Chapter 2 - She's Not My Type

2152 Words
"Carrie, are you sure that you don't like Hera?" Lesley asked me as we are eating our lunch in the canteen. She's one of Kate's friends that is a member of the cheerleaders' squad and she's in the other class. Kate is popular in this academy because she looks good and she's friendly. And talking about Kate, where the heck on earth is she? It's twenty minutes past twelve, and she still has to eat her lunch. And, this Hera girl that they are shipping with me is the captain of the academy's cheerleaders' squad. And I heard rumors say that she got a big lesbian crush on me. That just sucks. I guess it all started when I saved her from a p*****t at a diner near the academy. Now, I regretted doing that. "Yes," I answered shortly as I sipped on a straw from my juice box. I told you, I don't like anybody romantically. Hera Marlon could be very beautiful, smart, and talented, but she's definitely not my type. Well, there are lots of boys and girls who are lining up for her, why doesn't she just pick one of those? They surely like her so much. "Yes, what? Yes, you like her, or yes, you don't like her?" She asked again and this is going nowhere. Can they just stop? They are not doing a good job of making my mood any lighter. I finished the contents of my grape juice, and I crushed the empty juice box and formed it into a ball. Then, the girls around me appeared to flinched and gulped. "I don't," I said sternly and threw the thing on my hand to the nearest trash bin. Lesley just nods and the other girls are looking around while trying to see any signs of the head cheerleader. I think it's better if she should hear it. "Alright, let's make this clear, Everybody. Will you all just stop shipping me with anybody. Please?" I asserted and they just stared at each other like meerkats. When nobody spoke, I stood up and ready to go to the ladies' restroom. "Hey, Carrie! Where are you going? Have you eaten lunch already?" Kate asked as she stood in front of me with her food tray. She must have been spending time with her boyfriend. Of course, I'm just 'the best friend'. Friends will come in second priority when there is a lover. I'm not mad, I think I'm just overthinking about the possibilities that she could just end up broken-hearted again. She was being cheated on by two of her exes, and I was there to witness all the tears that have streamed down her cheek. I just hate it when she's sad. "I'm done. I'll just see you around." I told her and she might have sensed that I am not in a good mood. "Okay, but umm... Nevermind. I'll see you later." She uttered and I just gave her a small smile before turning around to leave. I just need to freshen up to lessen the negative energy that I feel in my body. --- "She really did that? Yeah, isn't she adorable? Like it was the sweetest thing someone could ever do to me. She is my savior, my hero. Damn, she's so brave, cool, and hot at the same time." I heard two girls chatting as they came inside the restroom while I am inside a cubicle and doing my thing. The voices are familiar. "Come on, Hera. Just get over it, she's straight. I'm definitely sure that she's freaking straight." The other girl said. Okay, so, it's them. Tina and Hera. I wonder if who are they talking about. "How sure are you? When did she have a boyfriend before? Never, right? She could still be hiding in the closet." Hera asked and I guess I know that I am the one they are talking about. Now, what is this chick plotting in her head? She should not dare ask me out if she doesn't want to be turned down. I'm not being rude, I just don't think that it will work. As they kept talking about me, I have just thought of the naughtiest idea. So that I can make this girl stop her intentions on me, I need to make her hate or disgust me. Good plan, Carreon. I'm such a smartass. "Well, she never had a girlfriend too? So, it's still not sure." The girl argued and Hera just sighed. I placed the back of my left hand on my lips and pressed a little. Then, I blew hard and making it sound like a fart. This is so damn crazy. Let's see if she'll still go after me. It went quiet for a while and I did it again. I just need to hold my laughter now. "Ew, that's disgusting," Tina muttered, and yes, it's working. Hera didn't mind the girl and just continue talking. "To make sure of that, why don't we ask her?" She suggested and I didn't hear Tina's reply. Well, should I come out already? Out of the cubicle and not the closet, okay? "Yeah, I guess that's a great idea. But how?" Tina said, and that's it, I will go out just to see if what would be their reactions. I'm just dying out of my laughter inside. I opened the door and slowly walked in their direction since they are staying near the sink doing their make-ups and whatnot. And, I need to wash my hands. When they got the sight of me, they seemed alarmed, and then, they went quiet. You are busted, Bitches. They just stared at each other in the mirror while I wash my hands with soap, then, I dried them with a paper towel. And, I saw Tina's about to burst out laughing, but the head cheerleader elbowed her and she cleared her throat. "Umm, uh... Hi, Carrie! Uh..." She greeted nervously, and clearly, she doesn't know what to say next. I looked at her reflection in the mirror and gave her a smirk. Finally, I left without saying anything. I'm not mean, I'm just being me. The crazy me. --- I went to my locker wearing a grin on my face. That was just so hilarious. I can't wait to tell Kate about it. Then, my smile faded when I get the sight of my best friend making out with her boyfriend. Well, of course, in