Chapter Two.

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Aria's POV “I will never do it again Princess, please, have mercy on me.” Delilah said, she was terrified. I decided to keep quiet since I didn’t want anyone’s blood on my hand. But when she became pregnant the same month, my mind couldn’t get over her betrayal. But what could I do, I can’t just tell my father about it now, though part of me wants to come clean because I feel so guilty? He might be a monster towards me, but he is still my father and I love him so much. I am anxious about the dilemma I get myself in while my maid call out to me with a frightened look on her face. “My princess.” The maids calls out to me with a frightened look on her face. “What is it, Mara.” I call out the name on her name tag. “The dresses.” She says, gesturing to a pile of clothes on the basin. “Oh no! What happened to them?” I say as I rummage through them. “They are all ruined.” I say in shock and fear of the known. "Yes my princess.” she says apologetically. “I am so sorry my princess, it turns out that the material has a way of being dry-cleaned. It’s so different from the other clothes. I am so sorry.” She apologizes again. She falls down on her knees and begins to cry. “Stand up Mara, it’s okay you can leave now you are forgiven.” I say, taking my whip from my bedside draw and tapping it slightly on her back as a sign of the forgiveness. She raises her head and smiles tearfully at me before running out of the room. I acted calm in front of her, but in real sense I am freaking out right now. What am I going to do now, my father is going to literally kill me. He is a real beast and I will be okay only when I find a solution to this problem. Good thing I have so many royal dresses, and if I rummage through them, I wouldn’t miss a perfect dress that looks almost alike with what my dad brought me. I look around my closet and I find a perfect peach dress, I am certain this will match with the occasion perfectly. Now I need to get my beauty rest, tomorrow is the day, I might even find my mate tomorrow if I get lucky. I hope he will be as I picture him in my head. A perfect Lycan man, tall, well-built muscles and red lips. Don’t judge me about the red lips. I have had a fantasy ever since I was a young girl, I wanted my mate to have red lips. I guess this is the distinguishing feature I am going to use when I find my mate. And if he doesn’t have red lips, then I will be very disappointed. ‘Enough with the thoughts Aria please, you will make our meeting with our mate so boring now, and you know how much I love mystery.’ My Lycan Ylfa says to me. Usually we get our Lycan at the age of eighteen, but Ylfa came when I was only sixteen. It is so rare, it has never happened to anyone I know, or heard of before. ‘Okay, let me just go to sleep and wait to meet my mate with red lips.’ I tease. ‘I hate you, Aria.’ She says teasingly to me. ‘I know.’ I say to her. And that is how we end our conversation mostly, she is my person. I wonder what I would have done if I didn’t have Ylfa with me. I have been so lonely, my life has always been a routine. I have never even gone out of my kingdom ever since I was born. But Ylfa always kept me sane, that is why I appreciate her so much. She makes me smile each and every time, and cheers me up whenever I am down. She is my ride or die. ‘Aaaaw! So sweet.’ Ylfa interjects. I smile a bit letting her have it, I don’t want to argue with her because that is what she is looking for. ‘Alright, good night then.’ She says to me defeated. I smile, since I have won a conversation for once. *the next morning* I am woken up by knocks at my bedroom door, aaargh, I hate mornings. Being woken up so early is always so boring. But then I remember, today is my day. It’s my birthday. I feel like shouting out loud, but then I stop myself since it wouldn’t be wise. Because when my father hears about it, it will just be war. I jump out of my bed, look myself in my mirror to make sure I don’t have any messy sleepy stuff on my face before opening the door. I am met by two beautifully dressed maidens, other holding a kit in their hands. “Good morning, my princess.” They say in unison, bowing their heads, and it is customized. I hate these stupid customs, but what do I do. I have no right to change them, not now that is, but once I become the queen, I will make sure I convince my King, I mean my mate, to put all this into consideration. Thinking of my mate makes feel shivers. “Good morning, Lilian, Mary.” I answer as I read their names on the name tags. I have always had different maids attend to me each day. I practically have never done anything for myself, except training. “We are here to get you ready for the day, there are so many activities during the day but first when you are done, the king wants to see you in his chambers.” Lilian says. The maids draw my bath, pick up an outfit for the day, they even help me when I get dressed. They dress me in a long blue dress, the peach dress I picked is for my party at night. I head towards my father’s chambers immediately I am done. I don’t want to keep him waiting. “Come in.” comes his voice, immediately I knock the door. Surprisingly, he doesn’t seem angered, his voice is quite normal. Maybe it’s true what the maiden said, that he is overjoyed. Will I be the one to end his joy by telling him about the affair? “Come child.” He ushers me to go to him. He is on the bed holding his wife Delilah, who is in turn holding a baby by her arms. They look so good, just like a perfect family. I feel a little jealous, why isn’t that baby me and Delilah my mother. Why did my father let my mother go without him fighting for her? So many questions start running in my head. “Come see your little brother.” My father says. I walk slowly towards them, feeling like an outsider. Delilah looks at me with a face I have never seen before. She doesn’t look happy, or sad, she looks terrified. I walk to the other side of the bed where I can see the baby boy clearly. “Can I hold him?” I ask politely. “Of course.” Delilah says as she hands him over to me. I sit beside her, just admiring the little angel. I look at him for so long, trying to contemplate whether he looks like my father or not. No single feature looks like me or even my father. He doesn’t even look like Delilah even a single bit. “What’s with the faces Aria?” My father asks in a loud tone making me flinch, almost dropping the boy. Were it not for Delilah, then he would have fallen right on the floor. “Look what you are doing, you cursed child. I shouldn’t have called you in here. You want to kill my one-day-old son.” He asks in anger. He is already on the side I am sitting. “I am sorry, father, I didn’t mean to.” I say tears threatening to spill again. I am always crying, this is my life as long as I can remember. I don’t think I have ever been genuinely happy. “Never call me your father, ever again. Thank goodness I have a son now. You are just a curse, I just wish you were never born.” My father’s words cut through me as if I have been stabbed right in my heart. He doesn’t even want me and Delilah isn’t doing anything to stand up for me. She is just here staring blankly at me. She knows it wasn’t my intention to almost drop the boy. “Are you okay my son Reagan, this witch wanted to kill you, but her plans failed, son.” He smirks as he leans to touch the boy’s face, apparently Reagan. “I am not a witch father, I am your daughter, your own daughter.” I raise my voice at my dad for the first time. Enough is enough, he doesn’t have to hurt me any chance he gets. “What did you just say?” He asks, pulling my arm across the room. “What did you just say.” His voice changes, I think he has let his Lycan out a bit. I am dead for sure. Why did I have to open my big mouth? “I am sorry your highness, it’s a slip of the tongue.” I say, kneeling in front of him. “Have mercy on me, my King.” I plead. He just looks at me for a while and sighs. “Get out of my sight before I kill you.” He threatens. His threats are always true, so I stand up, before I can even run away he grabs me so hard and shoves me. I land on the wall of the room, immediately my world goes dark.
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