Chapter 3

1997 Words
This case was all about revenge. Three years ago a tragedy had happened, a group of thieves robbed their house. And Zero's mother died in that incident, the late wife of Mr. Gerard Abellioni. Few days later the cops nabbed the suspects. There was an investigation happened. And according to the police report those suspects were under the influence of drugs while doing the crime. They were all high. The justice was served. But after a weeks of being detained all the suspects got killed inside their cells. Surely there was a foul play. But in this police report, it was stated that there was a riot inside happened that took the lives of the suspects. But it took no genius to figure out. Of course the old Abellioni learned about the early exucution but did not say a thing. Rafael Santiago. A very high profile and yet dangerous man. His family had been massacred and he's thinking it was all planned by the old Abellioni but the old man refused the accusation. And now he wanted to take out his revenge to Mr. Gerard Abellioni and his son. Elite is a security with both connection to the FBI and NBI, we're legit. How come Rtd. Commander Catamisan accepted this case. I grinned. One helluva action is awaiting! I dialled Sir Arthur's number. It took a moment before he picked up my call. "..Axl. I assumed you already read the report. Do you still want to continue the mission?.." he answered me with those line. "I'm in." I replied quickly. "..Good. I'm not wrong when I chose you for this case. And I picked Kairo as your partner because I know you are more comfortable working with him.." I heard the sincerity in his voice. "Thank you for trusting me and Kairo, Sir." "..I will update you asap for the list of names you needed to keep your eyes on. Just don't leave Zero out of your range, he's a bit hard headed but I know you can handle him.." figured much Commander. "I can take care of him." he added few details for the report before the line ended. I was thinking about Zero, he locked himself up for a day and that's good but then I was a bit agitated. His door flew open before I could manage to make a knock. A well suit Zero Abellioni welcomed my state. "Where you going?" I asked him suddenly. "We have a night out." he said nonchalantly and passed me. I tailed him and he immediately cut me off. "I already called my Dad. You don't have to come with me." he casually said and left me. "Still, I'm coming with you." I rushed to him. He faced me with his irate face. "I told you, you don't have to come with me." he told me in his angry voice. "I only follow orders from my superior." I replied in a serious tone. No one could stop me from doing my job not even his own father. "But I'm paying you." he hissed. "Why don't sit back your ass here and just relax. I'm just going out, nothing will be happened. Okay?" he breathed out his irritation. "Then you will stay here." his enemy could blast a shot in his teritory how come going outside, alone.This retarted i***t was not in his right mind for wanting to be alone of his own. "Or take me with you. Take it or leave it." I said with finality in my voice. He sighed before he started to walk again. I won. I could let him be alone unless he wanted to be monk inside his house. The enemies were seriously wanted to kill him and his Dad. And I wouldn't give them the satisfaction, not in my hands. For this day he was going to use his ranger. He went to the driver's seat and I did knock his window. His bored expression never failed me to groan secretly. "What?" he creased his forehead. "I have my bike." I pointed at his parking. "Alright." he rolled up his window. I walked past his car. I would only watch him from afar. For now I'm willing to give him a little space. I smiled when I saw my harley. I missed riding my baby. It's been a while. He led the ride and I was only following him. It's more breathable to ride my bike than being stuck in a car with him. When we're out from his village I kept my distance. All I need to do now is to be more attentive with our surrounding to prevent any flaw. Stubborn kid. I stepped on my gas when our distance became more visible. He wanted to be chased. I looked at my back through the mirror and accelerate my speed. It was hard to drive in a high speed with ranger on you but the i***t drove as if he owned the road. He couldn't ditch me easily when I'm with my baby. It's a good thing, he used ranger and not his Centenario or else it would be more a chase. He slowed down after a minute of playing. He parked his car outside of a high end bar. I parked my bike two cars away from his as I watched him entering the bar. He never bothered to wait for me as I expected. I walked by myself though. "Miss, your card." I looked at the man. "I don't have any." I paid attention to other and like what they were doing, I stepped inside. "Miss, this bar is exclusive only for its member. And if you don't have a card then I cannot let you in." the guy stopped me from making my step. "I'm with someone, but he's got inside." looking at his hand on my arm. He removed it immidiately and rubbed his head. "Try to make