1.4: the time we went on our first date

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Opening my eyes to see my little sister's figure in front of me, Lola just stands there with a creepy smile on her face. "Are you okay?" I growl. "Why are you waking me up?" I grab my phone from under my pillow, and check the time. It is only seven thirty in the morning, and I do not have any classes today. "Why are you waking me up at seven in the morning?" I groan. "Because the guy from Sunday is literally waiting for you downstairs," she crosses her arms. "He's so cute, how can you score that?" I roll my eyes before I run downstairs, forgetting that I am wearing a frozen pjs, I come face to face with Adam. "What are you doing here?" I ask. Thankfully, my mom hasn't woken up yet which is a relief, because she will embarrass me. "I'm taking you out on a date," he holds my hand and drag me out of my house. "WHAT?" I yell. "Are you blind or something? I still did not brush my teeth nor did I get ready for the date." "I want you to remember this date, and how can you ever forget a date that wasn't planned at all?" He raises a brow. "At least let me brush my teeth," I whine. "One minute," he raises one finger. I run up to my room and brush my teeth in the bathroom, I open my closet. There is no way I'm going out wearing a frozen pjs, how embarrassing am I? I end up choosing a good outfit, I wear a loose fit blue pants, and a plain white t-shirt. Once I am done, I run downstairs to put the white sneakers on, and I make my way out to Adam, who is impatiently tapping his foot. "I told you to brush your teeth," he frowns. "You just ruined the date." "Where are we going?" I ask, sliding into the passenger's seat. "Oh no, you're driving," Adam holds the door, not letting me close it. "I'm not driving your super expensive car," I argue. "If you can't tell, this is not the Bugatti," he smirks. I scowl, looking at the center, and my eyes widen at what car I am in right now. I'm in a Tesla, can you believe it? I look at Adam with a wide grin on my face, he remembers that I love Tesla. Flashback The night we met, the night he took me to the diner. We were sat at a table, eating our food while getting to know each other. He looked up at me, "so, you like cars?" "Not all of them," I joked, shoving a huge piece of chicken in my mouth. "What's your favorite brand?" He licked his lips, looking down at his pasta. "Tesla, maybe in the future; I can buy myself a brand new Tesla," I reply. "Dreams are dreams though, most of them don't come true." "One of the things I learned from my father, is that when you have goals and dreams in life," he put the fork down, and looked back at me. "Taking steps, for example; first step: set a goal. You want to buy a Tesla? Check. Second step: go to the Tesla shop, and test the car of your dreams, loved it? Check. Research more about Tesla, and find the exact price, and start saving money. Find a job, do not buy unnecessary stuff, don't go out everyday, you're not going to make it if you don't work hard for your dreams." I sat there, thinking about what he said, he just made too much sense. If you can dream it, you can do it. If you want that dream, go get it; but know that you'll have to work so hard for them. I nodded, "I agree with you, strangely." "It's like a journey, you have to take steps to reach your destination," he shrugged. "That's how we all started." Dreams don't work unless you do. Flashback ends. "So, you want me to drive this beautiful car? But what if I damage it?" I ask. "You can buy me another," he grins, he laughs when he sees my frown. "Just kidding, I have money to fix it; don't worry." "Are you sure you want me to drive it?" I bite my lip, because I am so nervous. I mean, imagine driving your dream car? Unbelievable, to me. "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want you to drive," he wrinkles his nose. "I'm just so nervous," I jump up and down. "But mostly excited, but still so nervous." He chuckles, "I love that I'm making you feel this way." "It doesn't happen often, so don't get used to it," I slide to the driver's seat, admiring everything inside of this beautiful car. As Adam climbs next to me on the passenger seat, he grabs a piece of paper and shows it to me. "That's the steps you will take to buy a new Tesla, and let's check the first step, try driving a Tesla." I smile as I start driving the car, and then, I realize that i don't even know where we are going. As if he can read my mind, he answers the question I ask myself in my head. "Take a left." I take a left. "Stay straight until the roundabout, then turn right." *** I pull up to IHOP, I love how we only think about our stomach first. We both get out of the car, he offers his hand for me to hold, so I hold his hand. He intertwines our hands, and I swear that my heart flips. My stomach flips, too. His touch sends fireworks all over my body, and I never feel like this. What am I feeling? I am confused, what am I feeling? Especially towards this boy. The