Chapter one - My summer vacation

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Olivia's POV: My name is Olivia Brown and I am a normal teenage girl. When I was fifteen, I used to spend my afternoons after school in one milkshake shop. Not many people go there and it became my study place. I was drinking so many milkshakes that I was getting discounts or even free ones. The owners became my friends. Barry and Carmen are very cool. They are very nice to me and I have to say that Carmen is my best friend. Yes, she is more than ten years older than me, but I share everything with her. This summer I decide to help them by working in the shop. I spend most of the time there so why I don't do something useful. I want to help Barry to grow his business and to attract more people to come here. For now, I don't know how to do it, but I hope that some ideas will come to my mind. The shop looks good, but maybe something is missing. Sometimes I even give them a free day for themselves. I'm glad that they trust me and leave me alone in the shop. Not like many people are coming. The number of people who have come in one day was around ten. I hope that I can help them.  I woke up fresh and in good mood. Only one month left until the new school year. My senior year I will spend in a new school. Let's say that in the last one people were treating me badly and my parents decide to move me. I didn't want to, because only one year left me, but the final word was theirs. I don't mind, but there was no need to. Anyways, I won't argue with my parents about that. Carmen and Barry agreed with them. I have told them about that and both of them said that it was a good decision. I hope that it is. If I have one more year like this one, I might not make it to university. Ok, it wasn't that bad. Mostly, people were making fun of the way I dress or me. The boys were saying how no one would date me because I am ugly. The girls were saying the same and even once, they threw make-up in my face. I received lipstick, mascara, and eye shadow. They might be small, but it still hurts.  I got out of bed and get dressed. Later, I walked for breakfast before I go to work. My brother James and my sister Emma were already at the table. Our parents leave early because they have to work. I have to say that my siblings like to spend a lot of money. I, from the other side, like to save.  - Good morning. What do we have for breakfast? - There are pancakes. - Emma said - Where? I don't see any. - Oops. I mean there WERE pancakes. You should've woken up earlier.  - I hate you. Couldn't you leave me one? - Why? We are people as well. We need food.  - Like I don't. Anyways. I'll eat cereal.  I went into the kitchen and opened the cabin. There was a box of fruit loops. I took a bowl and put some in it. There were exactly three colorful rings. You have to be kidding me. I guess that I will buy food again. Why I am not surprised? I grabbed my things and walked out. On the way to work, I stopped at one fast food restaurant and bought a sandwich. I was thinking to offer Barry to sell food as well, but I think that he wants the shop to be only about milkshakes.  Soon I arrived. There was no one as usual. I greeted Barry and sat at one table to eat my food. I wasn't that hungry, but I eat when I find the time. Most of the time, I skip a meal. In school, people were calling me fat, because I eat too much. That's why I stopped eating lunch for a while. This wasn't a good idea. Then I decide to eat when I go home. I was staying away from people because no one is by my side. Everyone was against me. Not like I am complaining, but I wish that I had some friends. I always was a little bit shy and the bullying didn't help me.  - I hope that someone comes today. I don't want us to be alone again.  - I want it not less than you do, but we'll see.  - Where is Carmen? She is always here.  - She has to do some things at home. When she finishes, she'll come.  - Ok, then. I will make myself a milkshake. Do you want one? - No, thanks. I will clean at the back. If someone comes, will you take the order? - Yes, no problem.  One of the cool things about this job is that I have unlimited milkshakes. I can drink as much as I want. In the beginning, I told Barry that I don't do it for money and that there is no need to pay me, but he didn't agree. I said it mostly because not many people come here and he doesn't earn much. How I was eating, the bell rang, which means that we have a customer. Finally, someone decided to come.  - Hello, what will be your order? - I want a vanilla milkshake for home. - the girl said - Ok, I will make it for you.  We have all the ingredients so all I have to do is to put them in the blender and let it do its work. I put her drink in a plastic cup and decorated it. On top, I put whipped cream with some sprinkles. I put the lid on and gave it to her. I have to say that the milkshakes are cheap. I mean it's only three dollars. She gave me the money and walked away. That's it. If someone comes in the next hour that will be surprising. I walked up to Barry.  - I think that you need an update.  - What do you mean? - This place. You need to fresh it.  - You know that I don't have that much money. I don't want to use our savings for that.  - But no one comes here. I'm not saying to change everything. Just some paint and maybe the menu. I mean that you can keep it, but just to print it again, change the fonts of the text, and add better pictures. That's it.  - Look, I appreciate that you want to help me, but for now, I won't do anything. I like this place because it's quiet.  - I understand, but don't you want to attract more people? - Olivia, I don't want to talk about this.  - Fine. Do whatever you want. - I said and walked back to my place I know that Barry wants to keep the original style of his shop, but nothing bad will happen if he just put some paint and fresh it up a little bit. After all, this is his decision. I pulled out my phone and looked at **. My eyes widen when I saw one of the posts. Why I don't look like that? Nate has posted another shirtless picture. I know that he does it only to attract the girls, but I have to say that it's working. I was in middle school with him. Since then the girls were walking after him. I started crushing on him in seventh grade. Back then, I didn't pay much attention, because I thought that it was childish. I mean that I was a kid. Well, that didn't work out. No matter that, we separated after that, I still check him out. Only on **. I don't know where does he study or whatever it is about him, except his name. I thought that after time I will stop thinking about him, but I never did it. The way he looks screams perfection. We have talked only once. In seventh grade, he told me something, but I didn't know what to say. That was my only chance. I can slide into his dm's and text him, but I have no idea what to tell him.  - Are you checking him out again? I hear a chuckle, which made me turn around. It was Carmen. I told her about Nate in the days when I was a customer. Basically, like two years ago. I worked a little bit the last summer as well, but only for a month and that's why I don't count it.  - Why don't you send him a message? Maybe he will answer you.  - And what do I have to say? Hi, we have studied in middle school together and since seventh grade, I have had a crush on you. Do you want us to go out? - Yes, that will work.  - No! I won't send him that.  - Then how do you expect him to notice you. I have seen how he looks and I can bet that he gets many comments from girls. Messages too. You have to make a move if you want him to notice you.  - Thanks, but I am good. Moreover, I am not on his level. I mean that compared to the girls who comment and like his posts, I am nothing.  - Hey, don't talk like that. You look beautiful just the way you are.  - You are telling me this only because I am your friend.  - No, I tell you this, because I mean it.  - But I don't believe it. Otherwise, people weren't going to call me fat and ugly.  - You are not fat or ugly. Stop thinking so bad for yourself. I hope that this year you will change your mind. You need a fresh start.  - I know, but it's not easy when you care what people talk about you.  - And that was your biggest mistake.  - Can we not talk about this? - Sure, but you have to think about this. Don't let people play with you. If you want to have success, you need to step on your game.  - I will try to do it, but it won't be easy.  - If everything was easy, it would be boring.  - Thank you, Carmen. I know that I can share everything with you.  - That's why we are friends. Nor, let's get to work.  - Like we have some. - I said and she laughed - About Nate. I think that you should talk with him or at least send him one hi. It's visible that you like him a lot. Don't ruin your chances just because you are shy.  - I can't do it. I have no idea what to say and I feel like I am tongue-tied.  - If you can't say it, write it. In your case, this is the only option.  - I will think about this. Let's work now because Barry will kick us out. - I laughed  For lunch, Carmen went to buy food. I wasn't that hungry but ate some of it. The afternoon was quiet as well. Usually, we close at 9 pm, but Barry let me go home at 8 because there are not many people. For the whole day, there were only five customers. I have told my parents to not wait for me for dinner. I walked home and saw my parents still at the table. Emma and James are probably in their room.  - Hi mom. Hi dad.  - Hi honey. How was work today? - mom asked me - Boring. Only five people came.  - It's bad, isn't it? - Yes. A lot if you ask me. I wish that I could do something, but I don't know what.  - Before you do something, you have to ask Barry.  - I tried to convince him to put fresh paint and some small changes, but he won't do anything. At least for now. One day, he might change his mind.  I talked for a while with my parents and later went to my room. I took a quick shower and went to bed. I opened ** and looked at some of the comments under Nate's new post. I was thinking to write one, but he probably won't see it. Not like the replies to girls. Only to the same boys who I suppose are his friends. I thought that my life will get easier, but no. Let's hope that the new school year will help me change things and my life. I don't want to live in fear that someone might do something to me or call me names. I am tired of this. My self-esteem became so low that I wonder has it ever existed. Maybe this year will be different. Only time will show. 
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