Chapter 1-3

1921 Words

Tammy’s hand swept across Roxy’s mane of red hair and she pulled their faced into a kiss. This was no harmless peck on the lips. This kiss was fueled by passion, by undeniable sexuality. And Mindy couldn’t stop gawking. They kissed longer and harder, bodies now meeting with a slow grind that gained speed with every connection. Roxy sent a hand inside Tammy’s blouse, eliciting a deep, throaty groan. Pulling herself from another kiss, Tammy rushed to the side door and locked it. Paralyzed, Mindy feared she’d notice her peeking through the kitchen door crack, but she didn’t – probably assuming the kitchen was empty. So Mindy kept on staring, unable to drag herself away from the unfolding spectacle. When the ladies rejoined bodies, it was with a kiss that tossed them both off their feet and

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