boy that saved me from an old man, the boy that made me drive his car. "We'll never be this young, so come on," he leads me inside the restaurant, and we request a table for two. "Follow me please," the white middle aged woman grins widely at us, before leading the way to the table next to the huge window. We can view the beach from here which is awesome in an amazing way. I nibble at my lip as I look through the menu, I do not know what to get, it feels crazy that I am on a date. I am still trying to grasp the fact that I am on a date with a very, very hot guy. I can brag to my friends about it, but I do not have any, so that's a shame. Well, I kinda do. Addison is her name, but she's always busy being under the blanket with a different guy every night. She makes sure that I am always under her, she thinks she's the best at everything and I just make it seem like she's right. I don't bother with her anymore, she's very toxic. "I'm going to get the gluten friendly Belgian combo," he tells the young waitress. "Daisy?" "Can I have the split decision breakfast?" I look up at the blonde waitress, I look at her name tag and 'Joelle' was written on it. "Of course," she nods as she writes it down. "Expect your orders to be ready in ten to twenty minutes, thank you for choosing IHOP, I'm Joelle and please do not hesitate to call me." We thank her as she leaves our table, Adam looks at me and gives me a smile. "Daisy, what's your favorite color?" "Blue, but I do not like owning something blue, I'd rather it be black or white," I respond. "What about you?" "I like the color green," he says. "Every time I look at anything green, my mood immediately goes up. Favorite animal?" "I'd either say panda or lion," I tap my fingers on the table. "Lion because lions are known as the brave creatures that protect and can defend themselves, and they have trust in themselves, they believe in themselves and that's what I want to be." "Deep," he nods. "My favorite animal would be whales, they're huge! Like my friend down there." "Oh my god," I laugh. "Well, what's your favorite tv show?" "Tv show? Grey's anatomy," he replies. "You?" "Friends," I grin. "Favorite singer?" "Good one," he rubs his hands together. "I listen to everyone, I don't really have a favorite." "Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello, the list goes on and on," I chuckle. "Let's dive a little bit deeper," his eyes darkens a bit. "How many boyfriends did you have?" "Two," I admit. "One of them only lasted for three days, while the other lasted for two weeks." His eyes widen, "why?" "Let's call my first boyfriend Kyle, we were never interested in one another, and it was pretty obvious, we both just needed someone to call ours, you know," I explain. "I broke up with him, because it didn't feel good at all. However, the next day; my so called best friend, she used to be my best friend, she started dating him, but they had a fight one week later, which led to a break up. Two years later, I met this guy who I'm going to name Alex, I think he liked me so much because he kept bothering me a lot, he wanted me to date him so I gave him a chance." "What happened next?" His eyes sparkled a bit. "What we had wasn't a relationship, it felt more like friends," I say. "So, I broke it off before it got any serious, and now I realize why I am pushing people away, all thanks to Alex." "And what did you realize if you don't mind me asking?" He asks. "I realize that you can't love someone, anyone, when you don't love yourself," I whisper. "I have to love myself in order to love others, I can't give people what I don't have." Adam's eyes soften, "why don't you love yourself? Is there a reason?" "I don't know," I shrug. "I barely think of a reason, I just look in the mirror and see myself, and I hate how I look." "Daisy, you're beautiful and I'm not telling you this out of sympathy, because I don't feel bad for you, I just think that you deserve to live," he caresses my cheek. "You deserve to know the feeling of being loved or being in love, because even though some of them end up being heartbroken, but it's always better to feel something than nothing." "I really don't care," I shrug. "You're the only person who I let in, so please don't let me down." "I won't promise, but I know I won't let you down," he smiles as he cups my cheek. Adam gives me a boyish grin that shows his beautiful dimples. His eyes light up as the song 'perfect' plays in the background, and it's like I can read his mind. I immediately shake my head, "no, I am not dancing." "Please? For me? I let you drive Tesla, you owe me this dance," he pouts. "It's morning, and this is not the type of restaurant that you can just dance to," I try to reason with him, but he just keeps pouting. "We'll dance like nobody's watching," he stands up, and gives me his hand. "I think it looks so cool, it just shows that we don't care what people say." I smile, knowing that he just used Shawn Mendes' song lyric. I hold his hand, and he leads me to a free space. I can feel people eyes' on us, probably wondering what the hell are we doing, but as he places his hands on my waist, I realize that who cares what other people think? We don't have to be ordinary, make your best mistakes, cause we don't have the time to be sorry, so baby be the life of the party. I put my hands on his shoulders as we sway to the beat of the song. Darling, just kiss me slow, Your heart is all I own, And in your eyes, You're holding mine... Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, With you between my arms, Barefoot on the grass, Listening to our favorite song, When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath, But you heard it; Darling, you look perfect tonight. As the song comes to an end, he lets go of my waist, and his hand travels down to my hand. I look up into his eyes, and feel something I have never felt before. I know it is wrong but it feels so right, his touch feels so right at the moment. It is wrong, because I am not suppose to like him. I do not love myself, isn't that the rule? I am not saying that I love him, I'm just saying that how can I have feelings for him when I don't love who I am? And isn't it a bit too early? I frown and he notices it, he knits his eyebrows. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" The answer for this question is, no, I am not feeling well at all, this is all new to me. However, I respond with, "I am okay," I smile slightly. "I'm good." "Let's go back to our table, shall we?" He raised a brow. "I'm not going to say no, because I really am tired of standing," I chirp. *** I shove the fork in my mouth, and try not to laugh at Adam who is trying to shove the whole pancake in his mouth. "Catch this," he says, throwing a piece of grape on me, but it only hit my eye. I flinch and laugh at how crazy he is, so I throw the grape back at him. "We can't play with food, some people are looking for food." "Sorry, dad," I stick my tongue out at him. "Do you play a sport?" He asks randomly. I nod, "I used to play basketball and football, but I stopped because my parents say that it's turning me into a guy." "Are you serious?" His eyes widen. "Unfortunately, yes," I frown. "One day, my PE teacher gave me a paper for my parents to sign, she wanted to make sure that I'll play football for the whole year until I become a senior, maybe get a scholarship." "I am so sorry to hear that," Adam pouts. "Tell you what, what if we plan a day only for sports?" "It's been three years since I last played football nor basketball, and I feel really lazy," I shrug. "Whatever you say, small girl," he pats my head as if I am a pet. "We are going to set a day when you bring your sisters and mother along, and show them who you are." "Show them who am I?" I laugh. "I don't even know who I am." "It will take time," he says with a smirk. "And you might need help with that, and that's okay, we all know that confidence takes time, you just have to learn how to love yourself." "I do not know how to do that," I yawn, because I am still sleepy. "And that is why I am here," he looks into my eyes. "I will show you how to love yourself, step by step." I smile, "I would love to see you try." Adam raises his arm, the waiter walks over and leans towards Adam, and Adam whispers something in his ear. A couple of minutes later, a song that makes me c***k up plays. Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting to the wind; wanting to start again? Do you ever feel, feel so paper-thin, like a house of cards; one blow from caving in? "Do you ever feel already buried deep? Six feet under screams, but no one seems to hear a thing," Adam sings along to firework by Katy Perry. "Do you know that there's still a chance for you? Cause there's a spark in you." He stands up, and starts dancing to the music playing. He jumps up and down, raising his arms up and moving his shoulders. "BABY, YOU'RE A FIREWORK! Come on, join me!" You don't have to feel like a waste of space, you're original; cannot be replaced. If you only knew what the future holds, after a hurricane comes a rainbow. Maybe you're reason why all the doors are closed, so you could open one that leads you to the perfect road. Like a lightning bolt, your heart will glow and when it's time, you'll know... You just gotta ignite the light, and let it shine, Just own the night, like the Fourth of July. It's me, I am the problem. I am the cause of this problem, I am the one who let myself down. I'm the one causing myself to feel like this. I am pushing people away, and this man did not just let me dance in front of people, but he made me listen to this song, knowing that I would listen to the lyrics, deeply. Even though everyone is watching us, and most of the people are making fun of us, but at that moment, I don’t care. I stop dancing and look at Adam who stops as well, he looks at me with a wide smile on his face. "First step? Check." This man is one of a kind, and I do not know what I did to deserve him.
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