no first slice for you

1442 Words
Jame's p.o.v In true Reynolds tradition. The person whose birthday it is gets to decide who gets the first slice of cake. You normally give your first slice of cake to the person you love the most in this world. The one person who means the most to you. Georgia Reynolds started this tradition with Cali when she turned 1. The family always gets together and sings happy birthday and once the cake is sliced and the first piece is handed out, jokes and cute little comments, even fights are thrown out and it's something we have been doing for so long. I loved when her family brought my family in on this tradition. It's the one thing I look forward to every birthday. Gifts don't matter, the party doesn't matter. That first slice, though, it matters. Everyone will know who the person you love the most is. Cali has been the most consistent thing in my life since I was little and her and I have been exchanging our first slice since we were toddlers. As far as I can remember, it has always been us two against the world. She hasn't missed a birthday ever. Even when my parents died and I didn't want to spend my birthday with anyone. She brought me a cake and I sliced it and gave her the first piece and I just ate the rest. I still remember that day. We actually ate the cake with our hands. Right now there are a bunch of people standing around and things are moving so fast. I shouldn't have agreed to a birthday party here. I look at the back door and no sign of Cali. I know it seems like something small, but it's something the Reynolds take seriously and I know Cap does too, but he won't say anything now. He probably thinks like me. What can I do now? Charity stands very close to my liking and once everyone is done singing. I blow out the candles. She grabs a knife. "Hey, lets wait for Cali to cut the cake" I say. Sh!t, that's the least I can do. Plus she baked it and she should be here for this. "Yes, she should be back soon." her dad says to my relief. "No way, lets eat this bad boy up, so we can get going. I have plans for you." Charity says while Rooster whispers "Sh!t, she's going to eat you up after." I look at him and he laughs. "You know they say she uses and abuses men. Spits them right out. I would be afraid right now if I was you," he says. "I'm not interested in her," I tell him and he looks at me like he doesn't believe me. Like I just grew two heads. "Well, she is clearly interested in you and as she says, she always gets what she wants." he tells me. Well she won't get me. "Where the h3ll is Cali? Why is she taking so long?" I ask. I watch as Charity slices my birthday cake and gets the first piece and take a bite. "mmm, this is good. You are going to love it" she announces and of course, it is, Cali baked it. "Lets take shots. A round for the birthday boy," Rooster shouts, and the cake is a thing of the past. I don't want to drink. I hate alcohol, so I just hold my soda in my hand. I didn't even know they served shots here. I thought they only served wine here, but what do I know. I don't drink like that. I will just wait for Cali and explain the cake situation. Everything just seems so off now though, to be honest. It's like if the whole cake/first slice deal holds some type of magic. Cali's p.o.v Turns out my little sister was drunk and missing mom, her daughter, her family and home. She also claims to have found the documents that hid mom and our brother's k!lllers. I have no clue what she is talking about, but I finally get her calmed down after convincing her to come home soon so we can talk about everything. She has a few days off anyways. It's best she come home. I think it will help us all to be together. I say goodbye and goodnight and head back inside. I walk into Rooster giving a speech about James. My eyes zero in on blue frosting and Charity's mouth taking a bite. I look for the cake I brought and sure enough, the pink box is on the floor and the cake is sitting on a table and there's a big slice missing from the cake. Ella walks over to me. "Hey, you missed it. We sang Happy Birthday to James and cut his cake. Looks bomb. Do you think he would mind if I got a slice? So far only that big t!t girl got a slice. She's greedier than me and I am pregnant." she says, and that crushes me. He gave Charity the first slice of cake. A nasty feeling crashes over me. I suddenly feel like I can't breathe. I have to get out of here before anyone realizes that this is affecting me. Before I have another panic attack infront of everyone here. James has always given me the first slice. She got it first this year though. "I don't think he would care. Hey, I have something I need to do for Dallas" I say to her, clearly lying, but Ella doesn't have to know. She also doesn't know about what a big deal the first slice of cake is. She hasn't been around long enough to know and I am not sure if anyone has mentioned it to her, so she won't know that this is why I have to go. "I'll call you tomorrow." I say. "Sure, text me when you get home" she says and I nod. I grab my things "Hey, give this to James, yeah?" I ask her. She looks at me "Are you alright?" she asks and I nod. "Yeah, of course I am. I'll see you" I say, as I hand her the gift bag and give her a quick hug and head for the front door. I decide to walk, because I need fresh air. He gave the first slice to Chairty. Maybe he is dating her. No, he doesn't date and no matter what, every year he has given me the first slice. It shouldn't be a big deal, but it is. He gave her the fist slice. Tears run down my face. I feel so stup!d for being upset about this, but he gave her the first slice. I make it home eventually and change into pjs. I can't even do anything else but crawl into bed and cry myself to sleep. I don't know how long I have been asleep for but there's a knock on my door. I check my camera on my phone and it is James. I turn on the audio, but he isn't saying anything. I check my messages and he texted me earlier asking why I left and asking where I am. He also called me twice. I don't know why if he was so busy with Charity, and his birthday party. I turn my phone off. I know it is petty and childish of me, but I don't want to see or speak to James right now. I need to be alone. I need to work through my feelings and now I know that these feelings are all one-sided and can never happen. James only sees me as a friend. Plus, who would want me when they can have a ride on the Charity bus, which include big t!ts and a massive a$$, where I am plain as day. I have an alright body. I mean I am not lacking, but my assets are not as big as hers. I don't even know why I am comparing myself to her to begin with. This is not healthy and as long as James is happy, then I will just have to get over this. For now, I have to be prepared to see him and act like the cake thing didn't bother me. Something else I will take to my grave along with these feelings I have for him, unless I find a way to get over him. I need to figure my life out asap, especially now that I once again feel like I can't breathe. This isn't normal. I can't keep getting this worked up.
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