
1547 Words
Prologue I didn’t mean to start this life. I was going to become a lawyer fighting crime but somehow I ended up on the other side and things changed when the world went crazy with technology. “A group with the name The Four strikes again at JP Williams enterprises stealing a total of 900,000 dollars from a vault ” the woman news reporter readout. . “This group has Officers around the city stumped as no one is aware of how these people may look and what their names are we ask you to keep an eye out for people who you see stalking around banks-” the woman's voice cut short as the tv went black. “Turn that s**t off the s**t you pulled was Risky Milda!” John said and I grabbed the remote flicking the tv back on. John Stevens was one of the best Hackers New York had ever seen and the angriest criminal on my team. “We made it out, didn't we, John?” I said and he looked at the duffel bags on the table. “Romilda is right we take risks all the time and we always make it out, pick your balls up we have to get ready for this” Grant said and I nodded turning off the television. Grant Jones the Planner, the one who pulled together all of our heists to ensure that we were in and out. “Woah slow down I haven’t even gotten my guns in order,” Finne said and I chuckled standing up from the chair. “Gotta keep them on their feet, suit up,” I said. Finne Simons, our weapons and gear guy, had everything from everything and then there was me, Romilda Aife, the intelligent woman on the team and the only female. I was always prepared in case something went wrong, but that day I let my guard down and everything went to s**t. The Four. New York City EG Morgan Bank September,19th,2050 “In and f*****g out Got it? Finne, you're with me,” I said. . “Great John, you're outside with me. You guys have 20 minutes before the police surround this building and we're done for” Grant said. “Just keep that engine running,'' I said, flashing a white-toothed grin before taking the heavy black handgun from Finne. “Ready to scale this building?” I asked Finne and he grinned. “Always Milda let's go '' he said as he flung open the door to the van and we hopped out. “Let's hope we don't fall to our death,” Finne said and I laughed placing my palm on the glass luckily it would be hard for anyone to see us due to it being dark outside and we had been surveilling this building for months we had mapped out who would be on which floor at what time and thankfully the bank was closed security was our only worry. The clothes we wore allowed us to stick to things, particularly the side of a 1,002 feet building, and not fall. “Anyone in there?” Finne asked and I shrugged. '`Yolo '' I said, taking the pen from his hand and carving out a large piece of the window so that I could slide into the dark empty office room. “Are you guys inside?” Grant's voice came through on the earpiece. “Yes sir, Where's the vault?” I said, peaking my head out the door to three security guards on either side of the hallway. “You're about 4 floors up from the vault, the coast is clear. I'd say about 18 minutes to get in, get the money and get out,” Grant said and I shook my head at Finne. “ We have guards John, you need to start hacking open that vault's code now,” I said “I'm on it,” he said and I had turned to Finne gesturing towards the window. “We go to the first floor and get to the basement,” I said and he went wide-eyed. “That's suicide we’d get caught,” he said and I rolled my eyes. “Were sitting ducks we kill those guards we’d have no time to get out, we're doing it” I said flashing him a grin as I slipped back out the window there was a clear entrance through the window which could also be our death. “Times clicking,” Finne said and I took a deep breath and nodded. “Alright the closest door to the basement right there is one security guard and that's it let's do it,” I said carefully carving the glass of the window and slipping through it the Guards back was turned away from me I could see the hairs rise on the back of his neck and just as he was turning I lifted the gun and slammed it down hard on his head and with a satisfying groan he fell to the ground. “ Sleep well,” I said just as Finne slipped through the window going to the door which had a code pad. “John we nee--” before he could finish speaking the door made a noise and unlocked. “s**t I think we’ll beat our own time,” I said as we walked down the long hallway and we were met with another door luckily it was something I could easily unlock. “And we are in John, how is that code going?” I asked, walking up to the large vault. “It's going,” he said and I looked around as time was running out. “Guards are getting suspicious you two need to get out of there,” Grant said and I bit my lip Finne looked at me and I hesitated I shouldn't have but I did. “Get out of there! You have some Guards heading your way, it's going to get messy,” he said as I pulled out two C4s. “Midla?” Finne said and I smiled. “John you have about 10 minutes to open that vault before this place goes boom Finne secure that area things are going to get more than messy” About 3 minutes had passed and the vault began to slowly turn open. I grinned, going to the vault and walking inside. Though a blaring alarm caught me off guard there was no turning back. Now I heard gunshots as I began loading the money into empty duffel bags. “I got it Finne let's go,” I said and he nodded. I pulled out my gun shooting the Security officer that came running down the hallway. “How do we get out of here!’ Finne yelled and I looked back to see how many guards were running after us. “Fuck.. Grant, what's our best bet?” I asked. “Fire exit right down the hall, hurry the hell up” he yelled through the earpiece, and beside me, Finne shot rounds of fire down the hall. “We are not going to make it,” Finne said and he was right we were not going to get out of here in time I didn’t have time to pick the lock and I was sure the cops were on us. "Just go," I said as we were standing face-to-face with the door. Without thinking, I pulled back my foot and kicked it. The door opened with a loud bang and as soon as we ran out of the building, we reached the van. “John, what the hell happened in there?” I said, jumping inside of the moving van. “It was harder than I realized you got the money didn't you,” he said and I raised an eyebrow turning my head to the right cops behind us. “No- you didn't John…. You f*****g coward Grant he set us up you would never-” I was saying before a gun was pressed to my head John grinned. “You were getting ahead of yourself Milda and now it's over for all of you,” he said and Finne looked at me. I grabbed my gun and hit John in the head as hard as I could and quickly he slumped in the seat. “Let’s go-” I was stopped as Finne flung open the door. “Get the hell out of here Milda,” he said and I opened my mouth to protest but Grant nodded and Finne pushed me out of the moving Van. My head hit the concrete but I was out of sight from the cops as they drove past. I was the only one that managed to get away, “Grant Jones and Finne Simons have been Indicted for all the robberies the four have committed, John Stevens claims that there is one more member though Grant and Finne have testified and proven that it was only the three of them,” The news reporter said. “John stevens will not receive any prison time after working with the FBI and he has now even started a coding business that is thriving amazingly next on Ne-”
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