it more convincing Miss." he paused. "What's the name of your friend?" he challenged me and not believing on what I've said. "Zero Abellio-" "Then you are not allowed! Mr. Abellioni has a strict rule for not letting his fans in." the guy was now shaking his head while crossing his arms. "But I really came here with him. Actually I'm his Assistant." I have no choice but to say it or otherwise I would be stuck here. "Sorry Miss, but I can't let you in." "I'm not one of his fans, I'm telling you the truth. I am really his personal assistant." I tried to explain. "Leave now Miss.. you are a big interruption." he even pointed at the way out. Sighing I looked over my shoulder and saw those people waiting in the line. I glanced once more then I left the entrance. I needed to get there, I could not let him party inside and I was here waiting for him. Raking the tallest building in front of me in where the bar is located before I took a deep sigh. If I would go through the upper part then all I need is a harness. But taking all the stuff meant time and effort, that laps Zero might escape. In the end I fished out my cellphone and dialled her number. "..Who's this?.." her bitchy voice. "Axl." I told her. "Sylver I need you here, here in this bar around Taguig." Sylver is an ally. And a reliable source also. "..Hey Axl, why you're there? Going in bar at this time? Are you alone or are you with Kairo?.." she teased. "I'm on a mission. I couldn't get in because this bar is exclusively for its members only." I explained. "..What bar?.." I told her about the details. "..Wait me there.." she cut the line. I glanced at the entrance again. The guy who stopped me still at his spot, so I have no choice but to wait for Sylver. Sylver arrived twenty minutes later. And that's too long for me but then she's my only hope. "Sorry I'm late." she grinned, I didn't ask her why anyway. "Here, wear this." I stared at her for a moment before it went down to the paper bags she was holding. "Can I use my clothes instead?" did not want to waste time any more. "We can't blend to the people inside if you gonna wear that leather of yours. You may got their attention instead." she shrugged. "Alright." I took the bags and went to her Lexus. I poker faced when I saw my reflection in the mirror after. I was in a short shorts and a halter top. And a pumps that way too high like an Eiffel Tower. Still I managed to get my ass out and a mad grinning Sylver is waiting. "It fits you perfectly. I'm soo good at this!" she clapped her hands and jumped like a child. "Let's go inside." I made my step but was halted by her hand. "What again?" "Put some color." she smiled sweetly. "I'm fine, let's go." I made my step again but she stopped me and dragged me back into her car. "You need to put at least lipstick, Axl. You are pretty but you look like a zombie, too pale for a white paper." few brushed on my lips before she let chirped. "Perfect!" I looked at the mirror and my face fell. My lips were so red now. She took care next with my long hair pony tail and we are done. I tilted my head, was fine with the short shorts and halter top but I'm really not into make ups. We both get off of her car when she's satisfied with her 'Art work'. "Card, Ma'am." again, this guy said. Sylver showed her VIP card and the guy just nodded and let us in. I let out a sigh of relief. Finally. The bar is not yet on its peak and so my eyes scanned easily the place and haven't seen a glimpse of him. "Do you need my help?" Sylver said in a bit loud voice. "No need." Once more I scanned the whole place and negative. And then I saw a staircase to second floor. He might be on that floor. "Call me when you need me." Sylver smiled. "See you around." I did not pay attention to her and strode the way up. I got my ass up smoothly and found the first door. Slowly I twisted the door handle and as I was expecting it was jammed from the inside. I took a hair pin from my shorts and making sure that my back was on the cctv, before I tried my luck. Proudly I smiled at myself when I heard 'click' sound. I easily opened the door and got inside. I shut the door behind me and scanned the room. The defeaning silence, cleaned room indicated that no one was here before and so I left in no second. The next two doors were like same the first one, too clean and empty. Where the hell is he? I cursed out loud when I found nothing on the fourth and last room. The upper floor consisted of five private rooms and uncluckily I did not saw a trace of him not even a shadow. I calmly walked downstairs even I almost wanted to sprint. "Sylver." I held at my ear piece. "I'm going out. He's not here." "..Ohh! Bad kiddo! Do I need to come with you?.." "I can handle this. I will put his butt back into his house." I said calmly while exiting. His ranger was still here on the parking, I couldn't believe he slipped in my hands that easily. I hopped in my bike and sped away. I have to go back to his house and get my laptop. My grip tightened and made my drive more faster than the normal. I would surely break his bones this time.
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