Chapter : 4. The banquet..

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Flora's point of view:- -------------------- “Okay. I’ll go…” As soon as I agreed to go and attend the gathering, my parents became happy. My mother took me inside our house and showered me clean. Then she gave me a beautiful and almost new dress to wear. This is the only dress my mother had kept safe for any special occasion. She must have worn it once or twice since she bought it years ago. After I wore that long-sleeved green gown, she tied my hair in a perfect upward bun, letting one single stand loose. “Now you’re looking perfect. There’s no chance they will reject you.” My mother said when she did a final check after finishing up. Although my whole family wants me to be picked, I, on the other hand, kept praying not to be noticed by the royals. I’m attending this gathering forcefully to save my family from getting banished. But I don't want to become a slave at all. Please, God, don't let them choose me… Once I was ready, I came out to see my father was also getting ready in his best attire to join the gathering. This is the first time he’s going to be allowed inside the palace, just like me. I can feel his excitement, as well as his nervousness. “You are looking really lovely tonight, Flora. Thank you for agreeing to this. Now let's hurry. The event has already started.” My father said as he took my hand and started rushing towards the palace. Although he was just walking with speed, for me, it was similar to running. I am having a really hard time matching up with his speed and there’s no chance to fall behind because he is almost dragging me by holding my hand. By the time we reached the palace gates, I ended up huffing and sweating. My throat is almost getting dry, and I kept gulping to be able to make it wet. “We’re late. Everyone’s already inside. Let's go. I hope they let us in now.” Saying this, my father started dragging me again. I noticed that, what my father told was the truth. When we arrived at the palace, we saw everyone has already gotten inside. We are the last ones to arrive. Now I hope that it would be much better if they don’t let us go inside for our delay. That way we won’t be attending the gathering, let alone being picked for a slave. But my luck is not that good because as soon as we entered the hall gate, the guards called us in. “You’re late. The event is about to start. Hurry in.” That guard almost pushed us in before closing the gate behind us. I was about to trip over from the push, but I controlled my balance in time and successfully stood up. As soon as we entered the ballroom, a deafening sound came into my ears. Looking around, I noticed that the very sound was coming from the chattering of all the people that were gathered here for tonight's event. The event of picking a slave. Our Kingdom is neither bigger than other neighborhood kingdoms, nor smaller than them too. It is in a medium-sized landscape with kind-hearted people in it, who are not that bad to live with. Our king can become mean at some times, but he’s not that bad either. Our fields are perfect for cultivation than other kingdoms, because a river is flowing right through the middle of our land. So the population of our Kingdom is a little crowded than it's supposed to. For tonight's gathering, almost a hundred maidens have joined in, along with one of their parents. This means that this single ballroom is packed with more than two hundred people, including the guards, whom are keeping their eyes on us. So if so many people at one time, in a locked room, even whisper among each other can create ructions. But in this case, they are chatting among themselves in place of whispering. Few parents were talking among themselves while their daughters were gossiping with each other. Some parents were even teaching their child how to be etiquette in front of the king and the prince. When we came in, nobody even bothered to even look around at us. They were too busy to pay attention to any peasants. My father and I were standing on a side when my father noticed someone he recognizes. Without caring about my presence, he went to talk to his friend, leaving me standing alone in that place. Once he was gone, I felt like I’m a complete stranger in this place, whom nobody knew. Having no other options, I kept looking around myself to check the interior of the palace ballroom. The whole room was heavily lit by candlelight chandelier all around, reflecting its light on the white stone walls, making it shinier. The floor below was also fitted with red and white stones, creating a beautiful pattern beneath our feet. And on top of our head, one big glass chandelier hangs, glistening by the lights. This is probably the most beautiful room my whole generation has ever seen. But the thing that took my keen interest is the huge table sitting right on the other side of the hall, from where I stand. It was not just any table. It was a beautifully handcrafted wooden table, filled with many kinds of mouth watering dishes, even some of them I’ve never seen before. My stomach grumbled up and my mouth filled with water from the sight of food. It's not like I have greed on foods, but the reason behind my yawning sight is that I haven't eaten anything for two days. The last time I have gotten something to eat was yesterday noon. Even that was also half the meal I need to fill my stomach. At this moment I desperately want to go there and eat until I can't anymore, but I can't. None of us are allowed to