Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 “Abey, Accalia, and Adair. How can I help you three lovely ladies?” “Your Eminence, there is a way to get what you want without having to plant your seed within those three. Since now we have the Angels on our side, nothing can stop us.” The three of them said together. Dean looked at them closely noticing the differences in the outfits and in the hair, he studied the faces and decided as the Lord of Lords that it was his duty to follow them. “Show me!” “We shall get right onto it.” Accalia said. “But first you have to drink this…” Abey said handing Dean a vial of green liquid. Dean did not question it at all, no sniff, no nothing. He downed the vial like there was nothing wrong with it. Then suddenly he began to experience pain in his chest and in his back, his arms, and legs as well. “What… Did… You… Give… Me?” Before Dean could hear an answer from any of them, he passed out. “What shall we do with him?” “There’s nothing we can do for him now; we have to wait for the real Lord of Lords to appear. Remember this poor Bastard is only a vessel.” “Can’t we just cut him out?” “That’s what the drink is for, the potion is to get the Lord out of Dean.” Dean was not sure what he was hearing or why he was able to hear, but he was screaming out in pain periodically and the witches just kept on about how they were going to get him and not kill him at the same time. Dean’s body felt hot, he felt like he was going to overheat and explode. He had never felt so hot before. He felt periodical stabbing pain in his body, steak knives with diamond edges burrowing deep into his skin. Abbey’s nail or two had driven in as well just for good measure. “Look sisters, they’re sprouting!” Dean felt a split go down the spine of his back, and he felt something coming out of it, but he was not sure what it was. All that he could do was scream and in turn all he could hear was the witches laughing at him. He felt himself going red all over in anger and next thing he remembers he is sitting in front of the window overlooking the balcony in his bedroom covered in blood. “Look what you’ve done Dean Guild,” came a mysterious voice. It was dark and sinister, much like a Dean’s fantasy voice sounds like. This voice had a purpose of being there, but what was it? “What are you talking about? Who are you? Where are you?” Dean asked aloud not knowing what else to ask. “I saw what you did Dean Guild, how you butchered those three witches. Do not worry, I did not say anything, and I am not going to. I am you.” There was a laughter that echoed around the room and Dean held his breath. He felt nervous, and he had rarely felt nervous. “I did nothing to the three sisters.” Dean took a breath and called for them by name. … … … … … Nothing. “Convinced yet young man?” “What did you do to them monster? Where are you?” “I’m here and there. I am so close you can smell me; besides, I did nothing to them. You did all the work for me. Thanks, are in order, so Thank You.” Three hard bangs bounded away on Dean's bedroom door and Dean jumped at the sound. He quickly gathered himself and went over to it and opened wide the large white door. There was a young woman there with dyed blue and purple hair, she was holding a clipboard against her chest and looking very embarrassed. "Yes?" "Well sir, it's" "I don't have time for us. What is it, young lady?" "Sir, it's the Angels. They're arriving." A smile crept across Deans face and the girl looked a little frightened by it and she took a couple steps back. A sudden blast of a trumpet and Dean's facial expression changed once more, he now looked happier instead of sinister. He threw on a shirt and grabbed the girl’s hand and together they ran outside to begin meeting the Angels. Dean saw one right after another arrive, either by car or by flight. When the first one landed Dean walked to her and shook her hand. Her wings were spread wide open and she wrapped them around him and embraced him gently. This type of treatment carried on and on throughout the night until Dean could no longer stay awake and he went off to bed as more were arriving. Once Dean woke, he found his home quite different from how he left it. He slipped on his pants and shirt and walked out to the “overpass” as he liked to call it and looked down over the balcony. He watched them begin to climb over top of one another once they noticed he was there. Dean raised his hands high into the air and they all stopped moving and quieted down quickly. Once the noise level died down, Dean began speaking to the mass of Angels. "My friends, you all have done well to travel here. We have a lot to do and a noticeably fleeting time to do it in. I need three of you young and vibrant ladies to come with me, so that together the three of us may stop the UNRULING and JUDGEMENTAL BASTARD that has been ruling us currently. He has brought us nothing but pain, suffering, anguish, misery, woe, and disgrace. Together, we can defeat Him finally and He will RUE the DAY HE MOCKED US!" Here Dean paused and looked over the crowd of Angels who seemed to be hanging on his every word. He grabbed a hold of the guard rails and leaped over them and as he fell towards the grounds out popped brown leathery wings that helped him glide safely and allowed him to land on his feet without a scratch. "You see my friends; I am one of you. I too am a fallen. Taken and shunned away at my prime by the All Mighty One, to never again, be seen. I say NOW'S our time to attack, NOW'S our time to make the World react, NOW'S our time to make the difference that we have always wanted. Now, WHAT'S YOUR OPINION?" "KILL, KILL, KILL, KILL, KILL!!!!!" They all seemed to chant in unison. Dean began touching the Angels as he walked past them. They seemed to coo and faint with response. Some that were not able to kiss him were bowing to him and he would return the bow if he saw it. Dean sprouted his wings once more and flew back up to the balcony and stood on top of the railing and stared at the gathering group, he then spotted an individual that he could not believe was there and he pointed at her and told one of his guards to grab her and bring her to him. She was wearing a loose-fitting purple shirt and a tight pair of blue jeans now, and she came with a package of three others; she had red hair and seemed to be giving the guard a hassle about not allowing her family with her. Dean jumped onto the steps and began walking down the red carpet towards her and she began screaming and trying to reach past the guard to get to Dean. "Dean! Dean! I love you! Marry Me! I will Die FOR YOU! I'LL DO ANYTHING FOR YOU!" A smile came across his face as he grabbed a hold of her hand and pulled her in close to him and together, they flew towards his bedroom.
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