Guardian angel with bloodlust

1432 Words
It's been days since Jessica's last encounter with Roger and she tries her best to forget about him and throws herself into her work and goes out partying with her friends Susan and Lauren. It's Saturday evening and Jessica is getting ready for another evening out with the girls, she is sitting in front of a mirror in her bedroom in her victorious secret, combing her hair. There is a storm outside and the raindrops are battering her window as the thunder roars and lightning strikes. Jessica keeps looking in the mirror and combing her hair, as the lightning strikes she sees a large shadowy figure sitting on the roof of the neighboring building in the reflection of the mirror, she turns around to get a closer look, but the figure is gone. The girls meet up at a nightclub, Jessica is already at the bar ordering drinks for the girls, Susan calls out to Jessica as she enters the club "Jessica!" Jessica turns around and walks over to the girls and gives them a hug "Hi girls! I've already ordered a few drinks, let's find a booth." The girls find a booth and sit down. Susan stands and makes an announcement "Tonight girls we are going to just have fun, no boys allowed!" a song that Jessica recognizes begins to play "I love this song!" The girls rush onto the dancefloor and begin a sexy dance attracting the attention of the males on the floor. As the night goes the party continues and the rain keeps falling down outside. "Hey ladies, can we go out to get something to eat, I'm craving something hot and spicy." "I know a place just around the corner from here." The girls have had a few too many and are giggling amongst each other already. Lauren gets really excited at the thought of food and shouts out loud. "Let's get some Indian food!" The girls shout out together. "Let's go!!" The girls leave the club only to find it storming outside. "Where are you parked, Susan." "No, it's not necessary to drive, the place is just down this alleyway and across the street, let's just make a run for it quick." "OK!" the girls make a run for it down the alleyway, suddenly two men appear, they are clearly drunk. "Ladies where are you rushing to? We are right over here!." The other guy laughs loudly at that comment as they walk up close to the girls, who are now soaking wet. Suddenly there is a lightning strike just above them, the guys are distracted for a second, Susan and Lauren use the opportunity and run. Susan calls back at Jessica "Jessica run!" but she is trapped by the two guys and the girls run off to get help. Jessica is backed into a corner by the men and one of them pulls out a knife and slowly walks up to her. "We are going to take you to our van and take our time." Suddenly a large Shadow drops behind Jessica, the men are partially blinded by the rain all they can see is a large silhouette behind Jessica with two glowing eyes staring at them. Jessica can hear the werewolf breathing heavily behind her and feels his body heat, she is too terrified to look behind her. The men look at the silhouette through the raindrops falling on their faces and scream in horror when they realize what they are looking at. Jessica stands perfectly still with the large werewolf towering over her, his glowing eyes staring at them like demonic floating flames. The men turn around to run out of the alleyway screaming in terror. Jessica prepares to turn around to get a look at the monster behind her, she lets out a whisper "Roger?" Before she can turn around he jumps up into the air and disappears into the night. Jessica wakes up to the sound of her alarm, she looks at her phone and can see multiple messages and from Susan and Lauren. They are frantically checking up on her. "Jessica please call us to let us know that you are ok, you never pitched at the restaurant." Jessica sits up on her bed, there's a knock on the door. She gets out of the bed, puts on a robe, and walks over to open the front door thinking it could be Susan or Lauren. Jessica opens the door to find a young dark-skinned man standing in front of her, he is tall with an athletic build and is wearing a tailored suit with a long trench coat. He also has a perfectly trimmed beard running all along his jawline. The man introduces himself "Good morning, I'm Detective Jason Silverman. I'm just checking in to see if you are Ok, your friends Susan and Lauren ran into the police station this morning in a frantic state saying you were attacked and they couldn't find you." "Yes, we were harassed by some guys last night, I was a bit shaken by it and decided to come home." Did the men physically hurt you in any way?" "No no they were so drunk they could hardly walk." "Was there anyone else in the alleyway? beside your harassers?" Jessica becomes tense when she thinks back to the previous night, remembering the fear she saw in the eyes of the men when they were looking at the werewolf standing behind her, The heat of the large body she was standing close to, and the silent growling she could faintly hear. "No there was nobody else." "Your friend's provided us with a description of the men who attacked you and we found them this morning." Detective Silverman shows her a picture of two dead bodies, it seems as though the men have been mangled by a wild animal, Jessica is shocked by the image and looks away. "It seems as if they were killed shortly after their encounter with you, are you sure there wasn't anybody else with you?" "I'm sure Detective Silverman, it was just me and my girlfriends." "It looks like you might have a guardian angel with bloodlust, from the extent of the wounds that these men sustained, this could be a very dangerous individual who could have been watching you from a distance and attacked these men because they tried to hurt you, you could be in danger." "I don't know these men, and there is no person stalking me Detective I can assure you." " Nevertheless Ms?" "You can call me Jessica." "Well Jessica, this is now an active murder investigation and because of your proximity to the victims, I have to ask you to not leave the city and please contact me if you have any new information to share regarding your interaction with the victims. Detective Silverman hands her his business card and prepares to leave and turns around, "This is the second crime scene I've come across with wounds like these, there was another one a few weeks ago in a construction site where a young man had his throat totally ripped out. Jessica's mind flashes back to the night she spent with Roger and pictures him covered in blood. "We could be dealing with a serial killer, if you see anything out of the ordinary or anyone acting strange around you, please don't hesitate to call me any time of the night or day." Detective Silverman leaves and Jessica closes the door, she leans against the door and her breath quickens as she becomes anxious, she knows exactly who killed those men, it was Roger. "He is watching me, he saved my life." Jessica walks up to the large windows of her penthouse and looks over to the roof of the building. Standing on the roof is a werewolf looking down at her, Jessica steps out onto the balcony and the werewolf jumps over from the roof of the opposite building and hangs onto the roof of Jessica's building and he slides down onto the balcony. Roger is still in his werewolf form and walks up to Jessica. Jessica has an astonished look on her face, eyes as wide as saucepans. She looks at Roger, taking in his big monstrous form head to toe. Jessica slowly reaches her hand out and runs her hands through his thick mat fur on his chest. Roger then turns back into his human form, he is completely naked. Roger takes Jessica's hands and Jessica whispers to him "You saved my life." Roger pulls her into him and they kiss passionately.
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