Chapter 2

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They make it to the cave by sundown. Walking to fast or in a hurry didn't seem to make sense: they actually took less time than they had originally thought. They made adjustments to the original plan and changed course to check out a lake and it's development in the same direction as the caves only a mile or so to add to the journey, not a big difference. In terms of days or weeks, it's nothing to even consider calculating. The land is covered with water sources. Lakes and streams, small ponds and creeks. Plenty of resources to sustain the people of the time and for plenty of fun for the children of Pangea. Wheat and grain fields grow naturally here with minimum maintenance. Harvest is the time for assembly and maintenance in the fields. The people coming together as a happy group with purpose, passion and love of the future in mind. Naturally working together with very well developed skills and no quarrel at all, ever. They make it to the lake and encounter a known family, known in a small village not to far from Agartha. Everyone appears to be like one large family in separate areas of the village is all. They enjoy small talk for a moment, smiling and embracing each other like family. What more to expect, It's natural in a place with no trace of quarrel or conflict. Seth carries with him the energy of a tribal elder, a father and a watchmen of the kingdom. Not bothering the citizens to much as he monitors the lake development, for they were enjoying what appears to be a very successful fishing trip, and a family moment. Seth like's to monitor the condition of the countryside, water sources and as well as the wildlife but not to disturb the day of the villagers. They continue on there way, on course to the original destination, Seth's special area of worship. Not to long after they reach the destination, Sankardishria pulls back the shrubs covering the cave entrance, as Seth steps into the cave. The lowlight and the silent stillness in the cave really calmed his mind instantly. The solid granite interior absorbed all sounds that attempted to escape into the hillside. A faint dripping sound could be heard echoing from around the corner as the cave system tunneled deeper and deeper to the mountainside. The still silence inside was timeless and the sounds generated from the droplets of water was eon's in the future, or so it felt to the soul. Deeper into the cave system a dramatic transformation takes place. The interior details manifests as if they were carved by mystical spirits from a time far beyond comprehension. There were staircase and support columns carved directly into the mountainside cave system interior as if growing into source, becoming one with the crust. Many mysteries still remain in Pangea waiting to be discovered. Ancient wisdom from creators and times unknown: countless generations have come and gone, leaving behind fragments of their personalities through there known pupils and students. Monuments and civilizations remains throughout the earth, slowly decomposing back into the earth as apart of its original creation alone with libraries simply waiting to be discovered. Being apart of there current education system, Seth takes intelligence serious and takes learning serious for the sake of the children. Maybe this is where he derives all his pure love and wisdom from, the kingdom of Agartha and the children that are produced. Deep inside the the cave, a quarter mile or so inside the cave there a series of separate rooms, and past the main hall deeper into the system is a room and inside the room are artifacts, statues of past unidentified beings and a column protruding from the center of the room with carvings from unknown origins. The height was about 4 foot tall with a circumference of about 6 feet around, like an alter has grown from the crust of earth just for Seth. When standing over the table it's as if you step inside the main room of a spacecraft, and now beginning the ignition sequence. The scene is so majestic and possess a frequency that seems to be supernatural in its origins, so supernatural that it captivated Seth long ago. So majestic and pure that it qualified for a permanent temple, a place of rest and warship. Seth felt blessed to have discovered the space, and felt even more spiritual because no one else had discovered the area. Inside feeling like the space is being saved for himself. Inside he practices advanced meditation. Seth will meditate for the day, venturing inside his mind, inside the cave and deeper into Pangea. He will spend the week meditating in silence, strengthening his mind in the spirit of Pangea and with the spirit of shankardisharia, his spirit monad. 12 hours later thunder vibrates the cave as the interior river channel fills with the waters from the deluge falling outside. Inside the cave, were stalactite and stalagmite descending and ascending like time growing with the eons. A channel was carved over the years running directly through the cave system, guiding and rerouting the water as it filtered through the limestone above and searched the cave for escape. The channel of water disappeared under a stare system that appeared to lead up to a separate room, maybe even a living quarters of a yogi long ago: just on the outside of the area that Seth claimed to himself, the river channel continued its course of erosion. He would remain here for the remainder of the week, becoming one with god and mother nature. 
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