Chapter 2 - Theater

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I head back to the lobby. Damian is staring at me. He’s barely disguising his grin. He’s just played a real dirty trick on me, but I’ll hear him out. We can still make a fresh start. “I assumed we were a team? I totally trusted you! Why did you do that to me?” “That was your first lesson right there! There’s no such thing as trust in this game. And if you weren’t wary of me from the get-go, then you’re just not cut out for this job.” If he keeps this up, I’m gonna have to punch the guy. I can’t believe this! But… Margaret suddenly approaches and our tense discussion comes to an end. “I trust everything went well?” Damian opens his mouth, ready to answer for me, but I manage to get in first. “Mr. Kauffman got his robe! He seemed absolutely delighted with it!” “That’s perfect. Thank you.” “That’s not true. She gave it to the wrong guest.” I contradict him. “I didn’t make a mistake! What are you talking about?” Mr. Kauffman walks in wearing his bathrobe and I point him out to Margaret. “You see? There he is! He’s all toasty and warm in his cotton satin bathrobe! He’s as snug as a bug in a rug!” I can see Damian wincing as Margaret smiles at me. “Good! But don’t rest on your laurels! It’s only a robe. Stay active and attentive, Meridian. Don’t wait, anticipate!” “I got it! You don’t have to tell me twice! You can count on me!” I show her my determination. She hands me a little earpiece and a badge. I take the earpiece and insert it into my ear. “This is how we stay in touch. And this badge will give you access to all the staff areas within the hotel. I don’t like explaining things over and over, so pay attention. There’s a lot of information to remember and we’re always short of time. Do you have a problem with that?” Is she implying that I’m going to have to work overtime? Short on time? But tonight’s a no-no! I have my acting class. I don’t want to miss it. And my teacher gets so mad if anyone’s late! But I can’t afford to make a bad impression here either! That’s even more of a no-no! I really need this job! I’ll have to show that I’m willing to do anything to work at this hotel. At least until I gain her trust… and until my probationary period comes to an end. “Absolutely not! Working at the Secret Palace is a dream come true. You’ve no idea how much this job means to me! Margaret nods her head and then turns on her heels. Right! What can I do to impress that woman? I’ll start looking around the hotel for people to help. I walk out of the main entrance and spot a 1960s black Mustang parked out front. It’s a sleek, sexy, gorgeous little beast of a car… But it’s empty. This car looks incredible! I adore vintage cars. I’ve had an old yellow Beetle for years. She’s got a lot of miles on her… and she’s temperamental a shell! But I love her! I couldn’t live without her! What I am sure of is that this Mustang, as sexy as it is, isn’t supposed to be parked there like that… This is a drop-off zone! I should find the owner. I need to get him to move his car  or he’ll wind up blocking all the traffic. Suddenly, I see the hot guy from the beach walking toward the vehicle… So, he’s a swimmer who likes fancy cars? He has his cell stuck to his ear, a tight-fitting suit and nice pair of shades… Whether he’s in a swimsuit or fully dressed, this guy’s certainly very stylish. Do you really mean ‘stylish’, Mer? No! You mean gorgeous! “Excuse me, is this your car? I’m afraid it’s blocking the lane.” The man gives me a serious look, but he’s absorbed in his conversation and doesn’t answer me. I press on my earpiece to ask my boss for advice. “Margaret, there’s a customer parked at the drop-off point, but he’s not taking any notice of me. So, what do you suggest I do?” “Make him shift it or send him a valet. But use some finesse when you speak with him!” “Got it. I’ll deal with it. And I’ll be gentle with him.” I approach the guest. I can see e’s a little annoyed when he cuts off his conversation and puts his hand over his mouthpiece of the phone to cut the mic. He looks me directly in the eye. I feel like he could eat me alive. I’m really intimidated. This guy is freaking me out. I can’t help it. he was already pretty fierce looking back on the beach… but this is worse. “Excuse me? You have to park in the parking lot. This is a drop-off zone right here.” “Don’t worry! I’ll be out of here in a second!” The man gets into his Mustang and slams the door. He revs the engine and rolls away. I watch him drive off. To be honest, I feel a little stunned. That guy was super annoying. Who the hell does he think he is? *** I’m wiped! It’s been such an exhausting day. As I put my keys back in the drawer by the front door, I turn toward my living room. I find my roommate, Becky, in there with a pooch in one hand and her phone in the other. The dog is wearing some sort of weird outfit. She must be taking a selfie or something… “ISN’T HE THE CUTEST LITTLE DOGGIE?” I’m not surprised to find my best friend streaming her life on ** as usual. She’s an influencer and has, like, a hundred thousand followers or whatever. But what the hell kind of dog is that? I don’t think I could ever do it. I’m an actress. I have nothing against the idea of being a public figure. But I’d rather do that with the help of a director and a good script… not my private life! Being a seamstress wasn’t enough for her. I think she just needed more. She has a whole ton of fans following her. And she deserves it. Already in high school, she was the queen. And I was her best friend because I, let’s say, didn’t have the same vibe. She’s the kind of girl whose charisma immediately captivates those around her. She puts the dog on the coffee table and then turns the pone towards me. Damn it! No! I’m still in my uniform! “Here comes my BFF, the future Hollywood star, Meridian Sasha!” I absolutely cannot be seen in this outfit! I start taking it off quickly as I answer her, desperately