front of my locker. Should I report them to the Guidance Counselor for PDA? I just stared at them with no emotion, and when they finally noticed my presence, they broke off from their kiss and the asshole said goodbye to Kate. "What?" She greeted me just like nothing happened. I just shook my head and opened my locker. I'm not that bitter, I just hate the boy. He better makes his face ready because I'm going to disarrange it anytime sooner. "Hey, Carrie! Do you have free time this afternoon after class?" She asked me while we walk to our next class. "Uh, yeah. Why?" I answered and asked her. "Well, as the secretary of the Student Council, our teacher told me that I'll be the one to make the parents' waiver for the field trip of the three sections, and print it so that it will be distributed tomorrow." She explained and I know she's going to ask for my help. "And?" I asked and a smile crept on her face. I can't get mad about this girl. She has always been the one who makes a way to talk to me when she feels that I'm not in a good mood. "I need your help. Please?" She begs while pouting. Damn it, I just really hate that face. "Fine, just stop pouting. You look even more uglier than your normal face." I replied and she slapped my shoulder and acted like she's mad. I just smirked at her and she got her left eyebrow up and the other is down. I don't know how she can do that. Maybe talent. "Hey, that's repetitive. You can't put more if it's already uglier." She retorted, and just as I guessed. "Okay, Grammar Queen. That's just because it is how I define your face when you do that." I stated, and with that, I jogged to our classroom leaving her behind. "Come back here, Carrie!" She yelled while walking briskly to catch up. ---- "How many of this I'm going to print?" I asked her as I'm plugging the cord of the printer on the wall socket. We are currently in the Supreme Student Council office making use of their resources. "Uh… There are three sections. In our class, we have 34 students, Section B has 32, and Section C has 34 also." She answered and I gave her a questioning look on my face. How the heck will I add those numbers without a calculator? "Kate, I effin’ hate math and you are absolutely aware of that," I stated and she stared at me amusingly. "Just try it, Carrie. It's just easy. Mental addition of two-digit numbers." She said and that's it. She is not making this harder for me, isn't she? "It's easy huh? Then why don't you just solve it for me? In that way, you can lessen the burden of my mind." I uttered and she got a knowing face. "100." She let out and I doubt that. So, I solved it while writing on the air. I am just so dumb. I can't see what I'm writing. "Yeah, it really is 100," I confirmed and she snapped her head to me. "How did you solve it?" She asked while giving me the USB flash drive. "You said it yourself," I answered and she just face-palmed. Did she think that I'm going to f*****g solve it? Haha, never in her wildest dreams. --- While waiting for the papers to come out from the printer, I could feel that Kate have something to say. "Hey, do you have anything to say?" I asked her as I lifted my head from my phone and looking at her. "Hmm. Yeah, I need to ask you something." She said and I'm right. "Okay, go on," I told her to continue as I kept my phone in my jeans' back pocket. "Well, um... It's actually Hera. She asked me if are you feeling okay." She started, and why would Hera do that? And, I just stared at her with a perplexed face. "Don't get mad, Carrie. But she's thinking that you have. " She uttered, and then, paused. And, she's restraining herself from laughing. Alright, I think I'm getting an idea of what she meant. "Have what?" I asked her, and there she goes, laughing like hell. "Alright, sorry. She thinks that you have Diarrhea." She continued and laughed again. I just stood there and stared at her in disbelief. And, she composed herself and cleared her throat because she noticed that I'm not laughing with her. "Don't be mad. She's just worried. Tell me, Carrie, what crazy things that you did to make her think that you have D?" She said and it made me think. She's worried? No, she should be disgusted. f**k it! --- I told her what I did and she can't get herself out from laughing out loud. And, I cracked up with her too while thinking how crazy that was. That indeed made my day. "This girl is so really into you since she's not disgusted at all. She's even worried and telling me that you should see a doctor." She let out as our laughter died down. "I just want her to hate me. Come on, Kate, help me think of another idea." I told her and she went into her thinking pose. I just know that she has something helpful to say. "Why don't you try it with her? You know, she's nice, sweet, smart, talented, hot, and who knows, you'll find yourself falling for her." She stated and that’s not helpful at all. I just rolled my eyes at her statement. "Listen carefully, my dear best friend, she's just not my type, okay? She might be all the boys and gay girls wanted but not me, alright?" I told her and stood up to look at how many more papers are left to print. "Then, what's your type? Is it a boy or a girl, or what characteristics do you want? What height, hair color, skin tone, eye color, body mass, and other things?" She asked and it made me think. "I don't know. I have no idea what I like. It's just that I don't like her. That's it." I answered and she scratched her head. "Hmm, okay. Maybe you'll know it when the right person comes." She stated, and thank goodness, she understood.
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