4. The Strange Discovery.

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[Sirius] "Thank you very much." I dropped down the receiver and sighed. "They don't have any leads and they say the fire wasn't caused by any licks and there's no evidence of gasoline."  "We have to do something," Damien, the gamma Mason assigned to me, said. "They can't find out about the supernatural." "I know, already on it, I've sent someone to tamper with the forensic evidence, tomorrow they'll announce on TV that the explosion was caused by an electrical malfunction of the refrigerators," I said looking bored, that was the first thing I took care of. "Wow sir, you're making my job so much easier." He said and I gave him a tight smile. Useless f*cker. "You know what, I'm about to make your job a lot easier, you can go back home," I said. "No sir, I'll have to compile a report for the Alpha, I was only praising your tactfulness, I was not hinting at the fact that I'm tired of the job." He said. I guess he was wise too. "Fine." I huffed and checked the watch on my wrist, I had to get home soon or Clarice would be worried, full disclosure it may be me who's worrying. "We have to do a little investigation of our own to find out if there's any abnormal marks or just something that can give us the identity of the arsonist." "Yes sir." He said and we left for the charred ice cream parlor. When we got there, I could barely recognize the place, it was now a shadow of what it once was, the brightly painted walls that always reflected the sun and hurt my eyes anytime I passed there were now darkened by the burning. The fire had eaten away the house till its structure, the equipment, tables, chairs, booths, and decor were totally ruined. The place was not salvageable, it would have to be torn down and rebuilt, the insurance company sure would not be happy to cough out such a large sum for the reconstruction. The sound of boots crunching glass sounded as we bent over the police sign and entered the house. We did not need any flashlight because we werewolves and we had super night vision so we could see in the dark almost as well as we could in the day. "Find anything?" I asked after a while of searching, there was nothing, no sign, no clue, no indication of what creature had set the place on fire. "Nothing sir." He called out and I gritted my teeth. "We'll come back in the day tomorrow, maybe we'll find something then, I'll also ask my contact to go to the evidence department and check if they see anything strange. "Yes sir." He said, slapping his already dusty hands on his pants as he walked out of the house. "Get the car ready, I'll join you in a moment," I called after him as he walked off and he gave me a nod. When he was gone, I touched the floor and brought out a magical tracking device from my pocket, and placed it on the floor. My mother was part witch which means I had a whole family side of witches so I had learned a lot from them. I let my claws out and I dug them into my palm, I let the blood drip on the tracking device and I waited for the magic to happen. After a while, the device started to glow, and then it began marking several spots on the floor. Bingo. I stood up and waited for the device to stop highlighting and I watched my torn palm heal then I began to investigate the spots that were highlighted. After checking, I couldn't still tell the identity of the arsonist, or were there arsonists? This was the first time that the device had failed me, it had been unable to get the shadows of the people who had committed the crime and their footprints were just going round in circles and there was nothing to hold onto. After trying a second time, I decided to go out and join Damien before he became suspicious. When I got out I heard him on the phone with someone. The person was yelling and I could not make out what was being said. When he heard me approaching, he ended the call and put the phone back in his pocket.  "Who was yelling like that?" I asked but when I got to him he's eyes were glazing over. I caught him just before he dropped to the ground but I was unable to do anything because he just started coughing out blood and he turned cold in my arms. I searched for a pulse and when I didn't find any I put his body in the boot and drove as fast as I could to the packhouse. There was no need to look further, we had found the arsonists and the perpetrators. Witches. We were being attacked by witches, no wonder the device couldn't give me anything, they must have manipulated it with some kind of spell to block someone from finding them out.  The next question was why? Why were the witches after us?  The relationship with wolves and witches had always been uncomfortable from the beginning of time, but neither of the two would ever attack the other without being provoked and I could not figure out what we had done to provoke the witches. Or maybe it had something to do with the twins. They were both witches, one the highest rank of witches and the other a lesser rank but still powerful nonetheless. Maybe the witches wanted the twins, but if that was the case, they would have reached out and not been trying to start a war, they would have made their intentions known before staging any attacks. No, it had to be something else, something more grave. My mind was in a mess throughout the ride home, I had a dead gamma in my boot, a gamma who had been spying on us for the witches for who knows how long, and more important I had no answers, a lot of questions but no answers. I had gone out in search of answers but I had come back with more questions than answers.
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