CHAPTER 2: The first plan.

1130 Words
Luther It’s her, it’s definitely her. I cannot believe after all these years I have finally found her. And It happened exactly as I was told, she has been the only girl who has looked at me in the eye for almost twenty six years now. That is why I know it is her. Her eyes look so familiar, it’s like I have seen them before, she has deep brown eyes, which when she laughs, they make a small arch upwards. After searching for her for more than twenty five years, I was about to give out my search. The hunting was becoming so boring for me. Very, very boring. I might be an immortal but I was giving up. But my giving up could have meant someone else getting her. I wouldn’t risk that for my people, I need to be the one to save them that is when I will be respected more, and I will also be given higher ranks. The only problem is getting her to trust me, which was another instruction. I have to figure out everything about her in order to get a loophole to enter her life. I decided to follow her from the gas station, she was with another person in the car. They seemed to be so close, perhaps it’s her partner. But that girl though, she is something, I have lived for more than five hundred years. I have seen many girls before but one glimpse at her made me shiver inside. She is so different, different from all the girls I have seen before. My name is Luther Orlok, an original vampire from Onyx Leeche the alternate realm, where all the supernatural co-exist. It is so hard for super naturals to live in the same place, so we have territories. Witches have their own territory, warlocks and even vampires. We all have our curses, us vampires cannot walk in the sun without an enchanted ring, so when one loses the ring, you risk getting scorched by the sun. In order for the curse to be broken, we have to sacrifice a supernatural being. That is why I came here in search of her, and I think I found her. I will have to make sure though if she is really the one. *** I have a perfect plan to meet her and make her trust me. After all I know all of her routes, her house and her work place. I know she wouldn’t trust me fully but it will be a progress. I pull over right next to her house, it’s very early in the morning so I am sure she will go out anytime soon. And as if on cue, I see her going out, she gets into her car and drives off. I follow her till she gets to a mall, she packs the car and gets inside. This is the perfect opportunity to do the first part of the plan to make her trust me. I get out of my own car, I find a guy just standing by smoking his cigarette. How can someone smoke in a parking area for sure when there is already a sign for no smoking? I feel so pissed with him all of a sudden, I start imagining how his blood will taste. My vision becomes blurred, I clutch on my car for support. I hadn’t realized how long I had gone without a drink. “Are you okay man?” The guy asks in a concerned tone patting my back. I stop him by gesturing with my hand. “Should I call the ambulance.” He adds. The smell of cigarette isn’t helping either, it seems to be adding to my craving. I just hope I manage to compose myself before it becomes horror for him. I managed to survive on blood bags for a while now, but fresh blood is always the best. It is so warm. I hear his heartbeat, his blood flowing in his veins. “Go away.” I shout at him, because if I turn around then he will be lifeless in a short while. But then I remember a trick my partner Renata told me, where I have to think about something I hate the most. So I picture myself kissing her, since kissing is the thing I hate. It just disgusts me, she always wants it but I reject her. I like s*x though, it is always fun. I have been with her for one and a half century now. She has always pressured me to make it official by marrying her, but I am not ready to be tied up to a woman. They are always so clingy, and always nagging. So you can just imagine being married to one, it’s horrible. Within no time I regain my composure, and turn around in my vamp speed, so clumsy of me, I always forget I am in the human realm. I am glad no one has seen me. I see the dude disappearing from the far end. “Hey.” I call him up, he might be a perfect person for my job. “Are you okay now, man?” He asks running towards me. “You scared me.” he says placing a hand on his heart dramatically. “I am fine, it was just a panic attack.” I say to him. “I need your help.” I say to him. “Shoot.” He answers. “I want you to rob someone for me.” I say sternly. “What? Are you crazy?” He asks, with a surprised expression on his face. Wrong move, I just have to make him do it. 'I want you to rob a woman I will tell you to.' I compel him. He nods. So now we wait. “Go!” I command him as soon as the girl with deep brown eyes starts to come towards the parking area. He does as I say, he snatches her purse. I hide so that she cannot see me and I run after the guy who is now running like the wind, but he is no match for me. Why couldn’t I just compel him to stop after a while, how stupid of me? I catch up with him anyway. 'Forget this ever happened, go home and take a nap and when you wake up, all this will have vanished from your memory.' I compel him again and he leaves. Now all I need is a stage name when I introduce myself to her. Lance... no, Roy... no I don't look like a Roy. Liam... perfect I could be a Liam, besides it's almost close to Luther. So Liam it is.
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