Chapter 4

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The following day they set up camp by a small lake, up on a plateau of green grass and with a view that meets the sky. Seth would be preparing the bird he harvested the bay before. This morning as they were walking, they stumbled upon some very fresh berry bushes that produced very, very well ripe fruit. Alone with a fish and a piece of bread he was sure tonight would be a great blessed feast for himself, since the monads of earth don't eat. They only exist in the spirit form and have no need for consuming organic or spirit matter only time and the euphoria of there human. Seth gathered some firewood and prepared his fishing instruments. A spool of line and hooks was all that was needed. The forest provided the limb needed for the pole and the bait in the form of a grub that lie patient and willing underneath a decomposing fallen tree next to the lake. After all the wood was gathered and the fishing rig set for a catch, Seth begins cleaning his harvest. As the flame of the campfire rise, a column of smokes rises up far beyond the tree canopy in the distance and venture out into the mountain side of Pangea. A cloud of smoke settled a few miles out into the horizon. A gust of wind travels through the valley, gliding on a carpet of silky grass: colliding with the settled cloud of smoke that had come to rest on the hillside a few miles out into the valley. Clearing the sky and air while vivifying the valley. The view once cloudy due to the smoke, is now once again clear as far as the eyes can see, with only the one single column of smoke rising up to the heavens, greeting the clouds as it ascends, the single column produced by Seth. He finishes the cleaning process just in time, any amount of time longer and he probably wouldn't have had the opportunity to haul in the decent size fish that had been tampering with the bait he fashioned to the hook. Earlier in the process of cleaning his harvest, just before he begin the process with his divine flying feast, he caught his first fish. Now he has 1 fish, 1 pheasant and a piece of bread to work with for tonight's meal, 'it's gonna be beautiful' he thought to himself, as Seth is a lover of the culinary arts and taste. He gathers together all instruments, a sharp pointed stick and a makeshift fire rack he had constructed to serve as a rotisserie for the fish and bird. He then begin his wonderful process of cooking for the evening. About halfway through the process, being very grateful for the blessed harvest, he begins to say a silent whispering prayer to thank the gods for the bounty: when suddenly he hears a twig c***k just across the plateau near a different part of the lake, next to a green willow near a large boulder that appeared to have rolled down the upper part of the mountain eons ago. When he looks he spots a beautiful blond hair women about his age, in a long flowing white dress. The sun was beginning to fall behind another mountain range on a higher plateau beyond the women. The moment he locked eyes with her, she begin to sing. It was like nothing Seth had ever seen before, neither his monad. The female voice begin to proceed toward Seth and his activity by lakeshore. The sunset was that of a beautiful purple blue, with a light pinkish tint on the outer edge of a few clouds. A very mystic and beautiful sunset to go with a very mystic and beautiful moment. The women introduces herself as Mary, watcher of the forest and lake's in this region. Seth found her introduction to be that of a very enchanted nature. Even after wondering these areas his whole life he has never seen this woman or a woman of this nature. Just about the time he begins to speak up and begin the introduction, a fish struck his bait and nearly pulled his pole of wood into the lake. Hello! Seth reacted in nearly a panic as he begin to work the pole and the conversation at the same time. As he steps closer,  nearer to the water's edge to get a better grip on his pole, his situations and the fish. When before he had known it, he stepped on a slick clump of clay that shifted his feet right out from under him. THUNK! SPLASH! Seth's body hit the ground, followed by a large splash. Half in the water and half out, with the fish flopping around in his hands. Seth secures his balance, wiggles to his knees and pushes to his feet with pole and fish in hand and a huge smile on his face. Mary was that of a new kind, almost feeling divine and heavenly sent. Seth could barely gather himself. The scene had been so enchanting and her dress so white, almost as if it was recently spun in fresh brand new silk, so enchanting that Seth instantly forgot about the tumble he just had taken. Responding in a secure and happy energy while laughing, hello Mary, my name is Seth. Now Mary was no ordinary women of the forest, but a mystic from god like Sauhnkahdishariah or sahnkardia for short and just as holy and divine. After he cleans himself off and straightens out the tangles mess with his fishing instrument he quickly realized he now has 2 fish, 1 pheasant and a piece of bread. Plenty for the night. They make their way closer to camp still with a sense of shock and curiosity, but never going any further into the why's of why she's out here all alone. He gets right into inviting her to stay the night in his camp and that he has plenty of a meal to share. She is very interested in his offer, almost like she knew him from a time far before and they have been friends for years. Almost like she's has been with him the whole time. She was very grateful for his offer, with an open heart and an open mind. Holding out her hand, she then asks, how she may serve his journey and destiny into the unknown. She begins to relay the initial messages meant to secure he mind, almost like destiny activating frequencies could be heard in her trust worthy voice. And after only a few minutes of communion he realized that she was Intune with a source similar to his, after she mentions the messages received in the cave stanza. Deep inside he knew that she was a divine partner, from a god source. How else could she have know about instructions given during a meditation session or even hints or clues of the conversation in mind during the cave stanza. Everything was so amazing and perfect to him. They immediately began to work together, like a pair of creative beings sent forth for a divine purpose far beyond there understanding. She helps with the fire, and to gather more water alone with other small tasks. Sharing a large portion of the evening in silence. It's wasn't until later in the evening after their meal, they became verbally active again. She engages with Seth about his wisdom of the sky, and if he hit the pheasant with the first bow. With a slight smile that probed the manly ego, or possible to see if one exist. Seth accepted the comedic personality trait that is being brought by Mary, and the relationship continues to grow. After the energy and majestic nature evaporated into the hillside, and all became silence, so silent that you hear each and every breath taken by them. The night was so cool, A faint sound of the wind could be heard passing by their ears. Mary spoke, asking Seth what his plans were for the next 100 years? With a interested, interesting and curious smile, he looks deep into the eyes of Mary, intensely and with all sincerity then says 'that a lifetime is a long time, I wonder if it will be spent talking with you'. The next morning they awaken to the sunrise and the sounds of wild birds. The birds singing there melodies with the cool breeze and the sunrise as magnificent fixed wildlife instruments. The sun was beginning to peak over the mountain range just as Mary opened her eye and begin to awaken. She looks over at Seth to find out he hasn't quite awaken yet. She quietly rises to her feet and makes her way to the lakeshore with a cup in hand, she leans down to fill it for a fresh drink of water. She stands by the lakeside enjoying the fresh breeze, morning sun and the refreshing water, when she hears Seth begin to awaken in the background of her morning scene.
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