"One night only"

1271 Words
The morning had come soon and I awoke to an empty bed. Everything from last night was rushing in like a tsunami. I couldn't help but clutch my head at the horrible headache that started as my eyes opened. I looked down at my clothing and I was wearing a shirt that wasn't mine and a bed also. "Jackson" the words slipped out of my mouth as I slapped a hand over my mouth remembering the kiss we shared. I began to stand up going into the bathroom and retrieve my dress and shoes as I was about to take off the big white T the door opened. "where are you going?" Jackson said holding a tray of delicious foods and a glass of water. " I was going to go home and rest," I said straightening out the shirt and looking around to see if I had my bra. "Get your ass back into bed, you are not leaving," Jackson said sternly. If I knew any better I would have listened but yeah I didn't know anything. "The hell I am you're my boss, not my boyfriend, not my father, and not my-" I was beginning to say before he quickly placed the tray down and pressed me against the wall. "What the hell is wrong with you!" I said placing two hands on his chest beginning to push him away. "Stop it Veronica gosh you are such a brat what do you want huh want me to shove my c**k in that pretty little mouth of yours tell me because baby we've got all the time today Veronica, You are what I want and crave and I will stop at nothing to get what the f**k I want and if that means bending that pretty little ass of yours over the desk and f*****g you senseless than so be it," He said his voice low and dark. All I could do was stare at him my stomach clenched and my core warmed at his words what the hell was going on I'm His Secretary. I gasped at his words as a smirk played on his faith I couldn't help but obey his demands as warmth spread through my body and ache like no other and the words that came out of my mouth made his eyes light up. "Shut me up Jackson" I whispered pressed my body onto his clothes separating us being the only barrier. "f**k me" Jackson cursed as he let my hand down his eyes staring at my very aroused n*****s through the shirt before he pointed his gaze to the tray of food. "There are pills and water for you to take after you've done eating and I am going to work you find anything you need from the maid I'll see you after work Ms.Soully," Jackson said as he left me with one cold stare before leaving the room closing the door behind himself. I took in a deep breath. I didn't know why I was letting these things come from my mouth. Why was I giving in to him? We were both going to break from this s****l tension. I just wondered who would break first. After eating the extremely delicious food I slipped back into slumber it wasn't long before I woke up again this time I went to take a shower. I realized I didn't have any clothes here so I pulled on the fuzzy white robe and put my hair into a messy bun. This wasn't so really it was like a hotel room but I needed to get out of this room before I went insane. I opened the door really taking in the penthouse and how amazing it was I could not wait to get my own place. I didn't see anyone so I walked down the hall looking at some of the rooms one room that caught my attention was the library it was so big and the books looked new and barely touched. I ran my hand over the books before I felt someone tap my shoulder. I shrieked before turning to see an older woman with dark brown hair and the bluest eyes I had ever seen. "Oh, my dear I'm sorry you must be Veronica I am Mrs.Winton Jackson's maid I was just coming to get you he should be home soon come while I make dinner," the woman said as she smiled warmly for an old woman she was a fast speaker. "It is lovely to meet you Mrs.Winton and um of course," I said following her back to the open kitchen I took a seat at the island as I watched her move around the kitchen cooking. "Do you need any help?" I asked "Oh your a sweetheart yes how about you cut up those potatoes for me," Mrs.Winton said I stood up grabbing a knife, and began to cut the potatoes. "How long have you been working for Jackson?" I asked focusing on not cutting my handoff. "For a bit now I know that boy like a pastor knows his scripture," She said with a chuckle which made me laugh softly. "What's he like behind closed doors is he the same cold guy?" I asked looking over at her Mrs.Winton shook her head sadly. "He's barely home dear and when he is he's still working Jackson hasn't had a break or someone to love him in a while," she said I sighed maybe there was more to him than I knew. After the food was made Jackson came into the house by then Mrs.Winton was gone so it was the two of us. I grabbed the wine bottle and two glasses placing them on the table as he came into the dining area. "How was work?" I asked feeling a bit nervous as he scanned me staring at the robe before he started to laugh it wasn't fake but a real laugh that reached his eyes. "God your beautiful the robe looks nice on you and work was the same just a few meetings," he said as he took his seat I filled the glasses with wine before handing him one a blush on my face I couldn't understand him. "Thank you and sorry it was the only thing I could find. I didn't want to barge in your room and take your shirts" I said with a chuckle. "I want to ask you something Veronica," Jackson said his voice a bit serious as he stared at me with those dark intense eyes. "What is it?" I asked taking a bite out of my food nervously. "Are you attracted to me?" he asked I gulped before taking a sip of wine. "Is this appropriate really?" I said hell half the things we did were not appropriate. "Yes, I am," I said before he could speak. The intensity in his eyes returned as he stood up walking over to my chair and standing behind me. Feeling his breath on my neck ran shivers down my spine as gulped again. "Then let me have you for one night Veronica just one night only," Jackson said as he placed a kiss on my neck followed by another and another before I shook my head. "No," I said. I got out of the chair walking over towards the balcony letting the cool air enveloped me as I caught my breath before his presence was back his cologne filling my lungs making my body melt and ache for his touch as I felt him come close. I turned around. "Okay, Mr.Louis One night," I said confidently.  
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