trying to hide my embarrassment. “Uh… You’re the big star with your gazillions of followers!” Becky flashes me a mischievous smile. “Go for it, girl! Keep stripping, hottie! My viewer numbers are skyrocketing!” I pull the worst face the world has ever seen in front of the camera lens… crossed eyes, tongue out… the lot! I was just about flip her the bird, but that wouldn’t be the greatest idea. I don’t know how Becky’s little fans might react to something like that. “Nice try, Quasimodo! But listen up, Mer… you’re sexy even when you’re trying not to be!” As I’m about to leave her to head to my room and drop my stuff off, Becky pulls me back by the arm. “Promise me one thing before you go! Swear to me that I can make your dress when you win your Oscar!” I adore Becky’s enthusiasm. It’s my absolute dream to become a successful actress. But thinking about the Oscars already might be a little on the premature side! I move a little closer to Becky and give the dog a little scratch behind the ear. “Of course I’ll pick you to make my dress! I mean, look how hot this dog looks, right? I’m super jealous!” “Ha1 have you ever seen anything more adorable in your life?” I think back to the stunning guy I met at the hotel today. He had charisma. Things were a little awkward when we talked down on the beach… but it turned out fine in the end. He’s a talker. He’s definitely got character. “Two-second rule, Mer! You didn’t answer me right away! That means you are hiding something from me! You met a guy, right?” Wow! She’s good! “What? What are you talking about! We don’t have a two-second rule! Your subscribers won’t be interested in all this! Not as much as this cutesy pooch anyway! By the way, where did he come from? Did you steal him?” “No! I’d never do that! Just look at him! I want to keep him forever! But he belongs to one of my booty calls. Well… one of my little flings. He’s seen us going at it all over this apartment.” Becky strokes the dog’s neck while she whispers to him. “You little voyeur… Oh, yes! You did, didn’t you? You watched us…” I take Becky’s hand away and pick the dog up into my arms as if he were in danger. I give him gently hug. “Poor doggie! I know exactly what that feels like! He must have been traumatized!” “Who do you think I am? I’m not stupid. I insisted we do it doggy style so as not to upset him!” I burst out laughing! She is unbelievable! Her comebacks are so off-the-cuff! I don’t know how she does it.  “Okay! That’s all for now, my little twinkles. Have a great night, everybody! And y’all take good care now!” Becky cuts the live feed from her phone before turning to me with a serious look on her face. “So sorry if I embarrassed you back there…” “Hey! Don’t worry about it! I’m used to your live performances even though you still surprise me every day!” “So how was your first say at the hotel?” “It was complicated… Some of my colleagues aren’t very nice… But I’ll tell you all about it later because I have to get down to the theater for class.” I grab my stuff and give my friend a quick hug. I turn around and I’m out of the door in seconds flat. *** I arrive just as my drama teacher, the famous Larry Moss, is giving some advice to one of the students up on stage. “You need to come alive on that stage! Tap into the emotions inside you. Now… that doesn’t sound right… Please raise your head so that your voice carries further.” I head down the steps and walk on my tippy toes until I find a seat. I sit towards the back, hoping not to be spotted. I’ve missed the beginning the session, but the lights are on the stage, so that’s fine. I won’t be seen. But… Larry turns to me and stares at me with a smile on is face. “What do you think, Mer?” I’m not going to let him bother me and so I respond in an offhand tone. “I think you’re right. I could hardly hear Ray from where I was.” Since I wasn’t in the room! Larry turns towards the other students. “Did you see that? Now, that’s what I call acting! Meridian came in about fifteen seconds ago. She didn’t see anything of the scene! And yet when she speaks, we believe her!” I know Larry isn’t angry with me deep down. This is his way of paying me a compliment. “Do you have something to add, Mer?” “I never lie.” I continue acting. Larry sighs, shaking his head. “When will you stop, Mer? Remember to separate yourself from your role…” “By the way, last week, my dog ate my maid’s uniform. That’s why I couldn’t bring it!” Larry is an extremely talented teacher and I’m incredibly lucky to be in his class. I feel so privileged! He’s had an amazing career including movies and TV shows. In fact, he’s done it all. And we’re not talking just supporting roles! But these days, he devotes himself to teaching. He wants to pass on his knowledge to others. I’ve never really understood why he ended his career, but it was pretty noble step to take. “So? What have you prepared for us this week, Mer? Get up on stage, please.”        I wasn’t expecting him to ask me to do my scene tonight. I haven’t had time to work on it at all. “It’s a scene from ‘Dirty Dancing’… the one where they do their Mickey and Sylvia loverboy routine? Dylan’s supposed to give me the line. But, honestly, we haven’t had time to work on it. It’d be great if someone else went up before us.” “A casting director could very well ask you to do something unexpected, something you haven’t prepared for. You never know. Creativity is a big part of this job. If you haven’t rehearsed, improvise by feeling the scene. Focus your efforts, Mer.” I end up nodding my head. I know I’m not going to be able to cut it. I’m sure of it. “Don’t worry, Mer. I trust you. It’ll be just fine.” Larry encourages. I head up to the stage with Dylan. I’m feeling a little anxious at the idea of playing this scene with zero preparation. It’s a scene where the two leads in the film come together during a dance. And if I’m not in the right frame of mind… Larry will see it.
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