001 Dance to be free

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Kathrins Pov I felt the music in my body and surrender to the beat of the song „Veitstanz“. All other thoughts got swept away and it was only me and the music. I felt free and at ease as nothing could disturb me at least as long as the song was played. At this moment I was only me, a 17 year old girl enjoying her Saturday night at a club without any obligations. I bounced my hips to the music and get faster and faster as the rhythm speed up and I continue to spin myself in a circle. As the new song started I open my eyes and grinned at my best friend Corinna. She was two years older than me and more like a big sister and family. When you looked at her you clearly recognise that her father was from Italy. She had a very feminin figure with beautiful sun tanned skin, dark brown eyes and long brown unrestainable curls. We were bests friends since childhood and I spent most of my time with her. She knew every dark secret ( not that there were so many). „ gotta go for a drink?“ I asked over the music . She nooded and started to find her way through the sea of people on the dancing floor. „Alles dreht sich um mich her /Die Welt versinkt im Farbenmeer/Wenn ich tanze/ Mit dir tanze“ ( engl: Everything revolves around me/The world sinks into a coulorfull see/ when i dance / dance with you) I was still humming the refrain of the last song. I still felt a little dizzy when we reached the bar. „Like every time“ my friend asked me and I simply nooded. As I was still minor I was not allowed to purchase alcohol and so she orders our drinks. An Absinth Coke for me and a virgin tequila for herself. One peak of being minor was that I cannot drive us home . So it’s on her to drive as every time. We were at our favourite club, the Shadow. A gothic metal disco in the suburbs of Frankfurt am Main. It was a small disco only consisting of two rooms. The dancfloor covered the main part of the bigger room. Lounges were arranged all around. In the smaller adjoining room was the bar. The whole rooms were in dark colours, mainly black and crimson red. In combination with the dimmed light it gave the whole establishment a dark atmosphere. Perfect for the metal party taking place at the moment. „Look, there are two seats. Its time for a little break". She pointed at two bar stools at the end of the bar next to the wall. We went there and sit down. There we had a little bit of privacy. At least we werde not sitting in the middle off the room and at the bar the music was not as loud as im the main room. I didn't like it. I know she want to talk. She already tried it on the drive. I wasn't in the mood, I simply want to enjoy the night. Talking change nothing. It doesn't make the situation better... Nothing did. The only thing it did was killing my good mood and easy feeling of todays night and stealing this last resort of happiness and bringing the dark clouds here. I sighted. "Same sh*t as every day. At least she was so drunken that she just collapsed on the couch. So it was one of the better days as we did not habe to handle her.""Please promise me to go to this help organisation. They are specialised in domestic violence and abuse. If you want I will go with you. You and your sister need help." She pleaded. I nooded. I knew she only wanted to help and she witnessed how it is at home. "Ok. Monday. But please... Tonight I only want to forget and be free of this. Tomorrow came fast enough."" Deal! " She puts me in a hug. " Thank you that you let me help." Oh, I love this girl and her confidence. I did not know where I would be without her and her positive views. I tighten the hug and lift her up. " Thank you for being there. And now DANCE." We both started to giggle. I put her down on her feet, grab her hand and drag her back to the dancefloor still laughing. The next hour we spend dancing and laughing. I was succesfull in pushing all unwanted thoughts back in the darkest corner of my mind and enjoying the music and the lights. And to regain my little piece of freedom.
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