Chapter Four - Trying to find out the truth

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Drew I woke up the next morning, and there were two girls in my bed. I do love myself a threesome now and again, but why are they still here? They should be long gone by now. I decided since they were still here, I would leave. I decided I would find out where Ellie stays and annoy her, try to get some answers from her. Luckily when I text Lucas, he knew where her dorm was.  I pulled some clothes on, brushed my teeth and ruffled my hair before heading out. It took a while to find her dorm, but I eventually did. I knocked, but there was no answer; instead, I just walked in since she was not answering. I looked around, but there was no sign of her, well until I heard giggling from the bedroom. I wonder what she is up to. I decided just to walk in and found her in bed with Connor, what the actual f**k? He said I could have her and now he is in bed with her, Jackass.  "Well, well, what do we have here?" I said, annoyed.  They both jumped, not expecting anyone, especially not me.  "What the f**k are you doing in my room Drew? Who do you think you are just walking into someone dorm like that?" She snarled. “Because I can, maybe you should lock your door. Now does someone want to tell me what is going on here?" I asked, pissed off. "None of your damn business Drew that's what," Ellie said. Connor sat there not saying a word. Surely, she never had s*x with him. She rejected me, why have it with him? Yes, he is one of my best mates, and I love the guy, but when it comes to women, I always win. "Did little Connor get laid last night? About blooming time," I said smirking.  Yes, I am a jackass even towards my friends, but they know that by now.  "Drew, give it a rest," Connor said, getting annoyed. "Or did she not put out for you like that other one you’re after," I said chuckling. "He did actually...problem?" Ellie said smugly. "What?" I asked sounding a little too angry  Connor just chuckled, smiling at Ellie.  "Yeah, whatever. So you two want to come to join Lucas, Carrie and I for brunch?" I said, changing the subject before they thought I was jealous or something.  "Yeah, I'm starving. Ellie?" Connor said, looking at her. She hesitated at first but eventually agreed. However, she was going to get us down after she got showered and dressed.  "See you soon. Thanks for last night," Connor said, hugging her, making me roll my eyes.  "Anytime," She said, smiling back at him.  Connor and I headed down to the dining hall, which was opened during the summer. "Thought you were not going after her?" I asked, trying not to sound pissed. "I never said that Drew. I told you to go ahead, but I never said I would stay, away did I?" He said smugly.  "Stop being a smug jackass," I said, punching his arm, the both of us laughing.  Yes, I wanted to get in there with Ellie first but remember bros before hoes, always. I tried prying him for details, but he was not giving me anything, but I will get it out of him. "Any idea how she knows me? Because it's been pissing me off all night," I asked.  If they spent the full night together then maybe she said something to him about it. "Nope sorry mate you will need to ask her," He said.  I will find out the truth; eventually, I always do. We joined Carrie and Lucas at a table. They were busy all over each other; we cleared our throats, making them pull apart. "Where's Ellie?" Carrie's asked.  "Showering after her dirty night with Connor here," I said smirking.  "Really?" She asked, looking at Connor. He chuckled before answering, “I will let her tell you that," He said winking at Carrie.  We all got caught up with our nights we had since we barley seen each other. I happily told them about my s*x-filled night.  "Eww, you are disgusting Drew," Carrie said, pulling faces at me. “What can I say, the women love me,” I said, smirking.  Carrie rolled her eyes and shook her head in disgust at me. I brushed it off. I am not ashamed of what I do. I decided to change the subject from s*x to trying to find out how Ellie knows me.  "Carrie, you should know. How does Ellie know me?" I asked, hopefully. "You really don't remember, do you? That is shocking Drew, it really is. And I am not telling you anything. You will work it out yourself; eventually, I hope. If not you really are a jackass," Carrie said, digging into her brunch. Why will no one tell me anything? The four of us were talking amongst ourselves when Ellie arrived, dressed in jeans and a tank top.  "Hey, guys," She smiled at us all, including me, which surprised me. She took the seat next to Connor, but I shouldn't be surprised they are f*****g after all. "I heard what you were up to last night, Ellie," Carrie said smirking at her. "And by the looks of your neck and glowing face, you were doing the same thing, Miss Carrie," Ellie said, smirking back at her, the both of them giggling. Ellie went to grab some food, and I decided to follow her, get her to myself for a moment before Connor showed up or something. Just like always when she saw me approach, she rolled her eyes, causing me to chuckle. "What do you want, Drew?" She groaned.  I stepped in closer to her, closer than needed but, oh well. She went to take a step back, but there was a table behind her, she couldn't go far. I placed my hands on the table at each side of her.  "I want to know why you would have s*x with Connor and not me. We are practically cut from the same cloth," I said smirking. "Not quite. He is nicer and sweeter than you. As for why I don't want to have s*x with you, you are a jackass, plus been there done that. It was nothing that special," She said smirking at the last part.  Wait. What? Have we had s*x before? Then why can't I blooming think who she is?  "That's when I know you are lying because I am the best f**k any female could ask for," I said, "And when the hell did, we have s*x?" I asked.  "You really are full of yourself Drew. I think if you could f**k yourself you would, you love yourself that much," She said.  Though she still never answered the question, I wanted to know. I was glad we were out of view from the others with what I am about to do. I placed my hands on her hips, gripping them and pulling her body flush against mine, reaching in and set a gentle kiss on her neck. She never responded at all. What is wrong with this girl? Usually, when I do that to a girl, she moans and ends up in my bed five minutes later. I was not giving up, though. I reached into her.  "Stop pretending like you don't want me, Ellie," I whispered seductively, making her shiver a little.  "As I said been there, done that and it was nothing great, so I think those other girls must be lying to you. I can get myself off better than you got me off," She said confidently. And I had to stop myself moaning at the mention of her getting herself off. Well look at that, she has a dirty mind after all.  "Shall we prove that theory? You and I, right now in the bathroom," I said, pressing myself against her. She reached into my ear, me expecting her to say something dirty to me but instead, "Dream on Drew. s*x with you once was bad enough," She said, pushing me away from her. "Seriously when did we have s*x? Will, you just blooming tell me? “I asked, annoyed.  "A long time ago," She said, walking away. Well, she couldn't have hated it that much if she still remembers it. A long time ago. Hmm, it depends when it was, maybe I was still learning. Perhaps I was not that great. My first time was years ago and not too bad, but I barely remember a thing about it. Actually can't even remember who I lost my virginity too but then again, I have had many, many, many females since then. I am a w***e. Ahhh well screw it, I love s*x nothing wrong with that.  I made my way back to the table, Ellie giggling at something Connor was saying to her. Someone pass me a sick bucket, please? I rolled my eyes before sitting on the other side of her. I was in the mood for some fun. That fun being annoying the heck out of Ellie. I slid my hand under the table, placing it on her thigh which caused her to jump a little, making me chuckle a little.  I started running the palm of my hand up and down her thigh, her full body tensing, but she still never looked at me. Seriously what do I need to do to get her attention? I took my other hand, placing it on her hip, sliding it under her top, making circles on her hips. I heard her swallow hard, so I continued to do it until she finally turned to face me, glaring at me. I just smirked at her which pissed her off even more.  “I think I am going to go and take a nap because I have a headache. I will catch up with you all later,” She said, pulling away from me and standing up. She said a quick goodbye to everyone before leaving, alone. I am surprised Connor never followed her like a little lost puppy. She may as well get used to it because I am just going to get worse with her until she tells me how she knows me when she had s*x with me and what I did that makes her hate me so much.
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