
216 Words
As a Software Engineer, I often get fascinated by two subjects: ‘Time’ and ‘Money’. Which one is bigger? Is it the Time or the Money? A man during his early days trades his time for money; he works as an employee, spends 8-10 hours per day for the company and earns some money as a monthly salary. Later when he grows older he trades his money for more time; he pays the doctor to maintain his health and to assure that he can live for some more years on this earth. Which one is bigger then? Is it the Time or the Money?  Some people say that ‘Time is Money’; they tend to dedicate all their time towards earning money. Is it that time has no other importance attached to it? Whatever it may be, the fact is that a man needs both time and money to enjoy life. Then is there any method he can follow to utilize both of them to the fullest? Can this ‘Chase for Time & Money’ be optimized? While pondering about it, I came up with this story – a story that is attempted both as an entertainment and an answer to the search in our present scenario of ‘Internet Age’ and ‘IT revolution’.  
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