quite so many people smiling at me and spinning me around before. It must have been something to do with this top, I wore it because the design made me smile, so maybe it had the same effect on the people around me. “Ok party animal, I think you have had quite enough of those,” Fallon said as he took the wine glass out of my hand. That was fine, it was mostly empty anyway. I was dancing so wildly that most of it had sprayed over the floor, but the people around me thought it was funny so I wasn’t worried about that either. Fallon took hold of my hand and rested his other hand on the small of my back, at first I thought that she was going to dance with me but instead, he led me outside. He sat me down on a small wall and handed me a glass of water. After drinking down two-thirds of the glass my head started to feel a little clearer and the embarrassment over my earlier behaviour hit me. “Why did I think it was a good idea to drink wine on a practically empty stomach?” I groaned. I wasn’t very good at handling wine after a full meal, so of course having a bag of crisps and a chocolate bar before going on to consume a bottle of wine was a terrible idea. Why didn’t anyone stop me? “I don’t know, maybe I should have stopped you but I think we were all just happy to see you smiling after what happened to you earlier.” “I don’t want to think about that.” I shuddered at the thought, I had wasted far too many minutes of my life thinking about him already. “Have you seen Sadie around recently?” Fallon asked, even in my heavily intoxicated state I could hear the hope in his voice and it made me want to kick myself for not noticing the way he felt sooner. He had always known exactly what lessons she was having and where she was going to be but I had never noticed any kind of relationship between them and Sadie made no secret of her other relationships. “Does Sadie know that you want to date her?” Even though the alcohol was starting to wear off it wasn’t doing so fast enough and I still didn’t seem to have any kind of filter between my brain and my mouth. Fallon looked over at me, equally shocked by what I had just asked him. After a few seconds, he let out a deep sigh and averted his gave down to his lap. “She told me that we would never work out and she didn’t want to ruin our friendship by trying. I think it is a terrible excuse but I can’t seem to make myself get over her.” I let out a sharp, shrill laugh. “Apparently both of us suck at this whole relationship thing. Maybe we should both give up on it.” “No f*****g way. By this time next month you and I are both going to be in happy relationships, I will make sure of it even if I achieve nothing else this month.” It was really sweet that he thought he could do something like that but I wasn’t quite so optimistic. After the way that Ace had spoken about me, my self-esteem was so fragile that I wasn’t even sure it was a good idea for me to try dating right now. There had been a couple of men who tried to talk to me tonight but I couldn’t even entertain the idea of getting to know them. I was probably going to need to be by myself for a while to figure things out in my head. “It’s getting a little late and I have class tomorrow,” I said, looking down into my lap so that Fallon wouldn’t see how unhappy I was. “Just let me get my coat and I will walk you home.” Fallon jumped to his feet and held out his hand towards me but just as I reached up to take it there was a colossal growl. I turned around expecting to see some huge feral beast but instead, I saw Ace standing a few metres away from me and looking at Fallon as though he wanted to kill him. “You need to step away from my girlfriend right the f**k now,” he growled. I glanced around us in all different directions but I couldn’t see anyone else that he could possibly be talking about. “What the heck is going on?” I mumbled. “I think he is talking about you,” Fallon replied, stepping away from me while giving me a look which screamed that I would have some explaining to do later, as though I could make any more sense of this situation than he could. Once Fallon had stepped away from me Ace stepped forward, quickly closing the distance between us and pulling me against his body. He murmured something that I couldn’t quite catch before kissing my hair and holding me tightly in his arms. “OK, I know that I am drunk but I think you might be on something a little bit stronger. Perhaps you need to go home and sleep it off.” I suggested. I placed my hands on his shoulders and tried to push him off me but he was holding on to me so tightly that I am not sure if he registered what I was trying to do. Either way, he didn’t move an inch and I just ended up looking like an i***t. “I haven’t taken anything but if you want to take me to bed then I wouldn’t complain.” The words came out slightly muffled as his nose and mouth were still pressed against my hair. It felt as though I had stepped into an alternate dimension and nothing here made sense, I looked over towards Fallon for support but he was nowhere to be seen. “I’m not sure if that kind of line works with your usual women but I assure you that I am not falling for it, so you can just let go of me.” “I’m never letting you go, you are my mate and my Luna.” He leaned back to look into my eyes, I could see his resolve and his desire as he looked down at me. All of which only served to confuse me further, it was only a few hours ago that he accused me of being fat. “Why are you doing this? Did someone make a bet to find the ugliest date, so you thought you would find a fat girl to be with? Do you get extra points if you sleep with me? Whatever game you are playing you can find someone else to play it with.” We were starting to gather a bit of a crowd around us now but I was so angry that I didn’t care. I wasn’t going to let him get away with calling me fat and then trying to sleep with me a few hours later, he might think I would be desperate enough to take any attention that he would give me but he couldn’t be more wrong. “You are not fat, you are perfect.” He pulled me closer to his body and nibbled on my ear before whispering. “How can you question how much I want you when you can feel the evidence of how much I want you?” His words made me inhale sharply because he was right about one thing. I could feel his erection pressing against me and it was fricking huge. I tried to push him away from me again, but just like last time it didn’t seem to have any impact. “Please just leave me alone.” “I told you that I am never letting you go, but we can get a couple of drinks and talk about it if you like.” He let go of my waist and held out his hand towards me. I hesitated for a moment as I weighed up my options. It was clear that he had no intention of letting me get away from him but maybe if we spoke for a while then I would be able to talk some sense into him or give whatever illicit substance he was under the influence of a chance to leave his system. As I reached out my hand to take his a few of the people crowded around us started to cheer. I could feel my cheeks heating up, as he took my hand and walked me back into the building with a huge smile on his face. He was acting as though he had won some kind of prize and a couple of people in the crowd who I didn’t recognise even congratulated him. I had no clue what was going on but I didn’t appreciate the way it felt as though everyone was on his side. He called me fat and now everyone was acting as though I was being irrational for not wanting to sleep with him, was this how all his other one-night stands started?
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