Chapter 3: The 24-year-old Alpha Found His Mate?

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After humiliating her to their satisfaction, the teenagers around all left one after the other before Pamela was the only one left lowering over Charlotte. Pamela bent to her size and moved her lips to her right ear. "If I were you, I'd run away, because you are going to have it really rough once we get back home. Sister." After saying that, she got up and walked towards Paige and Ralph with a bright smile on her face. "You didn't even tell me Ralph was your mate. How could you keep something like that away from me?" "I wanted it to be a surprise." Paige laughed, sounding natural. "I was so worried when you were in a bad mood. I thought something bad happened or you got a low-life for a mate. Congratulations, sister!" Pamela chuckled and embraced Paige. Ralph's hand snaked around Paige's waist and pulled her closer to him. "The moon goddess did listen to our fervent prayers. Most importantly, we wanted to announce it in a more dignified way since it's something I've been looking forward to ever since I set my eyes on Paige." "Okay, that's the sweetest thing I've heard in 45 minutes." Pamela squealed. "45 minutes? Why 45 minutes?" Paige suddenly tensed. Pamela wiggled her brows slightly and looked towards a corner. In an instant, the person in question immediately strode towards them. "I found my mate." Paige's eyes drooped a little and she clenched her jaw tightly. Her sister was mated to the son of a beta. Most importantly, the beta of The Silver Fangs Pack. While she was mated to a commoner. If Ralph hadn't complied with her, she had no idea the excuse she would've given for being unable to find her mate during the ceremony. "Finn Harper. Who would've thought?" Ralph chuckled and extended his hand for a handshake. The Silver Fangs Pack was a famous pack and its beta was almost as important as some alphas of other packs since he stood in for the Alpha most of the time. No one even knew what the Alpha looked like. Finn accepted the handshake with a humble smile. "I guess that makes us in-laws, Ralph Handler." "Of course. Now, if you'd excuse me, I need some quiet with my mate." Ralph was quick to notice how tensed Paige was, and immediately led her out of there. Pamela glanced behind her to see that Charlotte was no longer at the spot where she left her. "I know a very good place in here. How about we go there?" Finn suggested, his hot breath fanning Pamela's earlobe as he struggled to calm the intense feeling inside of him. Pamela who was also feeling the same, immediately nodded. He didn't waste any time in sweeping her off her feet and rushing up the stairs. Charlotte didn't know where she was going, she just knew she was heading somewhere. Despite everything she faced in the hands of her father and his family, her bright eyes never dimmed. But as she made her way to godknowswhere after what they had just done to her, her eyes were downcast and dim. She came across a door and instinctively pushed it open. To her surprise, it gave way and she walked in. Finally having some closure, she stood in a corner and took off her damp clothes. Then she found her way to the bathroom where she took her bath. She didn't know what she was doing, she just knew she had to think of something. Just like Pamela said, they wouldn't take it lightly with her if she returned home. She didn't know how long she stayed in the shower, but when she turned it off, her pale skin had become paler. She wrapped herself in a towel she found in the bathroomand wiped her hair dry with another. As soon as walked out of the bathroom, a strange smell hit her. It wasn't pungent, and it wasn’t sweet either. But it smelt familiar. She hadn’t smelt it when she first walked in and she didn’t hear the door open. So where was the scent coming from? However, since it smelt nice, she didn't find anything wrong with it. But just as she was about to take another step forward, her vision blurred and she grew dizzy. Ten seconds later, the door swung open and someone staggered in. Charlotte held onto the wall as she struggled to remain on her feet. The towel which she didn't bother tightening loosened and fell off her body, but that was the least of her concern. "Wh-what is happening?" Her blurry eyes settled on the desk next to the bed where there was a lit object on it. An aphrodisiac. Someone did get into the room. By the time she shifted her attention to her front, there was a man in front of her. She could smell alcohol on him and given the circumstances, she knew exactly what was about to happen. But it didn't matter anyway, since her mate rejected her. She was free to sleep with whomever she wanted. The man moved closer to her and latched his lips on hers. Maybe it was the aphrodisiac, but his touch, his lips and his breaths made her wolf happy. The man soon carried her over to the bed and made love to her. When he woke up the next morning, the spot next to him was empty, but the scene of last night continued playing in a loop in his head. And he could still smell her on his sheets. Most importantly, his wolf was excited as he kept muttering a word he hadn’t heard him say for 24 years. "Mate!" Axton Wolfe sprang up from his bed almost immediately and bolted towards the door. Just like he expected, Richard Harper was right outside his door. "Alpha." Richard immediately called out and lowered his head to the floor seeing Axton was bare chested. "Is there anything I can help you with?" "My mate. Find her." Although perplexed, Richard immediately got to work. In an hour, every female who attended the Moonlight Mate Gathering and didn't go home with a mate were called back. It also didn't take long for everyone to know that the 24 year old Alpha of The Silver Fangs Pack had found his mate. However, at the end of the day, Axton didn't find Charlotte. Every girl who attended the party was said to be accounted for, yet Axton claimed not to find his mate. Other packs shook their heads thinking he was now delusional. Making up a mate for himself? How pathetic. What difference would it make if he just chose a bride for himself? "Alpha, I've checked three times and every girl is indeed accounted for." Richard reported as he silently stood behind Axton in his room. Despite being in his late 30s and having served Axton for close to 10 years, Richard's voice still had a tinge of nervousness to it as he cautiously questioned. “One of the maids left a burning aphrodisiac in your room during the gathering and I know very well how drunk you were last night. Forgive me asking, but are you sure she was really your mating?” "I know what I felt." Axton's voice was cold and dismissive. "Search everywhere again until you find her!"
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