touch the food until the king gives us permission to. It’s one of the basic rules of our Kingdom. “Attention everyone, the King of The South Orundal Kingdom is presenting himself to start with the banquet. Please greet him by showing respect to our King William Augustus Robertson.” The door of the hall got wide open as soon as the minister announced it. And in came our king, with his glory, by pushing his chest out to show his pride. To show our respects, everyone cleared his path while keeping our head down in bow until he sat on his throne. I started feeling anxious again after his arrival. If the king is here, that means the event is about to be started. “Look at all those foods on that table. Isn't that wonderful?” Suddenly someone's whisper near my ear horrified me to the death. I jumped up in scare and looked back to see my father standing there. So he is the one who whispered in my ear. “It would have been so great if the king allowed our whole family to come. Your mother and your siblings would be fed to their full by the amount of food is kept in that table.” Flora noticed the glistening eyes of her father upon seeing the food. His face is informing her about the helplessness of her father feels to not being able to feed his family as being the head among them. While thinking about these and staring at the table, they heard the minister announce again. “Attention everyone, the prince of The South Orundal Kingdom is presenting himself in the banquet. Please greet with respect to our Prince William Albert Robertson.” The door opened again, revealing a handsome and tall young man with a fair complexion and a charming smile. His shoulder-length, light brown hair kept jumping as he walked on his heels toward the throne. Standing on a side as the middle of the floor was parted to create a path for him, I couldn't drag my eyes from his attire. Even when he reached to his father and took a seat beside him, I kept staring at him. He was wearing a black and blue tunic and Leather Tabard, which only the royal family can afford, and it was hugging the prince’s body muscles perfectly. “On behalf of our King and our Prince, I welcome you all in the royal palace. I hope we all know the reason for our gathering on this day. So, without wasting our precious times, let the introduction process begin. Very first, I want all the maidens in left side of the hall while all of their parents can stand on the right side and watch the event. Thank you.” Although the minister announced it loud and clear, I was still standing in my place, dazed by the charms of the prince. I don't know what happened to me at that moment, but I felt like the prince’s magical blue eyes have frozen me in that place and I can't pull my leg off the ground even if I try to. Almost all the peoples were separated into two groups while I was standing like a statue. But one push from my father brought me back to the reality as I gained my strength back. Looking back at my father once, I slowly walked to the place all the girls were supposed to stand and waited for the next command. “Great. Now I want you to come forward one by one and tell us your name and your age. We will test you if you are suitable to assist our Prince or not.” Minister's next announcement shocked me a bit. Why are they testing us for? The Prince just need a slave who can work for him. Then what is all this fuss about? No matter what I think or wonder, I won't be getting any answers soon. And neither of us have the right to pick up our head and ask the royals about it. We just have to follow their orders until they become kind enough to inform us about the reasons. Soon the first girl went forward with a smile on her face. She told them her name and age. The minister asked her to turn herself round and look up at the king. She did exactly as asked and got dismissed by the minister to go to stand aside. Next girl went forward and did the same. This time the minister asked her to walk from one side of the hall to another and look up at the king. The next one was asked to tell them about her family. All of them did exactly as they were told as I noticed that a man standing beside the king checking their names on a board in his hand. By the movement of his hand and the king’s mouth, I understood that they were searching for a girl without any eyesight, hearing, talking, walking or movement disabilities. They want a perfect girl to get chosen. But why? Why all this trouble to choose a slave? Soon all the girls had finished their introduction one by one. I couldn't gain enough courage to step forward and introduce myself. Actually the truth is, I kind of hoped for them to end the introduction after finding the one among all these girls as the one they want. But unfortunately my luck wasn’t that good. They kept going until I was left for the last. Ugh… What are they searching for? Didn't they find the perfect one among a hundred girls? Why did they need to drag this event so long? But who am I to resist? Having no other choice, at least I had to go forward to introduce myself. With shaky legs, I took few steps in front before standing in the place everyone did. Taking a deep breath to calm my nervousness, I introduced myself like the others. “My name is Flora Monro, and I’m 17 years old.” With these words, I bowed my head down with poise to show respect to the king and the prince. Even when I stood up, I couldn't dare to look up to see their faces until the minister ordered me to.
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